Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 103: I am always attacked by monsters in the text (14)


Rong Yucheng

As soon as Mu Cai heard this name, he knew that Gong Yi had appeared. In the original plot, this is the roommate of the protagonist Shou, who is known as the god of learning. Not only does he have excellent academic performance, but he also knows astronomy and geography.

As the first attacker, Yung Yu-cheng helps the protagonist a lot in his career. Not only did he answer questions for the protagonist, he also teamed up with the protagonist to participate in the ACM International College Student Programming Competition, passing five levels and winning six, until he went to a foreign competition and won the gold medal. This gold medal is very valuable. It not only brings back a considerable bonus for the protagonist, but also gives him the opportunity to intern or work directly in a leading company.

It can be said that Rong Yucheng is the noble person in Li Yu's life, and he is also the first one to be defeated by the protagonist among all the attackers.

However, Mu Cai looked at the other person's extended hand and could only say that the God of Learning was indeed a God of Learning. He was very strict in doing things and even shook hands when introducing himself, making it look like a business meeting.

He subconsciously reached out his hand to shake it, but then remembered that he had just washed the rag, and he didn't know if there was any dirty water left on his hand. Just as Mu Cai was about to take back his hand and explain, he saw the tall boy standing opposite him quickly reaching out his hand and grabbing his.

Rong Yucheng is about the same age as Li Yu, they are just adults, but he is very tall, almost a head taller than Mu Cai.

The thin hand held in his hand was slightly cool and a little moist, and the delicate skin of the back of the hand was dazzlingly white against the backdrop of his own palm. The light on Rong Yucheng's lenses flashed, and his fingers pinched the soft hand under his palm as if unintentionally: "My name is Rong Yucheng, a tolerant Rong, a jade expert who crafts jade into perfect objects. What is your name?"

The other party didn't get an answer and asked the question again, which made Mu Cai feel like he was a little rude. He quickly shook his hand and said, "Hello, my name is Mu Cai. Solemn Mu, Cai Cai Cai."

Rong Yucheng felt the slight coolness on the fingertips on the back of his hand, then calmly let go of the other person's hand and said with a smile: "Mu Cai, what a good name. I remember that in the dictionary, this Mu also has a gentle and beautiful character. Meaning, Mu Cai, it should mean picking up the good things, right?"

At the end of his words, although it was a question, the look on Rong Yucheng's face was full of determination and confidence.

Mu Cai was also surprised when he heard this, because this is the meaning of his name. In the previous world, he had explained this to others. Now that someone took the initiative to explain it, Mu Cai was naturally very happy: "Yes, that's how my parents named me. But how did you guess it?"

The person standing opposite raised the corners of his bright red mouth, and his eyes seemed to have two little stars hidden in them, shining brightly. Rong Yucheng secretly sighed at the beauty of the other party, but remained calm on his face: "I usually like to read the dictionary, but now when I heard you tell me your name, I automatically explained the name. Now it seems that I usually read more It’s not a bad thing to look through a dictionary.”

The two of them talked and laughed here for a long time, and the door of the dormitory was suddenly opened.

Li Yu walked in with his suitcase and saw two people looking at each other at a glance.

The slender young man has soft black hair hanging down, and the lines of his side face are soft and full. He was wearing a pair of black trousers, which covered a pair of thin and straight long legs. The curve from his waist to his hips was very beautiful, which made people's hearts look at him.

But now, the man who had attracted Li Yu's dreams was talking and laughing with his roommate. His bright black eyes were crescent-shaped, and he didn't even notice that he had entered. Li Yu's eyes darkened, and his roommate, who usually got along well with him, suddenly became a little dazzling. He lowered his voice and said, "Caicai."

Mu Cai turned his head and saw Li Yu coming back. His long eyelashes fluttered and fell into Rong Yucheng's eyes, like the wings of a butterfly flying. A look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes: "Are you back? Are you tired from carrying it all the way? Go back to your seat and sit down. I have already wiped your bed and chair clean."

Not long after he followed Li Yu to this dormitory, the other party received a notice from the monitor, asking those who had already arrived at the school to send someone from each dormitory to collect the books. Li Yu took the empty suitcase and left without even wiping the chair. The other party had been running up and down all day, so he must be tired by now.

Mu Cai walked over quickly, subconsciously wanting to help Li Yu carry the box. However, before his hand could touch it, he felt his arm being gently pulled. Mu Cai raised his head and saw Li Yuzheng holding his wrist easily with one hand and looking at his fingertips carefully: "Didn't I tell you not to do this? Look, your fingertips are all red from the cold. .”

The five thin fingers were long and white, but the first knuckles were abnormally red, which looked like they had been cold. Li Yu let go of the suitcase he was holding, and reached out to gently rub the soft fingertips. It was cold, and he didn't know how long he had been holding on to the rag.

When he thought of this, he felt that Rong Yucheng standing next to him was even more annoying.

Forget about striking up a conversation with Mu Cai, don’t you know where to talk somewhere else? Didn’t you see Caicai holding the rag

Mu Cai was a little embarrassed. In fact, there is enough heating in the school, and even the water flowing out of the bathroom is not very cold. He felt a little warm when he washed the rag. It was just that he had just been busy talking to Rong Yucheng, and he kept holding the rag in his hand. The water he sucked in gradually became colder, taking away the warmth from his hand.

His roommate grabbed Mu Cai's hand and examined it carefully, his eyebrows condensed. Both his posture and attitude revealed an unusual ambiguity. Rong Yucheng, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this scene. He rescued the young man in time: "Li Yu, don't blame him, it's my fault. I should be more careful, so that he won't It’s frozen like this.”

Li Yu turned around with a cold expression: "No need to apologize. This matter has nothing to do with you. It was me who failed to take good care of him."

In one sentence, he distanced himself from Mu Cai, and also promoted his possessiveness.

Sure enough, the relationship is more than just "friends".

Rong Yucheng's head moved slightly. The lights on the roof of the dormitory reflected the light from his lenses, making it difficult to see the expression in his eyes.

Li Yu glanced in his direction with dark eyes, then carried the suitcase with one hand and held Mu Cai's wrist with the other and returned to his seat.

The wet rag in his hand was taken away. Mu Cai hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but asked seriously: "Li Yu, have you had your height measured recently?"

Li Yu was originally a little secretly angry. When he heard his question, he was stunned for a moment. Then he turned his head and saw the troubled look on Mu Cai's face.

The person standing in front of him had his eyebrows drooped, his cheeks were slightly bulging, and the corners of his bright red mouth were curled up. He seemed to be sulking, with an aggrieved and unconvinced expression. He secretly raised his head and glanced at the top of his head with his bright eyes

Li Yu suddenly realized it, and his original dull mood was swept away.

His stern brows softened, he looked down at the other person and smiled: "I haven't measured it, but you must have grown taller recently, because you seem to be a little shorter now."

Li Yu said, gently pressing the opponent's thin shoulders with both hands, and standing up straight to compare with the opponent. Li Yu is now nearly half a head taller than Mu Cai, which makes him very satisfied.

Mu Cai was held down by the opponent and was deeply shocked: "Why are you still growing?"

Li Yu smiled and said: "Because I just turned eighteen this year, I had good food, drink, and sufficient nutrition at your house. Even after I left, I still carried big and small bags. If the food is good, I will naturally grow taller. "

When he said this, he supported the other person's shoulders, leaned down, got a little closer to Mu Cai's face, and said sincerely: "So I can continue to grow taller, and I want to thank you more."

Mu Cai felt that the two of them were a little too close, so he couldn't help but move back a little. The base of his ears turned red, like a bloody ruby: "It's good that you know."

After saying that, Mu Cai was still a little worried.

He knew that he was not a strong person to begin with, and now that he had even lost his height advantage, the size difference between him and the protagonist Shou seemed to be becoming more and more obvious. Mu Cai couldn't help but start to worry, could he still play an offensive role

But according to Mu Cai's original plan, he didn't want to have any substantial relationship with Li Yu.

Then height doesn’t really matter anymore, right

Mu Cai quickly found an excuse for himself.

Li Yu saw that the person standing in front of him was distracted. Just as he was about to say something to get the other person's attention, a voice next to him sounded at an inappropriate time: "Li Yu, where is the book you brought back?"

He turned around and saw Rong Yucheng standing next to the two of them, looking at them with a natural expression.

Acting like he didn't mean it.

Li Yu did not answer the other party, but patted Mu Cai's shoulder lightly and said with a smile: "You wiped it very clean. Can you help me clean up the things on the table?"

He was actually reluctant to let Mu Cai do this for him, but Li Yu knew his roommate very well. The look in the other person's eyes showed that he had thoughts about Cai Cai. If he didn't let Mu Cai do something for him now, Rong Yucheng could coax the other person away to do something for him. And Caicai has such a good temper that he will find ways to satisfy other people's requests as long as they are not excessive.

Since Caicai has to be busy no matter what, he might as well be busy in his own nest!

Mu Cai was just as Li Yu guessed, and agreed without thinking: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the structure of the bed and table and hesitated: "Do you have any placement habits? For example, where do you usually put books and where do you usually put toiletries?"

There are four shelves next to the table, and I don’t know how Li Yu usually arranges them.

Li Yu had already started to open the suitcase. Hearing this, he raised his head and said with a smile, "I will use it as you put it. You just need to get used to this kind of thing."

When he said this, he added a subtle hint: "When I get used to the way you arrange things, I will pack things for you in the future, and you will definitely not be able to find them."

When Mu Cai heard this, he didn't think much. He just felt that what the other party said was right, so he readily agreed: "Okay!"

Li Yu raised the corner of his mouth.

He took out this semester's books one by one from his suitcase, folded them into a tall pile and handed them to Rong Yucheng, who was waiting and ignored. His eyes were filled with a cold glint of pride, but he said gently to Mu Cai, who had his back turned to them: "After finishing cleaning up later, let's go to the cafeteria to eat. You have taken care of me for so long, this time it's me." Please."

Mu Cai was busy among the messy desktops. Hearing this, he replied: "Okay."

When he agreed, Li Yu saw Rong Yucheng's hand shaking slightly as he took the book.

The author has something to say: Li Bin: It is said that knowing yourself and the enemy means winning every battle. Since you are my sister, I will naturally block all your tricks.

Four hundred thousand words=w=

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-02-05 23:22:59~2020-02-06 23:27:40~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Heyou; 1 bottle of Xiaoyi and Ting Zihe for the crayons;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!