Forced to Marry the Enemy Prince

Chapter 69


Full of descendants? Let him go home

Zhan Zhen's blood was frozen.

His face was instantly cold and frosty.

Inside the house, Xian Sheng was about to say something when Xian Shang suddenly raised his eyes: "Who?!"

Zhan Zhen opened the window and looked at Xian Sheng blankly, her eyes gloomy.

Xian Shang's expression also became solemn. He watched Zhan Zhen silently walk around the window and entered through the front door, subconsciously standing up and stopping by Xian Sheng.

His impression of Zhan Zhen still stayed on the battlefield with a long knife sweeping, and when the blood was spilling over his clothes, Zhan Zhen's expression at the moment looked terrifying to him. He just looked at it and his scalp was numb.

I can't imagine how Xian Sheng would beg for life under his hands.

Zhan Zhen glanced at him, Xian Shang arched his hands and said politely, "His Royal Highness..."

"I'm going to talk to him alone, and ask the business prince to avoid it for now."

Xian Shang stood still, he was afraid that Zhan Zhen would attack Xian Sheng.

Suddenly the corners of the clothes were tossed gently, and Xian Sheng smiled at him: "Brother go and clean up and eat something."

Xian Sheng went to see Zhan Zhen, the latter pursed his lips and said, "Gao Xuan."

Gao Xuan came quickly, Xian Shang frowned, but thinking of Xian Sheng's attitude when talking about Zhan Zhen in front of him, he forced himself to suppress his worries and step out.


But he said at the door: "Sheng'er is fragile, and I hope that your Highness will not move rough."

Zhan Zhen didn't speak, Xian Sheng said, "No, brother don't worry."

Xian Shang couldn't rest assured at all, he went out, but only sat on the stone bench in the yard, holding his breath and paying attention to the movement in the house.

Xian Sheng looked at Zhan Zhen, who slowly walked over to the bed. It was like this every time. When he was angry, his muscles would tens up. At this time, Xian Sheng felt that if he moved casually, he would die.

The power disparity is too great, even if Xian Sheng believes that he will not do anything to himself, he will still be involuntarily afraid.

In order to get a little distance from Zhan Zhen, he moved, Zhan Zhen's eyes focused on his face again: "Are you afraid?"

"No." Xian Sheng tried to relax as much as he could, and smiled at the corners of his mouth. Zhan Zhen's eyes didn't blink: "Children and grandchildren? What life did Lingqiu give you?"

"The road came by yourself." Xian Sheng said, "It's not worth mentioning when it comes to fortune-telling."

"There is nothing I can't get." Zhan Zhen said: "If you dare to ruin your marriage, you will regret it."

Xian Sheng didn't like his tone of voice, which made him feel like he was just a tool, but he didn't excite Zhanzhen at this time, "I didn't mean it."

"That's what your brother means."

"Can you... talk to me well?" Xian Sheng frowned, and said, "You make me feel terrible because of you. I can't talk to you well."

"Lone at the temple fair, looking for you like a madman, but you arbitrarily decide to lock up here with him to plan a remorseful marriage. Do you still want to have a good tone?"

"You are angry." Xian Sheng heard the restraint in his tone, and said, "Please calm down and talk to me about this."

Zhan Zhen’s eyes flickered, he suddenly stretched out his hand, and Xian Sheng’s feet were caught by him. The man bullied himself and pressed him up. Xian Sheng was dragged down and was instantly imprisoned by him. He was a subordinate who was completely under his control. In his posture, Xian Sheng's hair was loose, and his brows wrinkled carefully: "Zhan Zhen, you should be rational."

"I love you crazy, but you plan to leave, Xian Sheng, how did you manage to be so sensible? You teach Gu, huh?" He suddenly kissed Xian Sheng's lips and forced him to struggle before letting go. , But still kept kissing him: "The lone is played by you between the palms of the hands, like a fool, do you still dare to talk about reason with the lone?"

"I didn't want to leave." Xian Sheng's breathing increased, and he kept calm under his frequent harassment, and explained: "My brother is only worried about me, so he made this suggestion. Zhan Zhen, I don't want to leave. Can you listen to me? Say."

Zhan Zhen still refused to let him go. He looked at Xian Sheng condescendingly, in a gesture that he was ready to take at any time: "You said."

Xian Sheng didn’t like this posture, but he had no choice. He said, “I didn’t go to see you yesterday because of the imperial forest soldiers everywhere. My brother and I are not suitable for hiding. Before we saw you, He Shanjiu I saw my brother... I was worried about my brother being taken away, so I came with him. If your father imprisoned his brother directly, Nan Liang would sit down on the suspicion of sneaking into Shangjing to endanger Dajin, do you understand?"

"So what? The lone will save him." Zhan Zhen said: "After all, you don't believe in loneliness at all, you don't believe in loneliness, but you still have to force the loneliness to save you with personal dangers. It's really a serious plan."

Xian Sheng looked at him for a while, and the corners of his eyes suddenly turned red: "Do I believe you, should I watch my brother go to jail? Should he be subjected to unnecessary interrogation, should I entrust my family's life in your hands? ?"

Zhanzhen paused, his thumb was rude in the corner of his eyes, and his tone was impatient: "Why are you crying? What's wrong with this? If I love you alone, I will naturally help you and your family sincerely."

"If you can really worry about what I am worried about, think about what I think, and just come over, you won't have that attitude to your brother. You are the prince of a great country, you don't put your brother in your eyes at all, Zhanzhen, it's not that I don't believe you. , You are too arrogant... Your help is also condescending, like alms, like a handwork. I believe you love me, but I don’t believe you can put yourself in and consider my situation."

He lowered his eyelashes and said in a low voice, "Finally, it doesn't matter, I don't care. Zhanzhen, I like you, and I know your heart. I can dig my heart and my lungs for you, but as long as I live one day, I will Be responsible to my family, they love me no less than you."

He was a little bit sorrowful in his heart and didn't look at Zhan Zhen's expression, because he was afraid that he could not control the turbulent emotions: "You let me go first. If I let my brother see, I'm afraid he will be worried."

Zhan Zhen sat up in an instant, he looked at Xian Sheng, who lay down for a while, trying to sit up, but he was a little relieved.

There are some things that he does not want to think deeply. He hopes that Zhanzhen will retain his arrogance. He knows that in such a situation, it is very lucky to be liked by Zhanzhen. He is not qualified to ask Zhanzhen to treat himself like himself. Own family.

But Zhanzhen always digs into his feelings. He knows that Zhanzhen’s nature is so noble and ideal. And Xian Sheng, his identity, his body, and his situation are all reminding him to give Sorry.

Zhan Zhen didn't know what he was thinking, he looked at Xian Sheng for a while, suddenly stretched out his hand, gently picked him up, and said for a while: "Gu... is fierce to him because... jealous."

He hesitated, he was dissatisfied that Xian Sheng was too sensible to him, but every time Xian Sheng spoke, he felt that it made sense, and it was all his fault.

He glanced at Xian Sheng, who adjusted his emotions a bit and said, "I know."

He explained: "I was fierce to you in front of my brother, just to let him know that you like me and to reassure him."

"Yeah..." Zhan Zhen wanted to say something, his mind suddenly blanked, Xian Sheng's body was soft, thin and thin. He hugged the person in his arms again and said, "I won't let you go."

"Yeah." Xian Sheng repeated patiently, "I didn't want to leave."

"Your brother wants to get rid of you and take you away, lonely, he can understand." He bit his head and lied, and then eagerly said: "But lonely won't let you go, lonely will treat you well."

Xian Sheng glanced at him and smiled: "I know."

"... Why don't you leave?"

Xian Sheng laughed again, "Because you don't let go, I can only go secretly. I want to go secretly. You must chase after me. I'm not in good health. I'm afraid of being chased by you."

Zhan Zhen didn't hear what he wanted to hear, and frowned again, feeling very upset: "Then if you were in good health, would you steal it?"

"If I'm in good health... I met you on the battlefield a long time ago, where would I marry you?" He said to Zhan Zhen: "There is no if in this world. If there is, then it must be. No matter what, I will be attracted to you."

Zhanzhen's heart was pounding, and he couldn't help but hugged Xian Sheng on his lap, filling his arms, with his lips touching his cheek: "Why do you talk like this?"

"Because I want you to be happy." Xian Sheng touched his chin and said, "You are happy. Just treat me better in front of my brother and let him rest assured. Okay?"

"Unhappy alone will also be good to you." Zhan Zhen's voice was filled with satisfaction, "I just wanted to kill someone alone, isn't it gentle with you?"

"Not at all." Xian Sheng said unceremoniously, "You are so scary, I always feel that you are not you, as if you will kill me in the next moment, and my brother was terrified just now."

Zhan Zhen recalled his fearful appearance, secretly remembered in his heart, and said: "It won't be anymore."



"Then I will tell you another secret."


Xian Sheng leaned in his ear, his voice soft, his breath was blue: "... I won't go, not just because I'm afraid of dying on the road."

Zhan Zhen's heartbeat speeded up again. He raised his lips and listened to Xian Sheng's breath: "Also, I can't bear you."

The next second, Xian Sheng's body was held tightly again, Zhan Zhen took a bite on his cheek, then gnawed his lips again, and then said, "I want it."

Xian Sheng wiped the saliva on his face, pushed his head away, and said, "No."

"Your brother has already stayed here, will you go home with Gu at night? Okay?"

"No." Xian Sheng said: "I have to accompany my brother more."

"What about Xiang Gong?"

"The Xianggong had no choice but to guard the vacant room alone."

How could Zhan Zhen keep the empty room alone? He rubbed the person in his arms and arched him with his head. He bit his neck from time to time and said, "Go home, okay? Sheng'er?"

Xian Sheng laughed: "Say no, stop making trouble."

Zhan Zhen stopped and suddenly picked him up, then turned around, Xian Sheng hugged his neck in a hurry, dizzy: "What are you doing?"

"It's all written in the script, and when you're happy, pick up the lady and go around."

"I won't go home with you, are you still happy?"

"No, just now you said you couldn't bear to be alone, and you forgot to turn."

"..." Xian Sheng pursed his lips, and gave him a white look: "Your lady is not in good health, so you are not allowed to turn anymore."

"Okay." Zhan Zhen sat back and asked him again: "Then when are you going to go home?"

"Wait, the Nanliang delegation will enter Beijing." Xian Sheng gave him a kiss and said, "Then I will go home with you."

"This is simple, let someone do it alone."

"Move fast." Xian Sheng said, "I waited for you all night yesterday, just to discuss this with you, but you never came."


"The prince's brother was arrested. If there is no mission to come over in time, you can take a real charge. Some people in Beijing hate me, and naturally some people hate your brother."

Zhan Zhen said: "Do you think someone will attack the mission?"

"I'm not sure, but take precautions before they happen."

"... You were arrested yesterday, if someone really wants to calculate, he must be on the road, just say now?"

"Brother appears suddenly, and those who are interested should think of this plan, then gather the people and go out of the city without hiding the ears of you and the emperor. It will definitely take time. My brother ventured into Beijing. He has already notified the mission to take precautions. In China, you take people over to see exactly who wants to disrupt the marriage between the two countries, deliberately provoking disputes, and despising the Dajin imperial family... you will become emperor in the future, so you can be on your guard."

Zhan Zhen never thought that he could even think of this kind of thing, and even planned for himself. He put Xian Sheng back on the bed and said, "Lonely go and confirm."

Many necessary conditions are needed to facilitate this marriage between the two countries. First of all, there was not enough food and grass in the reserve. The original plan was to capture the capital within the planned time. As a result, the accident of Xiansheng suddenly appeared. As a result, he could not act according to the original plan and had to retreat.

It also coincided that Zhanzhen fell in love with Xiansheng, so to the outside, everyone felt that Zhanzhen let go of the beam because of the beauty of Xiansheng. Many Liang people also felt that Xiansheng’s beauty saved the beam. Similarly, Jin people also feel so.

Such as Qingrong.

Then, this group of people will definitely be dissatisfied with Xiansheng, dissatisfied with Nanliang, and at the same time, they will also be dissatisfied with Zhanzhen.

With so many sons of Emperor Jin, Zhan Zhen is not the only heir.

When Zhan Zhen stepped out of the house, his expression was a bit cold, and Xian Shang stood up subconsciously.

There has been no movement in the house, and he is really worried.

He saluted and prepared to wait for Zhan Zhen to leave before going in to see Xian Sheng. He was ready for Zhan Zhen to leave in big strides. As a result, the boy suddenly shook his feet and stopped to reciprocate his salute. He shouted heartily, "Brother."

Xian Shang's goose bumps all over his body.

Zhan Zhen apologized: "There have been many offenses. It is really Zhan Zhen's not. I will pay my brother a gift first. Later I will decide to pick up the dust for my brother and apologize for the fine wine."

Xian Shang's scalp was numb, and he cautiously said, "His Royal Highness is serious..."

"Don't say anything seriously." Zhan Zhen said sincerely and solemnly: "Sheng'er's brother is my brother, and this is what it should be."


You still have this ability