Forced to Marry the Enemy Prince

Chapter 64


Early in the morning, Mother Dou came to Zhang Luo, but she didn't make any movement. No one came to talk to Xian Sheng, so he stayed in bed and continued to sleep.

Zhanzhen is energetic, and Xian Sheng has to walk for at least three or four days at a time, but even if he can't eat in his mouth, he never takes advantage of him every night.

Although he still seems to be wronged.

As soon as Xian Sheng woke up a little bit, he felt as if there was a bug bite in his neck, he pushed softly, Zhan Zhen drew back honestly, stroking his hair without disturbing him.

Xian Sheng somehow thought of the fierce-looking big dog.

Obviously he looks aggressive, but he is unexpectedly obedient.

He raised his face and kissed his chin lightly, "When is it?"

"Just after Mao Shi." Zhan Zhen took his hand and rubbed his chin, Xian Sheng touched it, his eyes narrowed before he opened, and he smiled lightly.

I don't know why, he likes Zhan Zhen's chin very much. The curvature there is very beautiful, the lines are smooth and firm, connected to the raised Adam's apple, which is inexplicably exciting.

Suddenly he was moved, and he leaned in to kiss Zhan Zhen, unexpectedly being hugged and bullied by him.

Xian Sheng left him alone when he brought him to the door. After a while, Zhan Zhen restrained him in his arms, and said in a low voice: "Your body needs to get better as soon as possible."

Get well soon. Xian Sheng often hears this sentence. Every time he hears it, he feels sour and soft. He nodded, arched Zhan Zhen vigorously, and deliberately said: "I won't get it for you every day."

"It's not just for this." Zhan Zhen said: "Gu still wants to take you out to play."

When it comes to going out to play, Xian Sheng is refreshed.

Originally, it was a good Lantern Festival that Zhan Zhen took him out, but in order to avoid taking a bath with the queen, he caused himself to lie down for half a month.

But Zhanzhen can't be blamed for this.

He quickly got up.

Now that the weather is getting warmer, the stoves in the house have been moved out one after another. Only one big one is left. Xian Sheng got out and asked Yuehua to take the Queen’s clothes. As a result, Zhan Zhen got out of bed first and picked it up yesterday. Coming: "If you marry a husband, you have to wear whatever you want to wear."

Xian Sheng had to remind him: "I will tell the queen that you made me wear this."

"Just talk." Zhan Zhen said, reached out his hand to hug him, and personally helped him put the skirt on him, and smiled: "This is the first time that Gu puts clothes on someone."

"Do you like it?" Xian Sheng said, "If you like it, I will let you wear it every day."

They exchanged another kiss, and Zhan Zhen put the short coat of his upper body on his arm, because he was afraid that he might feel cold, he got a piece of quilted jersey outside, saying: "It's not too grand today, so I have to eat together. It's just a potluck, you don't need to be too nervous."

Xian Sheng was not nervous, but he still smiled and said obediently: "Okay."

Zhan Zhen put on clothes for the first time, and after a long time of ink stains, he pulled him to the dressing table again, and wanted to comb his hair on a whim.

He does whatever he wants, Xian Sheng is very honest, and only occasionally complains when he gets hurt on his scalp.

Zhan Zhen was very careful when combing his hair originally, but he was even more careful when he heard it.

Zhan Zhen is very skillful in making snow sculptures, but his hairstyle is not very good. He wanted to do some tricks, but in the end he only held a ball behind his head. He grabbed the ball and looked at Xian Sheng's uncontrollable expression in the mirror. , Didn't feel stupid, and used his hand to get all the broken hair from his temples up.

The royal family has rules, women’s makeup and hair must be solemn and clean. The first point is that the sides of the face must not be emitted, and the entire face must be fully exposed, and the big face must not be covered.

Xian Sheng had too much hair to tie it up completely. Zhan Zhen didn't know where to find a plain hosta to fix the ball, and long hair was still hanging down from the ball.

Obviously it is very simple, he is still a little dissatisfied: "How do you look so good-looking, don't put on makeup today."

"There are so many people, it's not easy to be so beautiful, so let's lighten my makeup."

This touched the blind spot of Zhanzhen’s knowledge and had to change Yuehua to play. He stood on the side and rubbed his chin to watch, watching Yuehua’s movements thoughtfully, and soon he was eager to try to get started: "I’m here, I know How does this work."

He picked up the box of lip fat, dipped it on his fingertips, and carefully tapped on Xian Sheng’s lips, Xian Sheng pursed his mouth and smiled, but the other party still twitched his finger and reached the corner of his mouth. He couldn’t bear it, and reached out to push him:" Okay, don't make trouble with me, go to the barracks."

"This lipstick is too shiny, so it should be lighter."

"I see." Xian Sheng was not angry: "I will change it myself."

It was just meeting with some women. He was so long and delayed for so long that he was not allowed to wear gold or silver.

Yuehua said with a laugh: "His Royal Highness is really childish."

No, it's like hiding the pancakes secretly, afraid that people will know the puppies he has.

Zhanyin always likes to be lively, but she doesn't like dressing up, but today's situation is special, she still wears beautiful clothes and gold ornaments for the queen.

She felt like the candied haws stand, but she was covered with precious objects.

She was uncomfortable: "I don't want to be the prince's side concubine. I want to steal the limelight from my sister-in-law."

"By you?" said the queen: "10 layers of golden mud on her face can't steal her limelight."

Zhan Yin was very depressed.

She still looked like a princess when she was not talking, and the queen said: "Today's banquet can only say 50 sentences at most, consider yourself, say one more sentence, and go back for a full day."

Zhan Yin suddenly exploded his scalp: "Mother..."

"Start counting from now."


The queen's chariot was vast and mighty, and it was quite a few laps larger than others. When he got there, the Prince's Mansion had just arrived alone, not someone else, it was Qingrong.

She wears bright makeup, but she wears very lightly. The two complement each other, and her face is very beautiful. Zhanyin’s eyes light up, and she wants to say something to praise, thinking that she can only say forty-nine words, and she can’t waste it. They held back.

She didn't boast, but someone boasted. A group of Yingying and Yanyan soon felt that they all knew that Qingrong was the queen mother's side, so they naturally rushed to fawn.

Zhanyin's mouth is itchy and she wants to talk to them, but once she has to count her words, she feels that everything is wasteful.

A few girls wanted to come over to join her. They nodded when they saw her no matter what they said, and felt that she was a princess, she was too high in status, and she was embarrassed to talk with others, so she rushed to Qingrong again.

Qing Rongyan smiled at Yan Yan, and the arm that was concerned about the disability did not change color. Someone said: "I heard that it was to save Princess Yin. Qing Rong is really sacrificing himself."

Qingrong said half-truth and half-truth: "I actually angered Qin Yi."

"You have such a temperament, what can you do to anger Qin Yi?"

Someone glanced at the dignified Zhan Yin and said, "Princess Keyin doesn't look like a person who will offend Qin Yi."

"I heard that she was not like this before..."

Qing Rong's eyes flowed, and said: "A-Yin used to be very lively, but for some reason, it suddenly became cold today?"

A young lady aggrieved: "I'm afraid that we don't think we are worthy of her identity."

"There is also the princess, this is in her house, why haven't they come out yet?"

In that room, the queen has already spoken, thinking that someone has the same question: "The prince is not in good health and is still cleaning up. Isn't this palace coming here early? Is it possible that the identity of the palace can't afford to entertain you? ?"

A group of people filed their crimes one after another, saying that they didn't mean it.

The ladies all pointed their daughters to the queen one after another. The latter squinted her eyes to clear her face, then glanced at the lone Zhan Yin, and smiled: "Looking at these children is like seeing us at the beginning. "

They began to sigh and sigh, reminiscing about the past.

Zhanyin sat alone on a small stool under the plum tree. Others didn’t know. She knew very well in her heart that her mother had sent someone to block the way earlier, and her sister-in-law was not allowed to come out so early, and waited until the group was finished fighting each other. Finale.

She was sullenly clutching the petals, and suddenly someone came next to her, with a clear face, and she smiled: "The queen told you to mute?"

Zhan Yin looked like she saw her friend, nodded vigorously, and shook his head when finished.

Not forbidden, she still has forty-nine words that she hasn't said.

"I'll accompany you." Qing Rong said: "The crown princess seems to be showing off again today."

Zhan Yin nodded very happily.

Qing Rong glanced at her and said, "Am I wearing a little lighter today?"

Zhan Yin shook her head and gave her a thumbs up.

Qing Rong read that this little girl was boasting of her good looks, and couldn't help but smile.

Because of her lead, other people also gathered around, seeing it clearly, and said: "But even if it is my princess and I, they are still dwarfed."

"The princess is here!"

There was movement behind him, everyone turned their faces, and Zhan Yin jumped up cleverly.

Qing Rong turned her head. There were too many people around her. She was blocked from sight. After waiting for a long time, there was no movement around her. She casually pulled the attention of the people around her and said, "Let me just say it, she is a beautiful country..."

At least, there will be a human interface: you two have completely different styles, and she believes someone will say this here.

Then she is equivalent to standing at the same height as Xian Sheng.

Zhan Yin, who had been holding back for so long, finally said: "It's more than shameful, you can't even compare to her one percent."

Several people around me heard this sentence, and they were all embarrassed for Qing Rong, but at this moment, they couldn't say anything to refute.

Qing Rong stood up suddenly.

Xian Sheng has already walked down the corridor. He wears light and light makeup, but he is so beautiful. Even this kind of light clothes is enough to overwhelm the audience.

The hem of the skirt moves like rippling water waves, and his long hair is shaking gently. It is simple and elegant. The smile on his face will not make people too alienated, but it is not close.

Even if the money comes, softly speaking, it is like a flower of kaolin that cannot be picked.

"Heavy makeup and light wiping is always suitable." Zhanyin said, "My sister-in-law deserves to be the number one beauty in the world."

Xian Sheng didn't understand the careful thoughts of women's comparisons. He was the last one to come over, but apologized. He came to the queen's side and whispered, "The medicine I drank yesterday has a dozing effect, so I got up late."

Madam Jiang first shook her head and said that it was OK: "I was exaggerated when I was a general..."

Mrs. Qiu also said, "I also thought the prime minister..."

The wife of Taishi Qi said: "Hey! That old thing, I knew he was going to save face again. Everyone said it was good-looking, but he said it was fair!"

The queen felt beautiful in her heart, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's sit down."

There is a water table here, the dishes are put in the water, and the water is floating down, and there are plum petals in the water. I am afraid that the vegetables will be cold when they are put in. I don't know any mechanism. The water is actually hot, and it is slightly hot. Someone looked at Xian Sheng through the heat, and instantly felt that this place was like a fairyland.

According to her identity, Zhan Yin sat beside Xian Sheng, with a clear face on one side. She looked at Xian Sheng’s understatement. On the one hand, she had to admit that he was really good-looking, and on the other hand, she couldn’t bear that he was wearing it with herself. With clothes of the same color, she raised her hand with chopsticks, and suddenly heard Zhan Yin's head and mindless: "Hey, today Qingrong and his sister-in-law are wearing the same clothes? Do you two have a good heart?"

Qing Rong's face was suddenly as green as a skirt.

The queen glanced at her, she just noticed that Xian Sheng didn't wear her arrangement, but it was quite comfortable to help Zhan Yin to breathe out by accident.

Although Zhan Yin did not realize that she was isolated.

Qing Rong took a breath, smiled and said to Zhan Yin: "Didn't you say that the queen told you to mute?"

Zhan Yin's eyeballs could hardly be glued to Xian Sheng's body. She ignored her clean face, but Xian Sheng was a little curious. She turned her head and asked her, "How did she make her mother angry?"

His tone was like the brother who spoiled his sister, gentle and gentle, but he made Zhan Yin too beautiful, "No, the queen said only 50 sentences for me, I don't want to waste it, so I don't talk to others."

She pleased Xian Sheng: "I want to use it all to talk to my sister-in-law."


The whole audience felt that they had been humiliated, but after a glance at the extremely silent and clear face, they couldn't help but relieved.

On the roof, Zhan Zhen lay blankly.

Isolating Zhan Yin is imminent.