Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 104: I am always attacked by monsters in the text (15)


The third floor of the large 5th canteen.

Li Yu carried a large pot of spicy hot pot and walked towards where Mu Cai was sitting. There are a lot of things in the spicy hot pot, they are filled to the brim, and there is steam rising out, and the aroma rushes to your nose.

When he proposed to invite Mu Cai to dinner, he was actually a little scared. Li Yu was afraid that Mu Cai would reject him, even if the other party's original intention was not to increase his financial burden.

When facing their sweetheart, most men have the desire to protect him, pay for him, and support him, instead of being questioned about his inability to do so.

Of course Li Yu is no exception. Not to mention that he has just grown up, is very young, and grew up in a special environment, so this kind of mentality is even more sensitive.

Fortunately, Mu Cai readily agreed and showed great interest after following him to the cafeteria. After finally walking around, Mu Cai stopped in front of the window of the spicy hotpot.

At that time, the young man opened his gray short coat and put his hands in the pockets of his coat. His eyes, as bright as morning stars, seemed to be strolling leisurely when he passed the window of the spicy hot pot. His bright red lips opened. , showing a little white teeth and a red tip of the tongue.

It looked like he was very greedy.

When Li Yu saw Mu Cai's appearance, he immediately took out a stainless steel basin and iron clamps from the shelf nearby and handed them to the other party, asking Mu Cai to choose what they wanted to eat. After the other party made a selection in front of the shelf, Li Yu handed the iron basin to the window and swiped his card to receive the brand number.

Since there were only a few people at the beginning of the school year, they finished the work quickly. When Li Yu walked back with the basin, he saw Mu Cai sitting on his seat with a pair of chopsticks in one hand and looking at him.

The other party had already taken off his gray coat, revealing a thin pink sweater underneath, which made Mu Cai's originally white face glow a healthy pink. His complexion was like a spring dawn flower, with a somewhat excited smile, which made him look particularly good-looking.

Li Yu's heart moved, and he met the other party's eyes.

Mu Cai's eyes are very dark and larger in proportion than ordinary people. When he looks at people, he looks extremely focused, as if he is all about you. Li Yu's heart was pounding at the sight of these eyes. He quickly placed the full steel basin between the two of them, ran to get two more bowls of rice, and then calmed down a little.

He took a pair of chopsticks from Mu Cai, picked up the rice bowl, and then said hesitantly: "Today is Saturday, and we will have class on Monday. It will probably be difficult for us to eat together for a long time after this." ”

After Li Yu said this, he felt a little upset and couldn't even eat.

Mu Cai asked, "Are you full of classes every day? Can't you come on weekends?" He looked at Li Yu, who was looking over with a somewhat surprised face, and blinked evilly: "You had so many internships before? Have you not recognized the nature of Internet companies for a long time? Although our company's tasks are not heavy, how could capitalists miss the opportunity to exploit the value of labor, especially since our company also provides accommodation and people often work overtime in the company on weekends. You If you don’t come, I’ll bring you here.”

Li Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart and couldn't help but ask: "Will you be in the company too?"

Mu Cai glanced at him and smiled: "Yes. But I shouldn't have anything to do on the weekend. I guess I can only play games and catch up on TV dramas in the office, making you jealous and jealous."

Li Yu finally felt relieved after hearing this. He was happy in his heart, and his appetite also increased. He took a mouthful of rice and swallowed it. Then he said: "As long as the boss is here, our efficiency can be improved. After all, the boss will accompany us through thick and thin even if he has nothing to do."

Mu Cai didn't expect that the originally cold and ascetic protagonist Shou seemed to have learned bad things and turned out to be so glib. He immediately put a chopstick of vegetables into his bowl and said angrily: "Eat it quickly!"

Li Yu smiled and took it into his mouth.

In the days that followed, Li Yu went to class every day, did homework, and completed the tasks assigned to him by the seniors in the project team in the library.

Originally, since he was not working, his internship salary would be correspondingly lower than before. But as the boss, Mu Cai still asked the finance department to pay him the normal salary.

Because Li Yu did not relax in his studies during the previous annual vacation, he is now more and more able to complete the tasks assigned by the seniors in the project team. In addition, Li Yu is usually focused when doing things and is very efficient at coding. Basically, he can complete the day's tasks around 9:30 pm every day.

After half past nine, it was a rare moment of personal free time for Li Yu. During this period of time, he took it very seriously and did not dare to relax at all.

Because Li Yu has decided to participate in the ACM International College Student Programming Competition.

A few days ago, this news was packaged into a folder by the counselor along with a series of competition information on and off campus, and sent to the professional group. Li Yu looked at them one by one at that time, directly ignoring the competitions such as the singer competition and the dance competition, and focused on a few computer-related competitions.

He screened and inquired about these games, and finally settled on this game as long as his time did not conflict.

The ACM competition is a competition sponsored by the International Computing Machinery Association. It usually competes according to school teams and is also divided into domestic competition areas and international competition areas. After winning the domestic competition, they will have to compete abroad. If they win the gold medal, the three members of the team will receive a bonus of more than 80,000 yuan after the exchange rate. The domestic competition area is sponsored by well-known domestic companies, which will also provide various rewards to outstanding domestic teams, including cash rewards and job opportunity rewards.

It can be said that the prize content of this competition is very high.

S University encourages students majoring in computer science to actively sign up, ranging from freshmen to seniors. Before forming a school team, there will be a competition within the school for screening. Only the top players in the entire school competition are eligible to form a school team to represent the school in the competition.

Li Yu did not hesitate and downloaded the form directly from the bottom of the document. After filling it out, it was sent to the email address in the appendix.

In his opinion, this is the first step to prove himself.

Li Yu has always been down-to-earth. If he wants to pursue Mu Cai openly, he must first obtain the qualifications to be on an equal footing with him. Then he must find ways to get rid of his current situation, whether it is talent or assets, he must increase it. And this competition is a good springboard.

No matter how difficult this springboard is, he must conquer it.

And the most important thing is that when Li Yu signed up, he saw that his roommate Rong Yucheng also signed up.

Ever since the first day of school, their relationship had become a little more delicate. Originally, Li Yu got along well with him, just like the other people in the dormitory. But now, he could faintly sense their hostility towards each other.

Li Yu was always on guard against people who coveted Caicai. Previously, Rong Yucheng took advantage of everyone in the dormitory to ask him about Mu Cai's news in front of others, but Li Yu fooled him with a few words.

After these few trials, Li Yu immediately realized that he had to speed up. It was clear that Li Yu had revealed his ambiguous relationship with Cai Cai, intentionally or unintentionally, but Rong Yucheng still did not give up and wanted to find out about Cai Cai. This shows that the other party doesn't think he is worthy of Cai Cai at all, and is thinking of poaching him secretly!

He decided that in this competition, he would let the other party take a closer look. There were some things that the other party could not change if they wanted to.

The on-campus selection for the ACM competition will begin in about a month. Li Yu knows that as a freshman, he cannot compare with his seniors who are sophomores, juniors, and seniors in terms of knowledge reserve and practical experience. . Therefore, he borrowed a collection of exercises related to this competition from the school library early, made observations and summaries, and finally came to the conclusion: The only thing he can do now is to use the question-sea tactic.

Li Yu attends classes every day, works part-time, answers questions, and exercises. On Friday afternoon, after finishing classes, he takes a crowded bus to the central CBD district and arrives at the floor where Galen Technology is located. Every weekend was Li Yu's happiest time. Every time he looked at Mu Cai sitting opposite him while eating, he felt that he was full of energy and could fight again.

After more than a month of this, the school competition finally officially started.

Li Yu walked to his assigned seat and read the questions together with the three to four hundred people from the entire college who had signed up to participate after the timer started.

The questions in ACM competitions are usually difficult and require contestants to compile programs to solve the problems. Generally speaking, there are three people in a team. There are many questions, with varying levels of difficulty. Players can choose the questions they know how to do from the vast sea of questions. Finally, each team will be ranked according to the number of questions completed and the difficulty.

This school competition of S University followed this competition system, but the difficulty of the overall questions was reduced a lot, and this time it was not a team collaboration, but a single selection. After the candidates are selected, centralized training will be conducted to form a school team.

The entire competition was very quiet, with only the sound of flipping draft paper and the scratching of the pen tip on the paper. Each person's computer screen constantly displays which problems were solved by which computer, which caused huge psychological pressure on the players.

After almost a whole morning, when lunch time was almost over, the school game finally came to an end.

When the invigilator announced the words "time is up", there was even a long sigh in unison among the dark crowd in the computer room.

The difficulty and tediousness of the questions almost exhausted the players' energy.

The competition question and answer software on the computer in each cubicle automatically saves and exits. The invigilator verifies the results on the main computer while the contestants wait below. The organizer’s teacher even brought everyone lunch, which included one meat and two vegetables and a large chicken drumstick.

Many contestants were in lower grades and were not well prepared. Now they realized that they had no chance of passing the selection, so they simply started to feast. Participating in a competition not only increases your experience, but you also get a free meal, which is really great!

As for Li Yu, some foods do not taste good.

Because he had an internship at Galen Technology and he had been studying the questions for so long, he could basically do these questions in the school competition. Only the last one, which was particularly difficult, Li Yu was a little stuck. He hurriedly typed in the code at the last second before the time ended. He didn't know if he typed it wrong, and he didn't have time to check the previous ones.

I don’t know what the results will be.

You know, although he does it quickly, he is considered outstanding among these three to four hundred people. But there were also a lot of messages crossing over on his computer screen, which proved that there were people who were no worse at answering questions than him, and among them was Rong Yucheng from Computer No. 401! There were three to four hundred people participating in the school competition, but the teachers wanted only three people. Li Yu had not checked his code and was not sure that he would be the winner in the end.

Just as he swallowed his last mouthful of food, the invigilator had already walked off the stage.

The other party followed the direct style of this straight male subject and started by saying:

“The winners of this school competition are:

The first place is Computer No. 419, Li Yu from Class XX, Class 4! "

In an instant, the surrounding eyes came over one after another, and one of them came from Rong Yucheng:

"Level xx? Isn't that just a freshman?! Now a freshman dares to participate in such a competition!"

"There are not too many freshmen participating this year. There seem to be quite a few freshmen in the row at the beginning of 4."

"Damn it, are you so good? The question on my screen always starts with 4 and I have completed that question, which makes me, a junior, panic."


In the midst of the discussion, Li Yu did not look back, but stood up directly and bowed to the teacher opposite.

When he sat down, Li Yu looked in the direction of Rong Yucheng. The two people's eyes briefly met, and the sound of metal collisions between blades seemed to erupt in the air:

you lose.

Mu Cai is mine.

Li Yu thought calmly. The heart is like an ice cube wrapped in flames, about to melt and ignite with passionate emotions.

Today, he wanted to rush to Galen Technology today. He wanted to see Mu Cai now!

The author has something to say: Li Bin: With only this means, the sisters are still too weak. Little plum, reward him with one foot of red.

There will be excitement tomorrow =w=

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-02-06 23:27:40~2020-02-07 23:56:39~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 89 bottles of Mo Seruobai; 40 bottles of Yuanli; 10 bottles of Xiaolongbao, Niver, and Chunli; 5 bottles of Erpangpang; Ting Zihe, Bai'an, 110, and Xingyu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!