Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 12: Top traffic illegitimate meal (11)


In the next two days, Mu Cai spent most of his time practicing the dance to the theme song.

He himself is very talented in music, and the theme song is not particularly difficult to sing. Mu Cai memorized the lyrics, and when Mo Hengqing came to Class A for guidance, he played the piano and guided him twice. Mu Cai was able to sing the theme song perfectly, without having to do what other trainees in Class A did. Worried about learning to sing.

It actually saved him a lot of time in dancing practice.

During the past three days, Mu Cai and Gu Yunchen held small classes every night.

Originally Mu Cai just wanted to be a salted fish, but the hard-working atmosphere of the people around him was very strong. Sometimes Mu Cai doesn't return to his dormitory until nearly eleven o'clock in the evening after practicing. You can still hear the sound of music coming from various dance studios in the corridor, and you can see people practicing singing with headphones on under the street lights. Even after returning to In the dormitory, you can see teammates giving each other pointers.

In such an atmosphere, Mu Cai unconsciously became more attentive. Coupled with the fact that Gu Yunchen helped him correct each movement and trained him several times, Mu Cai was finally able to sing and dance the entire theme song.

On the day of recording, Mu Cai was the second one to record. He is already familiar with the movements and songs, and can dance relatively smoothly. There are no fixed moves at the end of this dance, so you can play freely. Mu Cai smiled and made a heart sign to the camera.

It took about half a day to complete the recording for all five levels of trainees.

The jury began to re-evaluate the videos that afternoon. Tang Feng sat in the main seat, and under the watchful eyes of the surrounding instructors, he first reviewed the videos starting from A level.

The first trainee danced very well, but maybe he was too nervous. He forgot the lyrics halfway through singing. Although the other party quickly picked up again, the instructors present still only gave him a B grade.

Tang Feng quickly called up the video of the next trainee.

A young man wearing pink clothes and a pale face soon appeared in the camera.

The eyes of all the instructors present lit up.

It was Mu Cai.

Because of his previous stage performance, all the instructors were deeply impressed by him, and they were naturally looking forward to his performance at this time.

Mu Cai in the video pursed his lips slightly and bowed in the direction of the camera: "Hello, instructors, I am Mu Cai. I hope I can maintain the A grade this time!"

After the young man said this, he smiled. His eyebrows were curved, the corners of his mouth were raised, and a few small tiger teeth were exposed on his bright red lips.

Fang Yajun almost said with her heart in her hands: "He looks so good-looking. I'm really looking forward to his performance!"

The instructors present all nodded silently.

After Mu Cai said this in the video, he started singing and dancing. His voice echoes like a stream in the valley, ethereal and long-lasting. Even when singing a fast-paced song like the theme song, it has a unique charm.

Mu Cai's dancing movements were not very good-looking, even a little stiff, but he was smiling the whole time and did not miss a single move. The whole dance was very complete. When the song ended and the last action was reached, the young man in the camera suddenly knelt down on one knee, made a heart sign with his thin white hands, and pushed it from his chest to the front of the camera.

There were beads of sweat on his forehead, and his slight breathing could be heard in the recording of the video. The young man's smile has not disappeared until this moment. His eyes are full of energy and look very dazzling under the light above his head.

Fang Yajun couldn't help but cheered and screamed: "Oh my God! He is showing love to me! How can he be so good-looking! I want to give him an A grade!"

Bei Bin also looked very excited: "I give this singer full marks! His vocal talent is really great, and he is also very good at changing his voice and breathing!"

Mo Hengqing smiled and added: "And the pitch is very good. I guess he has learned musical instruments. He seems to know music."

When Beibin heard this, he couldn't help but look at the other party angrily: "I'm so jealous of you! Why am I so unlucky? I wish I had been drawn from Class A! Then I could have listened to him Singing!”

Mo Hengqing folded his arms, raised his head slightly, without looking at Bei Bin, and said with a bit of pride: "You should feel sorry, because he learns very quickly. I have to think of his aura." I used the excuse of instability to trick him into singing it one more time. It sounds better when you listen to it live, and you don’t even know the expressions of the A-level trainees next to you."

Beibin was so shocked that he didn't want to speak.

Tang Feng has been laughing and watching this farce. Seeing that the instructors had almost expressed their feelings, he spoke up in time: "What are the opinions of the teachers? The evaluation just given by Teacher Fang Yajun was an A, right?"

Fang Yajun nodded immediately.

Beibin said quickly: "I'll give you an A too!"

Mo Hengqing echoed: "I am also A."

Tang Feng turned his eyes to Gu Yunchen, who had been silent from the beginning, with a smile on his face like a fox: "What is Teacher Gu's opinion?"

Only then did Gu Yunchen speak reservedly: "Although the dance is still very stiff, it is much better than before. Moreover, his training period is very short, only one month. His basic skills are so poor and he can dance like this. It is worthy of my previous performance." By teaching him the moves again and again, I can give him an A."

Fang Yajun glanced at the man next to her, her eyes almost overflowing with envy and jealousy, and even her words were sour: "It's been three days! You taught Mu Cai such a good boy, and you taught him for so long. What else is there to be dissatisfied with! You really got a bargain and still acted like a good boy!"

After hearing her words, Gu Yunchen's face remained unchanged. But Fang Yajun saw his pride from his slightly raised chin and raised corners of his mouth!

Fang Yajun is so angry!

Tang Feng raised his eyebrows.

He was a bad friend, and he always had a sultry look that kept others away from him. He didn't expect that one day he would smile so tenderly.

Looking at it, Tang Feng felt like he was going to get goosebumps.

He calmed down the chill in his heart, then cleared his throat and solemnly announced: "That's it, Mu Cai's grade is A." As he said that, he picked up the red seal and printed it on Mu Cai's evaluation certificate. one time.

A bright red A appeared next to the photo of Mu Cai smiling.

Early the next morning, all trainees gathered at the designated location. Tang Feng announced the results of the re-evaluation of all trainees' grades in the order of DCBFA. Among the ten A-level trainees, a total of five have had their grades unchanged, including Mu Cai, Liang Yunxi and An, while the remaining five have not had their grades changed. All were downgraded to B or C level.

Among the B-level trainees, four trainees have been promoted to A-level. Those in other groups who have not been promoted to A level now have a total of nine A level trainees.

After Tang Feng announced the results, he told all the trainees present that except for those in the F grade, everyone else would have to record the theme song collectively on the official stage. Among the A-level trainees, one person will be born as the C position in this stage recording.

The C position is the person standing in the middle and most conspicuous position on the stage. Tang Feng asked all the trainees in Group A to prepare a performance that fits the theme song within an hour, and then everyone will vote for the C position.

Mu Cai didn't have much interest in the C position, and besides, he really didn't have good dancing skills. He couldn't prepare anything in an hour, so he only sang one song.

He thought that everyone should be well aware of his strength, but he didn't expect that during the voting period, the people present still flocked to him and stuck small votes on him.

Mu Cai wanted to refuse at first and let them think carefully. As a result, a boy quickly took his resisting hand and slapped his other hand directly on his heart: "Caicai, the decision is yours!"

Mu Cai: "..."

As a result, the next people who came to vote for him took the opportunity to touch him, and then ran away happily under the murderous eyes from all directions.

Mu Cai was forced to be in the C position and could only work harder to practice dancing. Finally, together with other trainees, he successfully completed the recording of the theme song group song and dance on stage.

The recording of the second episode of the "Star Rookie" variety show has also ended. At the same time, Sweet Orange Video also began to release the first recorded content on a weekly basis.

Since Sweet Orange Video has spent a lot of effort to promote this variety show, and "Star Rookie" has indeed gathered many celebrity mentors, this show was originally a hit before it was broadcast. Now that the first episode of the program has started to be broadcast, the number of viewers has naturally increased, and it has quickly reached a popular level.

Most of the trainees who were taking a break at this time were staying in their dormitories to watch the show.

The two full days of material in the first episode were cut into a two-hour program for broadcast, and most people were more or less exposed to the camera. Mu Cai sat on the bed and saw that there were many shots of himself in the show, such as his performance on stage with his teammates, and the interviews he accepted when he came off the stage.

Mu Cai only found out after watching the show that from the beginning of the seat selection process, many trainees had been saying that he was so cute and good-looking. When he went on stage to perform, the number of times such words appeared reached its peak.

Even in the interviews that followed after Mu Cai's performance, the trainees interviewed, including Liang Yunxi and Zhao An, spared no effort to tell how good-looking he usually is and how radiant he is when performing.

That excited look made him feel like he was some great person.

Mu Cai: "..."

This world of looking at faces is unacceptable.

At the end of this issue, there are also tidbits about the trainees after returning to the dormitory building.

Only then did Mu Cai see that what he originally thought would be the time when everyone returned to the dormitory to rest tiredly, there were actually so many people lying at the door of their dormitory, watching the conversation between him and Lin Jiayi like a voyeur.

Lin Jiayi was also interviewed after coming out of his dormitory. Faced with the unhappy breakup of the two of them, Lin Jiayi responded like this: "We knew each other before, my brother knew his brother, so we got to know each other. I was not good before and bullied him, so he ignored me. I."

When this guy said this, he actually had the nerve to look angry and aggrieved? !

After Mu Cai read it, his heart went from being a little shy to having no fluctuation at all. He was exhausted both physically and mentally, so he could only turn off his cell phone and lie peacefully on his bed like a salted fish.

It was ten o'clock in the evening. After Mu Cai turned off his phone and went to sleep, what he didn't know was that his Weibo followers were growing rapidly, and his name was trending in many ways.

#Liang Yunxi and Mu Cai#

#云彩大综合I will carry the flag#

#Your smile is a plus#

#囧彩 GirlWhere’s#

The author has something to say: Gu Yunchen: He actually formed a CP with that Liang Yunxi!

Translated by Lin Jia: Don’t panic, brother, there’s still me.

Mo Hengqing: Don’t panic, I’m still here.

Liang Yunxi:…

Little angels! I want to fix the update time so that the little angels can catch up on updates! I try my best to update at nine o'clock every time, and no later than ten o'clock at the latest. You can take it easy_(:зゝ∠)_

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

5 bottles of residual smoke; 1 bottle of Starry Night;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!