Forced to Marry the Enemy Prince

Chapter 8


Xian Sheng's face was full of anger.

For him, Zhan Zhen could say that he would let Liang Guo be buried with him once he died, which shows that he is simply deceiving the marriage.

Because even Xian Sheng didn't know how long he could live, he could only live one day.

"Cough." He was weak, and opened his face.

At this point, he no longer has the qualifications to confront Zhan Zhen, and because of Zhan Zhen's two sentences, the corners of his eyes are slightly red.

"Don't want to shout?" Zhan Zhen's hand rubbed his wet forehead, and said: "I let the princess eat and drink well, but the princess does not sleep well with people behind her back. I don’t know... What opinion does the princess have for me?"

Zhan Zhen... is angry

Xian Sheng has always been sensitive to human emotions. Although Zhanzhen's tone and movements are very gentle, he still noticed the faint anger inside.

He did not sleep well in the post in the past few days. One was because he first came to a foreign country, and the other was because he was worried about his wedding.

Today's fainting is also related to this, but he didn't expect Zhan Zhen to even see this. His heart suddenly became empty again, his palms rubbed against his body, his expression overflowing with anxiety.

His face was bright and clean, like a peeled egg. Zhan Zhen just looked at her, her eyes darkened a bit: "The princess can't sleep all night, is it because the wedding can't help but because of... fear of loneliness?"

With crow-wing eyelashes snapped up, Xian Sheng retorted, "Why should I be afraid of you?"

Zhan Zhen looked at him for a while and laughed again: "The princess said that you and I are married, and we will help each other in the same boat in the future and share the good fortune. There is no reason why a wife is afraid of her husband. ?"

He said: "I think too much."

Xian Sheng couldn't see through him, but he could also hear something in his words. He looked away and said confidently, "It was originally."

"That's good." Zhan Zhen finally distanced himself from him and said: "There is still something to do in front of you, the princess remember to eat something and take a good rest."

He stood up, lowered the curtains on both sides of the bed, and looked at him while looking up, saying meaningfully, "See you tonight."

Then let go, and the thick bed curtain separated the two.

Zhan Zhen stood outside the bed curtains for a moment, stepped out, and Xian Sheng listened to his instructions: "Put things in and don't disturb the princess to rest."

Xi Niang said: "...Why did you fall asleep before picking up a hijab and drinking Heyanjiu?"

"Let her eat something before drinking."


Then, someone in the room came in, and then quietly retreated. Xian Sheng lay down for a while, just about to fall asleep, when he heard the door being opened again, a wishful voice came: "Princess, Your Royal Highness sent someone to bring it here. A bowl of bird's nest, let you sleep after eating."

Xian Sheng touched his stomach, immediately sat up, opened the bed curtains, and said, "Xiniang is guarding outside. The princess eats the cushion first."

He took the bowl and ate two bites. He heard Xi Niang's faint comments from outside. On the day of the bridal chamber, the bride had to sit upright on the bed for a day. When her husband came to lift the hijab, how could he put Xi Niang guarding the door and blowing. The cold wind, the reason she was sleeping in the house.

But this was an order from His Royal Highness, and no one dared to violate it.

"His Royal Highness is an individual post." Ruyi commented.

Xian Sheng didn't answer, he finally had food for most of the tossing, and his stomach felt much better, and he fell asleep quickly.

Outside the door, Xi Niang has gone from ignoring Xiansheng and not knowing the rules to being blown away by the cold wind, standing outside with a blank face.

Ruyi and Yuehua also wore extremely thick clothes. Compared with Xi Niang and others, their faces were a little worried.

Zhan Zhen was so good to Xian Sheng because he looked beautiful and thought he was a delicate princess, but how considerate he is now, I am afraid that he will be more angry after discovering the truth.

I wish time passed slowly.

But time has always been unsatisfactory. In the evening, the drunk Zhan Zhen was helped by Jiang Qin and other young masters: "It's alright, let's get out, don't disturb the prince's bridal chamber."

Zhan Zhen stood in front of the door, squeezed his eyebrows, and said with a little drunkenness: "Don't bother you, go to the bar."

After all the crowds were driven away, he opened the door and walked in.

A cold wind entered the warm room as the door opened, and there was movement from the curtain of the bed, and Xian Sheng woke up.

There was the sound of closing the door, and then the sound of the foot of a stool rubbing the ground. Xian Sheng held his breath. After a while, there was no movement. He tentatively opened the curtain of the bed and suddenly met a pair of drunken ones. eye.

Zhan Zhen stood in front of the bed and stared at him for a long time. Xian Sheng's heart beat fiercely, and then he pinched his chin.

"His Royal Highness..." That hand was like iron tongs, Xian Sheng conditioned to grab his wrist, a strong scent of alcohol rushed toward his face, and his lips were grabbed.

Like a wolf like a tiger, hungry like a thirsty.

Zhan Zhen's strength is too great, and ten Xian Shengs are not his opponents either.

He wants to retreat, can't retreat, wants to push, can't push away.

The body fell, tears welled up, Zhan Zhen finally let go of him.

He put his elbows behind Xian Sheng's head, looked at his wide eyes and turbulent tears, then slowly leaned in, kissed his tears, and said dumbly: "Why are you crying?"

Xian Sheng was really frightened, he was shaking uncontrollably, "Also, I haven't drunk Heshu wine..."

Zhan Zhen raised his hand to wipe his tears, and said, "Gold it for the princess to drink."

He withdrew, Xian Sheng's tight body relaxed a little, and then he shook more severely. He took a breath, coughed a few times, propped up and got out of the bed, and followed Zhan Zhen to the table. , Preemptively said: "I'm coming."

He shook his hands to pour the wine, spilled the wine out of the glass, Zhan Zhen watched quietly, not knowing whether it was the unresponsiveness caused by drinking too much, or what he was thinking, in short, Xian Sheng couldn't see through.

The two jade cups were full, and a lot of liquor remained on the table.

Xian Sheng held it up and handed it to him, with a bright water film in his red eyes.

Zhan Zhen took the wine glass and turned around. Xian Sheng leaned forward timidly, crossed his neck stiffly, drank the wine, and then separated.

Zhan Zhen put down the wine glass and said, "Does the princess have anything else to do?"

"I..." He turned his head and looked around: "I want to sleep on that little couch today."

Zhan Zhen took a look, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's a good place."

Xian Sheng was not sure: "You... agreed?"

"Since you are married, this Prince's Mansion is your home. At home, where you want to sleep is your freedom."

Xian Sheng didn't expect Zhan Zhen to be so empathetic. He was overjoyed. He stepped back a few steps and distanced himself from Zhan Zhen and said, "Then, then I... passed."

Zhan Zhen nodded.

Xian Sheng turned around and opened the cabinet, pulled a quilt out of it, panting and hugged it onto the small couch. As soon as he sat down, he found Zhan Zhen followed with a piece of white cloth, looked around, and said, "Yes. Won't it be cold?"

"No." Xian Sheng hurriedly said, "This room should be equipped with earth dragons and a stove. The corners and corners are all warm and warm, so you don't need to worry about it."

"Alright." Zhan Zhen lifted the quilt and sat up. The place where the two people sat side by side was a bit crowded. He took advantage of it. Xian Sheng's waist was lifted and suddenly sat on his lap.

Xian Sheng: "..."

Zhan Zhen: "?"

"... Here, the two of them slept a little too much."

Zhan Zhen looked at him and suddenly frowned: "The princess proposed to sleep on a small couch. Isn't it because the place is small, can you and I get closer? Could it be the wrong idea?"

Xian Sheng was clasped stiffly in his arms and pursed his mouth. He didn't know what to say for a while, his eyes contacted the piece of white cloth he had thrown to the side, thinking that he had found a reason to change the subject: "Then, you What are you doing with white silk?"

"This..." Zhan Zhen smiled again, his nose pressed against Xian Sheng's cheek, and said: "Collect the princess's first night's redness, and I will show it to the mother tomorrow."

"..." The topic got deeper and deeper, and Xian Sheng's scalp became numb: "Actually, I feel a little uncomfortable today."

"I've seen it out." Zhan Zhen comforted: "Gu drank too much wine today, and I couldn't help scaring the princess for a while... Gu promised to be gentle, don't be afraid, huh?"

The arm around the waist became tighter and tighter, and the other hand also tended to be restless. Xian Sheng had to grab him and said nervously, "How much wine did you drink today?"

"Not much." Zhan Zhen kissed him on the cheek and said, "If the princess doesn't like it, Gu will not drink it in the future."

"... I can't breathe because of the smell of wine on you." Xian Sheng said with difficulty: "Moreover, I am really uncomfortable. I arrived in Beijing at the beginning of the past few days, and I am not satisfied with the water and soil... I am worried that I can't let your Highness enjoy it today. "

Zhan Zhen said: "What does the princess mean, don't want the bridal chamber?"

"Cough..." Xian Sheng covered his lips and coughed, avoiding his eyes by the way.

The man beside him breathed calmly, but Xian Sheng was sensitively aware of his restraint, and Zhan Zhen said: "I heard that Qin Yi had a dispute with the Prince Xian Shang, because of the princess?"

Xian Sheng didn't understand why Qin Yi was suddenly involved, he said carefully: "I don't understand."

"Qin Yi is Qin Tao's concubine, three years older than the princess. He has been with the second prince in and out of the palace all the year round, and has a lot of friendship with the princess."

Xian Sheng became more cautious: "He has an extraordinary literary talent and a lot of knowledge. I usually don't have friends in the palace, but I have some friendship with him."

"He admires the princess."

Xian Sheng was stiff and uncertain: "This matter..."

"He was at odds with the Prince Xian Shang, because he wanted to take the princess by force, and he was broken a leg. It was because the Prince Xian Shang refused to give up, and Qin Tao had to do it."

Xian Sheng’s heartbeat speeds up. This is a top-secret in Liang, and it is a scandal. Qin Tao dare not say anything, nor the royal family. As for Xian Sheng himself, he knows his true identity. He numbs his scalp and embarrassed himself when he thinks about it. I won't talk nonsense.

"Don't talk nonsense... Qin Yi has nothing to do with me!"

Zhan Zhen laughed again: "Don't you understand why Gu suddenly decided to marry you? Because Gu had read the letter between your father and Qin Yi, most of them asked for help from Stinging Dragon City. Qin Yi had only one condition, that is, the princess. In exchange, Gu nearly died in his hands four years ago. You know how he is. You may not know that Qin Tao's other two prostitutes died in Jin's hands, but Qin Yi killed them. "

Xian Sheng opened his mouth, and Zhan Zhen continued: "At that time, the lone was curious about what kind of stunning beauty it would make Qin Yi moved. Until that day, when I saw the castle tower, it happened that soon after I took the princess back to the barracks, I received most of the promises. Letters in exchange for the princess, guess what..."

Xian Sheng's eyebrows sharply sharpened: "You got it off."

Zhan Zhen intercepted the letter, and led an army in front of the city to force them to marry Xian Sheng to Da Jin. Qin Yi asked for Xian Sheng but did not receive a reply. Instead, he heard the news again. He would how to think? In the eyes of most people, Qin Yi received the letter but did not reply, so he had to agree to Zhan Zhen's terms. After going back and forth, Qin Yi thought that Dadu was deliberately humiliated, and he would definitely break with Dadu. Xian Sheng was furious: "You want Stinging Dragon City and Dadu to kill each other! You don’t like me at all. Any infatuated prince is fake. , You are so mean cough cough cough..."

"It is true to split Liang and Qin Yi. It is true to fall in love with you at first sight, but Gu has never thought of sitting back and reaping profit." Zhan Zhen stroked his back and frowned, "If this is the case, Gu will not tell you. "

Xian Shengke's whole body was shaking, he leaned on Zhan Zhen dizzyly, and slowly came over, realizing that it seemed to be the case. But still staring at him, fiercely said: "Then what do you want to express when you tell me this?"

Zhan Zhen's expression could not see emotions, and said: "You don't want the bridal chamber because you love Qin Yi?"

"..." Xian Sheng's brain stuck for a second, weighing for a moment, and said: "Naturally not."

Zhan Zhen looked at him quietly, and said slowly: "Lonely and calmly, the princess should also be calm, this is fair."

"I... Anyway, it's not Qin Yi."

"Except for the person you like, I can't think of a reason why you are willing to anger your husband on your wedding night."

Xian Sheng said, "You, are you angry?"

Zhan Zhen asked back: "What do you mean?"

The author has something to say: Xian Sheng: I am afraid of scaring you to death.

Slightly: Say.