Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 106: I am always attacked by monsters in the text (17)


Li Yuqiang kissed Mu Cai.

Before Lin Xingchen could completely walk out of the office, he couldn't help it anymore. Li Yu was indeed angry at Lin Xingchen's behavior towards him, but it was Mu Cai's attitude that really made him lose his mind.

Although he knew from the beginning that the other party's purpose in approaching him was to keep and support him, Li Yu couldn't believe that he had worked hard for so long. The two of them had been together for so long, and he even went to the other party's house to celebrate the New Year. Mu Cai still hasn't changed this idea, and still just wants to get along with him as a foster partner!

Mu Cai only wanted his body, but he wanted Mu Cai's heart!

This made Li Yu so painful that he lost his mind.

He stood behind the desk at an extremely fast speed. Under Mu Cai's astonished eyes, he mercilessly held the hands that the other party subconsciously used to block him. Then he pressed the back of the head of the person in front of him forcefully and kissed him without any explanation. Go up.

The lips that came into contact were slightly cool, moist, soft, and a little elastic. The wonderful touch made Li Yu's fevered mind clear up a little.

He originally wanted to kiss the other person hard and bite the lips of this heartless little villain so that Mu Cai could taste his own pain. But his heart softened as soon as he opened his mouth. How could someone with such soft lips have such a hard heart.

Li Yu had no experience in kissing, so he could only suck and lick clumsily, recklessly trying to break into the mouth guarded by those red lips, as if he could lead directly to the fiery heart of the person beneath him. Leave your own mark on it forever.

Mu Cai's weak resistance was forcefully suppressed by him. Later, the other party seemed to have given up and could only let him do whatever he wanted. However, Li Yu was not happy about this. Instead, the more they kissed, the more aggrieved he became.

He has not been tempted in eighteen years, and once he is tempted, he sinks. The person he likes is surrounded by tigers, leopards and wolves. He finally breaks through the siege step by step, but this is the result he gets.

Also, Mu Cai is so good, young, beautiful, gentle and considerate, and there are countless people who like him. Even Li Yu's unwanted status as a kept person, there are countless people who are eyeing him. There was nothing special about him in the other person's mind, because Li Yu had long known that Mu Caibao...had had countless little lovers.

If the other party doesn't have him, they can definitely find another one. But he can't live without the other party!

When Li Yu thought of this, he finally realized the cruelty of this world. In the past, he thought that as long as he worked hard, he could trap this heartless person and make him fall in love with him and never leave him. But in fact, all Li Yu's scheming and calculations failed in the face of his feelings for Mu Cai.

No matter how scheming or calculating, it's all because he likes Mu Cai. And precisely because he liked Mu Cai, he could only be led by this stunningly beautiful young man in front of him.

After Li Yu realized this, he felt despair and at the same time a glimmer of hope.

He likes Mu Cai, wants to be with Mu Cai, and wants to be intimate with Mu Cai. And if he wanted to do these, including the kiss that made him obsessed, Li Yu needed a self-righteous identity.

Doesn't the other party want to keep... and support him? Then he agrees!

No matter whether he is Mu Cai's serious boyfriend or his little lover, he doesn't care anymore! As long as he can have Mu Cai and be able to legitimately drive away all these annoying cats and dogs that are blocking the way, Li Yu can accept it!

As for whether the other party wants to be with him forever and whether he wants to grow old together, Li Yu feels that he can continue to plan it in the future!

Now, let’s catch the person in front of us first!

A tear fell on Mu Cai's eyelids, which made his long eyelashes tremble. The tear slipped down from the corner of his eye, rolled over his delicate white cheek, and ran out before sliding to his chin, as if adding a tear trail to him.

The man who was forcing the kiss finally let go of him, holding his shoulders with both hands and resting his forehead against Mu Cai's. As their breaths intertwined, Mu Cai heard the other party's heavy breathing.

Li Yu raised his eyes.

The young man who was restrained by him seemed to be crying, with tears still remaining in the corners of his eyes. His already bright red lips were now even more red//swollen, with some teeth marks on them. It looked like he had been bullied by his unorganized kisses.

Li Yu stretched out his hand as if possessed, gently pressed his rough fingertips on his red///swollen lips, and whispered: "Caicai, are you still willing to take care of me? "

Mu Cai's actions originally made his mouth hurt, but now he was stunned after hearing these words. He didn't even care about the fingers that were messing with his lips, and carefully observed Li Yu in front of him.

The other person has a high nose and thin lips, tall brows, and clear facial contours. When he is not smiling, he looks like someone who is not easy to get close to. However, at this moment, Mu Cai saw vulnerability in the other party's expression.

Li Yu's eyes were a little wet, as if he had cried without knowing it. His eyes were locked tightly on his own, and his expression revealed a contagious despair.

This look made Mu Cai feel very familiar, very, very familiar. It seemed that someone had shown a similar expression before, looking up at him from the ground, closing his eyes and leaving two lines of blood and tears, begging him not to leave.

He remembered.

It's Qin Chongjin.

Mu Cai's heart was suddenly stung.

Such a familiar scene reappeared, and somehow, what Qin Chongjin said to him before leaving the previous world suddenly appeared in his mind:

"Caicai, next time, next time we will meet again."

Could it be that what Qin Chongjin said was true and not just to comfort him? Will they really meet again, but will each other lose their memory

Mu Cai looked at Li Yu's face.

He has a slight face blindness. If he has not been with someone day and night for several years, or if he deliberately remembers them, he will not be very impressed by other people's looks.

Before that, when Mu Cai faced the people he met in these worlds, such as Gu Yunchen, Claire, Qin Chongjin, and Li Yu in front of him, he only felt that they looked a little similar, that's all. Now he carefully observed Li Yu's appearance, and the more he looked, the more he felt that they all looked similar, but only the color of his pupils, hair color, and some slight details were different.

Could it be that they are actually the same person, but because of the special energy field, do they lose their memory every time they appear in front of them

The more Mu Cai thought about it, the more frightened he became, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

However, he still needs to verify it again.

Seeing that Mu Cai didn't answer for a long time and just stared at him blankly, Li Yu's fear became even more intense.

Could it be that the other party no longer even cares about his own body

Mu Cai wants to take care of himself, which is Li Yu's biggest bargaining chip now. If even this bargaining chip was lost, Li Yu felt that he might be driven out of Mu Cai's sight and would never be able to see him again.

The hands he held on the shoulders of the man beneath him were shaking. Li Yu refused to give up and wanted to fight for a chance for himself. He said hurriedly: "Aren't you willing? Why? I will be very obedient. If you don't want me, I..."

A hand was gently placed on the top of his head.

Li Yu lost his voice instantly.

This hand is so graceful that it can be called a masterpiece of the Creator, as if it was carefully carved from fine mutton-fat jade. Thin fingers weaved through his hair, and the cool fingertips touched his head from time to time, bringing a soft touch to the fingertips.

Li Yu felt like a knight gifted by the queen. His tense nerves relaxed under this seemingly magical hand, and he felt so comfortable that his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

Even the expression on his head when he was being touched was so similar.

Satisfied and happy.

After careful observation, Mu Cai finally determined that Li Yu in front of him was Qin Chongjin from before, or Kelai and the others.

Thinking of this, his voice couldn't help but become gentle: "Okay, I promise you."

Although they are called foster parents, in fact they are definitely in love. But the plot still has to go a long way. Li Yu is so smart, it won't take long for him to notice that his attitude is different.

This person was very shrewd in the previous worlds!

Li Yu instantly escaped from the warm feeling and looked at the young man sitting on the chair with almost surprise.

Lin Xingchen, who had already rushed to the desk, paused, opened his eyes wide, and looked at Mu Cai in disbelief.

The employees in the cubicle were stunned.

Co-author Li Yu hadn't been taken care of by the boss before... and raised him! This kid can really hold on. If it were them, the boss would probably just smile and agree in a daze!

Mu Cai didn't notice the reactions of the others. He just patted Li Yu's head again and coaxed the big wolf dog: "Okay, hurry up and go to work. You came here at noon. If you haven't eaten, the staff upstairs are now The restaurant should also have staff meals.”

Li Yu was still immersed in the great joy of Mu Cai's promise to him. Now he was dizzy and his IQ was obviously insufficient. He only knew that he would do whatever Mu Cai said and said repeatedly: "Okay! I'm going to eat!"

I completely forgot about the box lunch I had while waiting for the results of the school competition before coming here.

Not only did he forget about the meal, he didn't even see Lin Xingchen standing next to him at the table. Normally, Li Yu would have been furious when he saw the other party at this time, but now he stood up immediately, like a loyal knight preparing to carry out the queen's order, and no one could see him in his eyes.

"Wait a minute," Mu Cai said. Seeing Li Yu immediately stop and turn to look at him, he smiled and said, "Wait for me after get off work tonight. We won't have dinner in the staff restaurant today."

Li Yumingming was feeling dizzy at the moment, but he immediately understood what Mu Cai meant and said without hesitation: "Okay! Everyone listens to Cai Cai!"

Mu Cai looked at his rare silly look and couldn't help but laugh: "Okay, let's go."

Li Yu immediately stepped out of the door as if he were stepping on a cloud, floating out of the office area of Galen Technology, and followed Mu Cai's instructions to go upstairs for his second lunch.

Lin Xingchen was filled with panic. He lowered his head and looked at Mu Cai sitting behind his desk. He couldn't figure it out at all: "Mu Cai, why did you agree to him? If you didn't mean this originally, why... why did you do this?"

He actually wanted to ask the other party if he was angry with him, but Lin Xingchen didn't dare to ask.

Because when he just saw Mu Cai caressing Li Yu's head, the look in his eyes was something he had never seen before.

He was afraid that if he asked about some things, he would never come back.

Mu Cai didn't notice the other party's entanglement, but felt that Lin Xingchen was really obsessed with this matter. He thought about it and felt that it would not be clear for a while, and there was no need for him to tell the other party.

So Mu Cai half-jokingly said, "Didn't Brother Chen always say that I stuffed my little lover into the company? You've said it so many times. If I don't follow through, won't I be charged for nothing?"

Lin Xingchen looked at the smile on the face of the stunningly beautiful young man, and felt for the first time what it meant to shoot himself in the foot.

The author has something to say: Concubine Li: I'm sorry about this sister. Today, the emperor really loves me. I am exhausted from being squeezed, so I don’t entertain you well. Alas, after all, not everyone is so lucky that the emperor can't get out of bed.

The most exciting part was not mentioned_(:зゝ∠)_

Will be promoted to imperial concubine tomorrow =w=

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-02-08 23:43:08~2020-02-09 23:36:59~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 8 bottles of Hanchi Qingyan; 3 bottles of Zuiwa battlefield; 2 bottles of Li De and Yaoyao; 1 bottle of Gongzi Huai, Bian'an and Ting Zihe;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!