Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 117: Marry Zha Gong and his younger uncle (7)


The person standing in front of him leaned down slightly and looked at him.

The collar of the clothes the other party was wearing was a bit too big, and he was standing in front of him with his knees propped up. When the violinist raised his head, what he saw was Mu Cai's exposed delicate collarbone line. The boy's face turned red and he quickly stood up. Fortunately, Mu Cai dodge quickly, otherwise he would have been hit on the chin by the other person's head.

The violinist blushed and stuttered. He pointed at the violin standing aside and said, "You, you can use it."

Mu Cai didn't realize how much impact he had on the other person, and secretly muttered in his heart that this boy was too shy. However, facing the vacant seat and the violin, he quickly forgot about this small episode.

Mutse sat on the first violinist's seat, put the violin up to his neck, held the bow in one hand, and started playing.

The members of the symphony orchestra were drinking milk tea, chatting, and tuning their instruments. Although the music classroom could not be called a bustling crowd, it was still very noisy.

However, all these sounds gradually dissipated after Mu Cai's first string sound.

The soft black hair of the young man sitting in the first violinist's position was hanging around his ears, and was covered with a layer of fine light from the overhead lights in the music classroom. He closed his eyes slightly, his slender eyelashes drooped, his posture was upright and graceful, his head was tilted, and a violin was placed between his slender neck and thin shoulders. One of his thin white hands was seen holding the bow, and the flexible and slender fingers of the other hand were pressing the strings with ease. The whole picture flowed, and immediately, a piece of clear and sweet music flowed out.

Everyone looked at Mu Cai's appearance and did not even dare to express their anger. They could only listen attentively.

The sound is crisp and clear, like pearls falling into a jade plate. The sound was loud and clear, like birds chirping in the mountains. The sound of the violin seemed to have magic power, dragging everyone present into the dreamy valley. In the green forest, they seemed to smell the fresh air with the smell of soil, and heard the chirping of birds in their ears and the sound of wind in the leaves above their heads. , and the gurgling water underfoot. It seemed as if a picture scroll had opened up in everyone's minds, paving out the green mountain forests, moist soil, and small fat chirps jumping around with their short legs.

The music stopped at some point.

Lin Ling was the first to wake up.

He looked at Mu Cai, who was smiling slightly, and took the lead in applauding. Immediately, everyone in the symphony orchestra woke up and clapped excitedly with each other.

Mu Cai was a little embarrassed and couldn't help but lower his head, his face getting a little hot. But he was very happy, very happy, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise.

Ever since he joined the national energy mining department and started working on tasks, Mu Tse has not touched the violin for a long time. This instrument was once his eternal passion and lifelong pursuit, and if not for his hand injury, he might have been active on the stage. Now that he can touch this instrument again with healthy fingers, Mu Cai is very, very happy even though he has not practiced for a long time and the results are not as good as he expected.

Not to mention there was so much encouraging applause around me.

After Lin Ling applauded, her eyes stared brightly at Mu Cai, who was sitting in the first violin position, as if she was admiring her own artistic muse: "The Birdsong in the Mountain Stream by the famous utopian composer Sdemili, A unique masterpiece on the high E string, recognized as one of the most difficult violin pieces. You played it very well, very well."

He said this with a bard-like tone, deeply praising the other party's superb skills and abundant emotions.

Mu Cai became even more embarrassed by his praise. But everyone can see that this young man is very happy, his dark eyes are shining like stars, shining in the night.

Lin Ling looked at him and almost involuntarily took a step forward and said, "You have such a talent, how could you..."

Before he finished asking, he heard a sharp female voice coming from the door: "Pervert!!!!"

Everyone present was frightened. Looking back, they saw a flutist in a small skirt who was about to go to the toilet. He covered his mouth and looked at the people standing outside the door in shock.

Lin Ling didn't take it seriously at first. After all, how could a real pervert stand so upright at the door of a crowded classroom? However, when he turned his head to look, his eyes suddenly changed.

Standing outside the door was Pei Congliang, who looked embarrassed.

How on earth did this man get here? ! How do you know their symphony orchestra will train in this classroom? !

Could it be that the other party was following them from the beginning

When Lin Ling thought of this, anger surged in his heart. The delivery boy had reminded him earlier that he was busy directing the symphony orchestra's performance and only had some time to pay attention to the door. Later, when Lin Ling saw that there was no movement at the door, he felt relieved, but he didn't expect that the lewd... suo man mentioned by the delivery boy turned out to be Pei Congliang!

Pei Congliang originally felt a little guilty for scaring other girls, but when he saw Lin Ling's eyes, that guilt immediately disappeared.

What does the other party mean? Look at him as if he is already squatting in an orange!

He hasn't found the other person to kidnap his boyfriend yet!

Pei Congliang thought so, and his eyes began to move in the direction of Mu Cai.

He was just scratching the crack of the door, and when he saw Mu Cai immersed in the music, his heart was pounding. That intoxicated, as if glowing look looked even more exciting than when Pei Congliang saw him for the first time.

His heart was moved not because the other person looked like Lin Ling, but because Mu Cai was dazzling and radiant, like a piece of fine porcelain, that moved his heart.

Pei Congliang always liked to take the other party as a consolation for his inability to get close to Lin Ling. Now it seems that he may have been blinded by something.

Obviously Mu Cai's violin playing appearance is much more attractive than Lin Ling's, so how on earth did he put their faces and postures together in the first place!

It's a pity that I realized this now, it's too late.

Pei Congliang looked at Mu Cai, who looked away before his eyes came over.

It was obvious that he didn't want to see him.

After the flutist screamed, there was no movement or sound in the entire music classroom. The eyes of the people in the symphony orchestra turned around several times, from Mu Cai to Lin Ling, then to Pei Congliang, and finally back to Mu Cai.

Although they didn't know what happened in the past few days, looking at the tense atmosphere and Mu Cai's evasive attitude, the junior students in the symphony orchestra were blessed to be self-taught.

What kind of Shura war is this!

Lin Ling stood on the stage and looked at Pei Congliang with a very cold look: "How did you know we were here?"

This question hits home. Pei Congliang originally didn't want to answer this question, but looking at Mu Cai's beautiful profile and seemingly indifferent attitude, he couldn't help but admit it: "I'm following you."

Lin Ling's eyes immediately showed disdain: "Stalker, do you have the nerve to admit it? Do you think we won't care about this?"

Pei Congliang didn't even look at him, but looked at Mu Cai and said, "Yes, I know what I did was wrong. But I just can't help but follow you."

As he spoke, seeing that Mu Cai still refused to look at him, he could only turn back and look at Lin Ling on the stage and said fiercely: "How can I rest assured that Mu Cai is taken away by you? Lin Ling, don't think that I don't know you." There is something dark in my stomach."

"Moreover," Pei Congliang's voice was very firm, "please make it clear that Mu Cai is my boyfriend! Wherever he wants to go, I should accompany him!"

Everyone in the symphony orchestra couldn't help but gasp.

Darling, is this still a serious boyfriend? When the senior brought Mu Cai over, they saw Lin Ling's attentiveness to Mu Cai and thought that the other party was about to succeed. However, they did not expect that their senior was still trying hard to poach him with a hoe!

Lin Ling was originally very powerful and had a high attitude. But after hearing these words, his face couldn't help but turn blue, then red, then white.

As much as I hate to admit it, this is the truth. After all, Pei Congliang is still Mu Cai's boyfriend, so it makes sense for him to come to see him! On the contrary, his poaching intentions are evil.

Of course, Lin Ling refused to show weakness. He was about to retort when he heard an ethereal and sweet voice coming from the side: "I'm not my boyfriend anymore."

When Pei Congliang heard this, a look of shock appeared on his face. He immediately turned around and saw that Mu Cai was finally willing to look at him.

The other party still looked delicate and soft, standing there as thin as a green pine. It was heartwarming to look at him. Unfortunately, what he said was not what he wanted to hear: "Congliang, I break up with you. I am very happy today. , I don’t want to be someone else’s substitute anymore, I just want to live for myself.”

Immediately, all the members of the symphony orchestra couldn't help but gasp.

He chased his wife thousands of miles away, but ended up being abandoned! What a miserable word!

After Mu Cai said this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

According to the original plot, the original person hesitated for a long time after knowing that he was just Lin Ling's substitute, and was never willing to really let go of Pei Congliang. It wasn't until by chance that he got the opportunity to play in a symphony orchestra and felt reborn, that he finally broke up with the regretful Zigong who followed him.

Although there seems to be something wrong with the time, place, and people present at this moment. But the conditions for triggering this plot seem to be met, and the progress of the original work has been accelerated, which is beneficial to Mu Cai's timely escape from the energy field. After all, after the previous two experiences of lying in bed for several months before getting out of the nutrition cabin, this time Lao Huang Qian warned and even threatened to forcefully unplug the instrument connected to his head if he couldn't get out within two months. Mu Cai could only do his best to solve this small world as soon as possible.

In this way, the lover may be able to recover his memory quickly so that he can say goodbye to the other person.

Thinking of this, Mu Cai's eyes couldn't help but dim.

Pei Congliang never expected that after his sincere confession, he would get such an answer from Mu Cai, and his face instantly turned pale. He looked up and saw Mu Cai's sad face. Before he could speak, his sight was blocked.

Lin Ling stood in front of Mu Cai.

He was extremely proud, and even his face was filled with joy. Mu Cai said that he wanted to break up with Pei Congliang. Although the other party looked sad now and seemed to have not let go of the relationship, it didn't matter! Because it means he has a chance! He can pursue the other party openly!

Lin Ling became extremely happy when he thought of this. At this moment, he unceremoniously stood in front of Mu Cai, blocking Pei Congliang's gaze. He was high-spirited and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Did you hear that? Caicai wants to break up with you. Don't hang around here, save some face for yourself and the Pei family."

Pei Congliang's eyes were red. Before he could speak, a deep male voice sounded from outside the door:

"When did the Pei family's face fall on his head?"

Everyone looked up and saw a man wearing a long gray trench coat stepping through the door.

The other person is tall and has long legs, broad shoulders and narrow waist. His black hair is all combed back, revealing a well-defined face with a high nose and thin lips.

This face is not visible everywhere like a celebrity, but everyone present knows it.

Isn't this Pei Jingyun, the leader of the Pei family who has been the richest man in the country for many years!

When Lin Ling saw the other party, his expression changed. He saw the other party walking towards the stage, but he still didn't move out of the way. He just said with a humble look on his face: "Uncle Pei is joking. I just asked Pei Jingyun not to fight to death, so as not to have a bad reputation outside." That’s all.”

He deliberately emphasized the word "uncle" very strongly. Pei Jingyun paused for a moment, but kept walking over: "I understand your good intentions, but it saves the Pei family's face. He is just an incompetent guy."

Pei Jingyun said and glanced at Pei Congliang casually.

Pei Cong felt unwilling to give in, but he could only lower his head and clenched the hands hanging by his sides.

Pei Jingyun didn't seem to see it. Not only did he not seem to see Pei Congliang, he also didn't seem to see Lin Ling, the person standing in front of him like a hill. He bypassed him and came to Mu Cai.

Mu Cai raised his eyes and glanced at him.

Just this glance made Pei Jingyun's heart skip a beat.

The gloomy look made his heart sink, and the fluttering eyelashes seemed to sweep across his heart, making Pei Jingyun feel a little uncomfortable.

Do you like his nephew so much

Is he bad? Or is it because he is older than Mu Cai

Thinking of that uncle, Pei Jingyun felt a little worse. However, his words were still very gentle: "You have been out for a long time today, it's time to go back."

Mu Cai looked at him: "But I have broken up with Pei Congliang."

A smile appeared on Pei Jingyun's face: "But you are still my guest."

Just as Mu Cai was about to speak, he gently pressed the lips of the person he had longed for: "Okay, don't forget that you also want to join my symphony orchestra."

The author has something to say: Pei Jingyun: But you are still my guest (o) person (po).

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-02-19 23:49:57~2020-02-20 23:57:47~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 4 bottles of Youbian'a; 3 bottles of Shengsheng; 2 bottles of Angeljia;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!