Forced to Marry the Enemy Prince

Chapter 16


At the moment, "Beauty Faces Disaster" is still sitting obediently in the attic, because there is wind in front of the window, his cloak has not been taken off, and his hat is still on.

As soon as Zhan Zhen left, he relaxed a lot. Zhan Yin smiled and talked in his ear, Xian Sheng responded with a smile, ate up Zhan Zhen's peeled melon seeds, and peeled it by herself.

Upon seeing this, Zhan Yin took the initiative to help him peel the melon seeds and put them in a saucer, and said in kindness: "Sister-in-law eat slowly, I'll help you."

How could Xian Sheng accept her serving like this, so he had to talk to her: "Qing Rong didn't come with you today?"

"She is with the emperor's grandmother." Zhan Yin was surprised and said: "Sister-in-law wants to see her? I'll send someone to call you."

"No, it's just that I heard that the three of you are inseparable. I didn't see it at the moment. I was a little curious."

"A Jin and I are inseparable. She usually follows us." Zhan Yin said, and suddenly approached, whispering: "Qing Rong likes her brother, sister-in-law, don't be so close to her, be careful that she takes advantage of her vacancy. "

Zhan Jin: "Cough!"

Zhan Yin retracted her body and looked at Xian Sheng eagerly, looking at you to see if I treat you super nicely. Xian Sheng laughed and said: "Your Royal Highness is a talent, and it is normal to have an admirer."

He looked quiet, Zhan Yin looked at him distressed, but Zhan Jin looked at him more, got up and changed to the place where Zhan Zhen had just been sitting. Habit?"

Xian Sheng couldn't help but look at her. He had a very subtle feeling for Zhan Jin: "It's okay if I don't leave the house, but I'm a little looking forward to the spring."

Zhan Jin said gently: "The spring in Northland is also a bit cold, and it won't be noticeably hot until at least April."

"That's going to be a long time." Xian Sheng concealed his loss and looked at the field ahead. At this moment, the Iceman was ready, waiting for Emperor Jin's order.

"Let’s go to the lamb soup pottomorrow together, lamb warms our stomachs, we sweat profusely every time we eat."

Zhan Yin nodded desperately on the side, Xian Sheng felt a little bit in her heart. Looking at her, she was also a little expectant: "If your Royal Highness is willing, I can go."

"My sister-in-law is so cute, my brother will surrender." She returned Xian Sheng's eyes. There was nothing tender in her posture, but a bit sassy and romantic. Looking at Zhan Yin again, she was already covering her mouth and snickering.

Something came out of him suddenly, these things are very subtle, but because of his own personal experience, he can find out at a glance.

He looked at Zhan Jin a few more times, pursed his lips, and said, "Have you learned martial arts?"

"The royal family of the North Kingdom all learn martial arts." She picked up the teapot warmed on the small stove, poured a cup of hot water for Xian Sheng, and said, "It's about to begin."

With the sound of drumming, Zhan Yin immediately ran to the window and shouted: "Zhanhua! Zhanhua!!!"

Zhanhua seemed to be the sixth prince. Like Zhan Jin, he had to call Zhanyin to her sister. Xian Sheng took a sip of hot tea and walked over.

The youngsters on the ice are vigorous and vigorous. Although there are royal children, they don’t meet each other. They are all rushing, the ice shoes draw white marks on the ice, and the people around are cheering and shouting. In the meantime, there are all-pervasive vendors selling melon seeds and preserved snacks, which is really good. A lively scene.

Xian Sheng looked at the stage intently, feeling excited, and restrained tightly squeezing the window lattice.

On the roof, Jiang Qin was still watching, but Zhan Zhen suddenly realized that something was wrong: "What is that?"

After watching for a long time, he found that there seemed to be some long strips evenly hidden under the ice, and each strip pointed to a certain place, but the frozen ones were too thick, and some faint shadows could only be seen from high places.

At the same time, Xian Sheng also saw that something was wrong. He and his eyes fell on the ice under the feet of the teenagers, almost coincidentally with Zhan Zhen: "No!"

Jiang Qin raised his longbow hurriedly at the unknown place, and said in surprise: "What's the matter?"

Zhan Zhen has already jumped down.

In the attic, Zhan Jin also looked at Xian Sheng: "What do you see?"

"There is something under the ice." Xian Sheng's face was tense: "It's probably dynamite."

Zhan Yin was stunned, and Xian Sheng had already started to walk outside: "I have to go to see your Majesty immediately. The strips under the ice layer should be empty. If I guess it is correct, there must be poison inside."

Zhan Jin quickly followed and reminded: "There are so many people here now, you have to be responsible for what you say."

"I know." Xian Sheng turned out, but met Qing Rong. She brought a plate of fruits and said, "The queen asked the princess to try it."

"Thank you." He stepped up, Qingrong stopped again, and said strangely: "The princess looks flustered, what is this going for?"

"I have something to see your Majesty."

"Now?" Qing Rong said: "Now that the game is going on, your Majesty is afraid that I won't have time to see you."

Zhan Jin suddenly shouted: "A Yin."

Zhan Yin rushed out like a firecracker, took the fruit in one hand, and said, "I want to see my mother, let me go quickly."

Qing Rong smiled: "I'm just worried that you will disturb your majesty's interest, in case you are fined..."

Zhan Yin was upset: "Why are you so nonsense..."

Before the words came to an end, the attic suddenly shook the mountain. Accompanied by a loud bang, the three-foot-thick ice block was blown apart, and some directly flew up and injured the onlookers.

Water waves exploded on the ice for several meters, the impact was mixed with ice cubes and splashed around, screaming and screaming intertwined, the attic wall was smashed into a big hole, ice scum flew, Zhan Jin immediately turned sideways to block it, by the way Push Zhan Yin and Xian Sheng away respectively.

Xian Sheng was unsteady, and reflexively grabbed the railing on one side, and heard Ruyi's shout: "Princess!!"

His heartbeat quickened, someone ran in panic in front of him, and someone shouted: "Liang Ren is here!"

A group of soldiers passed by, and he subconsciously stepped towards the stairs, but suddenly he was hit by someone and suddenly fell off the railing.

His face was pale, and it seemed that his life was unsafe today, but he was suddenly caught by a powerful hand at his waist. He raised his eyes to see that it was Zhan Zhen.

He let go of Xian Sheng and said, "Where are A Yin and A Jin?"

Xian Sheng looked up at the top, and Zhan Zhen said again, "Go alone and go back. Find a place to hide first."

Xian Sheng nodded and walked quickly to avoid the chaotic crowd. Turning his face, he suddenly found that a group of people in black had killed in. Everyone was carrying a sword. The maid eunuch and others died quickly.

Xian Sheng coughed, panting, and quickly hiding behind a huge boulder, his eyes turned black.

The incident happened too suddenly. The soldiers of the Northern Jin Dynasty were all in a hurry, the people scattered in a hurry, and some were trampled to death.

Xian Sheng helped the rock slide down to one side, his long hair scattered, and suddenly he noticed someone behind him. Before he could turn his head, he was pinched on his neck and he instantly lost consciousness.

Zhan Zhen went up and couldn't find Zhan Yin, but saw Zhan Jin who had been stunned. He hurriedly hugged him and Jiang Qin rushed over: "Your Majesty and the Queen are fine."

"Take care of her." Zhan Zhen pushed Zhan Jin into his arms, and Jiang Qin was in a hurry: "What are you going to do..."

"Take her to see the imperial doctor." Zhan Zhen looked around for someone's figure: "Lonely go find someone."

Xian Sheng was awakened by someone, and someone was faintly yelling: "Quickly let my sister-in-law go! You beast! What did you do to my sister-in-law?!"

He frowned slightly, his body was suddenly lifted up slightly, and someone softly said, "Is it bothering you? I ordered someone to cut her tongue."

After the man said, he instructed, Xian Sheng's eyelids twitched, and he instantly regained his clarity: "Stop."

The guard beside Qin Yi stopped, Xian Sheng slowed down for a while, and heard Zhan Yin still cursing not far away, secretly saying that the girl was really energetic.

He finally had time to look at the room in front of him. It was exquisite and elegantly furnished. The bed was very soft. The incense should have been brought by the beam, and it was also a familiar taste.

He pushed Qin Yi away, leaned against the wall, and finally looked at him, "What are you doing?"

Qin Yi lowered his eyebrows to please his eyes, with a respectful attitude: "Take the princess home."

"Which home to go back to?"

"Look where the princess wants to go back."

"You caught Zhan Yin?"

"Zhanzhen's younger sister." Qin Yi's eyes flashed, and said, "Is that girl who roars and screams?"

"Why do you catch her?"


Xian Sheng looked at him coldly, Qin Yi stared at him, lowered his eyelashes, with a gentle expression, "I know that the princess doesn't really want to marry. The weather in Northland is cold and I am really worried about the princess's body."

"Aren't you crazy? Are you fighting so hard to bring me back? I have already married Zhan Zhen, and this will be my home from now on!"

Qin Yi's eyes darkened, and he looked at him again: "That's not counting."

It’s not that Xian Sheng didn’t know his thoughts and refused countless times, but Qin Yi’s personality was paranoid and his lifelessness did not change. His discomfort made him want to end the topic immediately, but he still had to cheer up: “This is a marriage, you I should know that if I disappeared, Zhan Zhen would definitely ask the guilty leader, thinking that we violated the contract and just did it as a reason to start the war."

"I will kill Zhan Zhen."

"When?" Xian Sheng couldn't bear it: "Now? Qin Yi, where were you when most of them were surrounded? Where were you when your brother was seriously injured? Where were you when Zhanzhen broke through twenty cities? Most of them have been asking for help, but you never responded once. Now you tell me that you will kill Zhan Zhen. What are you trying to do?"

"Picture of you." Qin Yi said solemnly: "I'm waiting mostly until the last minute, so that I can make a deal with your father and marry you as a wife."

Xian Sheng pursed his lips, and an angry and funny burst into his heart: "A hundred thousand soldiers have been captured, no hundreds have been displaced, their families have been destroyed, and even your biological father has been killed. You just ignore it. Now tell me you are for me?!"

He laughed angrily and kept coughing. Qin Yi stretched out his hand but was slapped away by him. He didn't dare to provoke Xian Sheng, so he withdrew his hand and continued to explain in an attempt to calm him: "I mentioned the conditions at the beginning. Your father always refuses to let go. He knows that I have loved you for many years, but he refuses to marry you to me... I can't help it."

Xian Sheng coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood, Qin Yi stepped forward worriedly, and was slapped away by him. His face was pale, and he secretly said that there was nothing wrong with this. If he knew this, it would be better not to be a princess back then. One day.

He weighed whether he would be pissed to death if he told Qin Yi his secret at this moment, or killed him, a deceitful princess first.

Thinking about it this way, he felt more and more funny about this matter, and Qin Yi was as ridiculous as Zhan Zhen who proposed to change ten cities.

Thinking about this, Xian Sheng really laughed. He raised his eyelashes, and his blood-stained lips were raised, which was even more gorgeous than the Begonia on one side of the screen. Qin Yi held his breath and squeezed his fingers restrained.

"Want to know why the father refused to promise you to marry me?"

Qin Yi's voice is hoarse and low, and his eyes are full of emotions: "Why?"

The author has something to say: Sheng Sheng: Because I am a male.

71:. You must be teasing me