Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 27: Top traffic illegitimate meal (26)


"Little Snow Country" officially started shooting at the end of September, and in the blink of an eye it was already the end of December.

Director Jing He has always been rehearsing closely, so the end of filming was not delayed, but actually advanced. This afternoon is the last scene of "Little Snow Country". After shooting this clip, the entire movie will be completed.

All the crew members are now in a state of nervousness and excitement.

The crew is different from ordinary office workers. Every time after following the crew of a drama, the period before joining the crew of the next drama is considered a holiday for the regular crew members.

After filming this scene, it will be Chinese New Year in just over a month. If nothing else happens, they will be on annual leave directly after the filming.

As for the subsequent film editing, dubbing, etc., that is a matter of post-production.

The joy before the annual vacation and the tension before the end of work were intertwined, making everyone present tense.

The last scene to be shot is the ending of "Little Snow Country". This scene needs a sunny scene. Originally, the weather had been gloomy these days, and there was no hope of sunshine in the weather forecast. When Director Jing was preparing to shoot the ending, he directly asked post-production to do the special effects.

Unexpectedly, it suddenly cleared up today. When I woke up in the morning, the golden sunshine covered the earth. Even though the winter sun is useless, I was still shivering with cold when I went out for filming.

Mu Cai held a hot water bottle in his hand and was wrapped in a long down jacket, jumping around like a rabbit at the shooting location, hoping to keep warm.

Gu Yunchen was also wrapped in a down jacket and holding a cup of hot milk tea in his hand. He skillfully inserted the straw and called Mu Cai, whose eyes were red from the cold, over. Then he bent the straw and stuffed it into Mu Cai's mouth: "Drink quickly. It will warm you up. You will have to sit on the recliner later." Lie down for half a day."

Mu Cai's cheeks puffed up, and the dark chocolate milk tea was sucked up. His favorite pearls were also added to the milk tea. Mu Cai puffed out his cheeks and chewed it, looking like a little hamster eating.

After he swallowed the thing, he released the straw from his mouth and complained: "Oh, I'm going to lie down for a long time, why do you only need to appear in a few scenes! You are obviously the male lead!"

Mu Cai's nose wrinkled slightly, looking a little angry, and he looked at Gu Yunchen accusingly with his eyes.

Even if she complained, she still showed a natural intimacy with him. Unlike before, the other party had to express his gratitude sincerely if he put on his clothes.

This is the result of Gu Yunchen's hard work over the past two months.

He calmly and subtly went to find Mu Cai in the name of a rivalry, and lured the young man into his car with breakfast and desserts. After these two months, Mu Cai finally got closer to him.

Gu Yunchen felt very accomplished when he thought of this. He laughed: "That's because you are screenwriter Chang An's favorite character. No matter it is the script, it ends with Yi Sheng's ending. Then the final scene of the movie will naturally center on Yi Sheng."

When Mu Cai heard this, he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Alas, it’s not easy to play a character that the screenwriter likes, and you have to suffer from the cold in the winter. It's not as good as Lin Jiayi's character who died in battle halfway through the performance. The other party had a packed lunch on the set that day and went back early. He didn't feel cold at all and had a lot of money.

I don’t know where to play yet.

Mu Cai sucked the milk tea in Gu Yunchen's hand with some depression. Because he had long been used to it, he didn't realize there was anything wrong with it.

As for the staff around me, over the past two months, they have gone from being shocked at the beginning to becoming accustomed to it.

All the comments about being a celebrity are not worth mentioning in front of Caicai’s cuteness!

They were talking here, and the venue over there was quickly set up. The field manager trotted over to call people to come on.

Mu Cai quickly took off his down jacket and returned to his position, lying on the recliner.

The sunshine in the autumn afternoon was very warm, which gave Yi Sheng's cold body some warmth.

The doctor said that he had been suffering from excessive worry for more than ten years. Coupled with the fact that he didn't eat well or wear warm clothes during the days of wandering, his body was now like a bowstring that had been tightened for too long and was loosened. It had completely collapsed.

When Yi Sheng came out of the magnificent palace, he only had a child and a mute servant with him. The little boy made medicine for him, and the mute servant took care of his daily life.

He didn't go anywhere and settled at the foot of the mountain outside the capital.

The mountains and waters here are green, which he likes very much.

I just might not be able to watch it for much longer.

Yi Sheng lay on the rocking chair, looking across the river to the faint shadow of the hanging eaves from a distance.

A new dynasty should have been established there.

When the child came to deliver medicine to him today, he excitedly told him how lively the streets of the capital were.

The child is a child after all. Although he is usually very sensible, this time after he followed the mute servant to the city to get medicine, the child's lively and lively nature was revealed.

He said that the people on the streets were happy and that the new emperor had already moved into the palace. The storyteller talked about which general got what fiefdom, and which civil servant got what official position. Look at the morning star at three o'clock in the fifth watch, and all the civil and military officials go to the court. Everything is in order, the emperor is destined to be the son, luck is with him, and no one can look directly at the dragon's face.

Yi Sheng couldn't help but smile as he listened to the little boy talking nonsense.

He has met the previous emperor and personally supported the current new emperor. He knows best what the emperor is like.

Unfortunately, in the end, no one could tolerate him.

Some things have already been revealed.

Yi Sheng has always known that there are many different thoughts between himself and Li Xuan. Therefore, he had long been prepared to part ways with the other party after he became emperor.

Fortunately, Li Xuan still misses his old love. Although the other party tried his best not to let him escape at first, when he heard that he was terminally ill, Li Xuan readily let him go.

It was probably because he felt that he couldn't make any more troubles that he finally felt relieved.

The past events flashed through Yi Sheng's mind one by one.

When I was a child, my father's generous palm fell on my head, and my mother's peaceful smile; when I ran away in a hurry that night, the crows were startled in the dark night; when I was a teenager, I was homeless and alone during the New Year.

The scenes in front of me passed by one after another, and finally stopped at that night. A hot hand grabbed my wrist, and the other person's shallow breathing came to my ears: "I am hot, so I can warm the bed for you sir." "

The golden sunlight shone on Yi Sheng's body, making his eyelashes clear.

I think this person will be a wise king, so his efforts will not be in vain.

Yi Sheng was so tired that he couldn't even get out of bed a few days ago, but today he was able to walk to a chair and lie down.

He knew that this was a return to the past, and he was ready to wait for that moment to come.

Yi Sheng slowly closed his eyes.

The camera turned.

Li Xuan, dressed in casual clothes, took the time to open the branches under the leadership of the palace servants in front, and asked as he walked: "Is Sir really here?"

The young eunuch in regular clothes immediately replied respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty. The young eunuchs have long found out that the emperor is recuperating here and has not gone far."

A smile appeared on Li Xuan's face. He has sharp eyebrows and thin lips, and he looks ruthless. When I laugh at this moment, it is like snow melting and a piece of spring water flowing out.

"I knew that my husband was reluctant to part with me. I was too stupid and busy before, and I didn't have time to comfort him when I made him angry. When I heard that he was sick, I didn't dare to anger him, so I had to let him go out to relax first. Fortunately, my husband has always been generous, and I... I As long as I admit my mistake to him this time, sir, I will definitely forgive me."

Li Xuan's brows were full of energy, and he looked completely different from his usual dignified appearance. The little eunuch didn't dare to talk. After all, His Majesty could call him stupid, but he didn't dare to agree casually.

Pushing aside the complicated branches, Li Xuan finally saw the person sleeping peacefully on the recliner.

The little eunuch beside him was about to step forward to wake him up, but Li Xuan stretched out his hand to stop him.

"If sir is asleep, let him sleep a little longer. When he wakes up, I will look for him again."

I just don’t know if I will catch a cold if I sleep here

Li Xuan frowned slightly as he thought about it.

Naturally, the little eunuch did not dare to resist the emperor's order. He rolled his eyes and said attentively: "Your Majesty, the Imperial Master is sleeping. Why don't you follow the younger one to sit in the pavilion aside, so as not to get tired standing here."

"It doesn't matter," Li Xuan once again rejected the other party. He was born in the army and would not feel tired even if he stood for a whole day, not to mention standing for a while. "I will just stand here and wait."

After he finished speaking, he really stood motionless.

Seeing that he could not be persuaded, the little eunuch could only shut up and stand aside.

Li Xuan looked at the scene in front of him and felt very peaceful.

He thought that if the wind picked up later, he would carry his husband to his carriage. Anyway, the husband is so light, so it’s not like he hasn’t hugged him before.

I just don’t know how he will admit his mistake to the other party when he wakes up later


Jing He nodded with satisfaction.

The final scene of the movie went so smoothly, which put him in a great mood, and he couldn't help shouting louder now.

As soon as Mu Cai heard this, he quickly opened his eyes, jumped up from the recliner, and stamped his feet on the spot.

He lay there for a while, feeling that his hands and feet were frozen.

Gu Yunchen on the side had already gotten a down jacket from Assistant Lin and put it on. He took the lead in wrapping Mu Cai's heavy clothes in front of Xiao Liu.

The suddenly added down jacket blocked the cold wind in time, and Mu Cai felt better. Soon, Gu Yunchen put his arm around his shoulders and walked towards the nanny car.

The two of them sat in the nanny car and drank a cup of hot milk tea. After blowing the warm air for a while, they felt like they were alive.

There were two gentle knocks on the car window.

Gu Yunchen rolled down the car window and saw a scene. The other party continued talking and said, "Brother Gu, Mu Cai, and Director Jing said that the hotpot city's closing banquet will be held at eight o'clock tonight. Don't forget it."

When Mu Cai heard about the wedding banquet, his eyes lit up and he immediately said, "Okay, thank you!"

Through the gap in the rolled-down car window, I was immediately attracted by the other person's appearance.

The young man still had makeup on his face, probably blown by the warm wind, his cheeks were rosy, and his eyes were shining brightly as he looked over, like the twinkling stars in the sky.

Even though he had read the records countless times in the past three months, his eyes still lit up at this moment. Just as he was about to take another look, Gu Yunchen's deep voice came out: "We know."

Then, the gap quickly closed again.

The one-way film on the car window makes it invisible from the outside. The reporter felt regretful. He recalled the scene just now, and four words came to his mind for some reason: The beauty is hidden in a black car.

He was shocked by his thoughts, shook his head quickly, and turned to inform others.

After Gu Yunchen rolled up the car window, he turned around and saw Mu Cai's excited look.

His heart moved and he couldn't help but ask: "Are you happy about the wedding banquet?"

Mu Cai nodded: "Of course! There should be a lot of delicious food at the wedding banquet, and it will definitely be lively when everyone eats together."

When he said this, he felt a little depressed again: "But it will definitely not be so lively after that."

Gu Yunchen looked at Mu Cai, whose eyelashes were drooped, and knew in his heart that the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time had come.

His clenched palms were slightly sweaty, and he said as if unintentionally: "The crew always has to disperse. Compared with this, I want to ask you, how do you plan to spend the New Year?"

Mu Cai told the truth: "Maybe I will stay in the company dormitory. I just don't know if the company dormitory will be open during the Chinese New Year. If not, I will go out and stay in a hotel during those days."

The original person's father has passed away, and he doesn't want to contact Wang Li at all. As for the Mo family where they had lived for several years, because Wang Li had been kicked out by Uncle Mo, Mu Cai felt that there was no reason to go back.

Although Uncle Mo treats him well, Mo Hengqing does not reject him. But now they no longer even have the relationship of stepfather and stepbrother. Mu Cai thinks it's okay for him to visit occasionally. He always feels very uncomfortable if he goes there during family reunions like the Chinese New Year.

Of course, the most important thing is that Mu Cai feels that he is not very familiar with Mo Hengqing and Mo's father, and he always feels that they may not necessarily welcome him.

When Gu Yunchen heard this, he seemed to say very naturally: "Then do you want to consider living at my house?"

At this point, he added: "The house I bought is the only one for me."

Mu Cai originally wanted to refuse, but when he heard this, he was immediately moved.

Gu Yunchen lives alone, so he only has to get along with Gu Yunchen. When the New Year comes, if the other person goes home to celebrate the New Year, he can stay alone. If Gu Yunchen's parents come to see each other, he can just go out and stay in a hotel for a few days.

I just don’t know what Gu Yunchen’s living standard is like. The other party most likely won't ask for his rent money, but when two people live together, they always have to share food and other things equally.

He shouldn't be able to afford it.

Mu Cai thought guiltily as he recalled the clothes that cost tens of thousands of yuan that Gu Yunchen wore casually on weekdays.

Gu Yunchen saw that the other party had been thinking about it for a long time and still refused to agree, so he couldn't help but use his trump card.

He lowered his eyes, lowered his voice, and his tone became inexplicably pitiful: "My dad is in the company all day long, and my mom plays with her sisters every day, goes out to travel, and goes shopping. They usually don't care about me and don't come to see me. Me, I feel quite lonely every time I come home.”

When Gu Yunchen said this, he said nothing more and only stared at Mu Cai closely with a pair of deep eyes.

The meaning is already very obvious.

Mu Cai didn't expect that a rich man like Gu Yunchen would have the same troubles as him. He looked at the other person's dejected look, like an abandoned big dog, and without hesitation, said directly: "Okay!"

Gu Yunchen looked grateful.

In my heart, I gestured with scissors very proudly.

The author has something to say: Take care of your father and mother:? ? ? Brat, you obviously moved out because you thought we were annoying, but now it’s good, so how about we block the gun? It's really better to give you a piece of barbecued pork than to give birth to you!

Gu Yunchen: Can Barbecued Pork bring Caicai back to you

Gu father and mother:... (I really can’t!)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [Landmine]: don’t steal 2 accounts;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

10 bottles of Libei; 1 bottle of Guanguan Jujiu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!