Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 33: The top traffic illegitimate meal (End)


Gu Yunchen waited nervously for Mu Cai's answer.

His heart was beating vigorously, and his eyes could see nothing except the person standing opposite.

The young man stood on the hillside in the twilight, his soft black hair blown by the evening breeze. After hearing Gu Yunchen's words, his eyes widened slightly, seeming a little surprised, and his face went blank.

Then, the other party showed an apologetic look, his long eyelashes fluttering like butterfly wings, and his eyelids drooped as if he didn't dare to look at him: "I'm sorry, Brother Gu. You are very good, but..."

Before Mu Cai could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a slender and strong hand.

Gu Yunchen's hand gently pressed on his shoulder. He looked at himself, with an almost irresistible tenderness in his eyes: "I understand, I understand everything. But don't reject me so hastily, okay?"

His voice sounded like a whisper in the ear in the evening wind, low, as if it would break in the next second and dissipate in the wind.

Mu Cai wanted to reject the other party.

He likes Gu Yunchen very much, but this kind of liking has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women. And he will leave this world sooner or later. If he agrees to the other party, he will be irresponsible to Gu Yunchen.

But Gu Yunchen's expression was so heartbreaking.

The other party didn't speak, just looked at Mu Cai quietly. His eyes were filled with fiery clouds stretching across the horizon, with two small figures reflected in them, as if he was the only one in his heart and eyes.

Like a big dog waiting for its owner's judgment, it is obviously very wronged, but it can't help but wag its tail.

But if you don't reject Gu Yunchen, it's like hanging on to him and giving him unrealistic hopes. Mu Cai wanted to reject him, but couldn't bear to do so. In the end, he could only grit his teeth and said, "Brother Gu, you deserve better. There is no need to waste your energy on me."

Gu Yunchen said firmly: "In my heart, you are the best."

It was the first time that Mu Cai heard such straightforward words from the other party. He was a little shy, and felt that he could only say something harsher now: "Brother Gu, I don't like you."

A thin layer of red appeared on the young man's fair face, his cheeks bulged slightly, and he said this angrily, which was completely intimidating.

Gu Yunchen simply said shamelessly: "It's enough that I like you."

Mu Cai was completely speechless.

Gu Yunchen looked at the young man's bloodshot earlobe, which was like a drop of bright red gemstone, and couldn't help but smile in his heart.

His Caicai is still so easily shy, and you have to think about him at this time.

How could he be willing to let him go.

Gu Yunchen took a flight back that night.

He originally wanted to stay here with Mu Cai for one more night, and then take him to his own home. But now that Gu Yunchen has made his thoughts clear, there are some things that should not be rushed and Mu Cai needs to be given some time to adapt.

Even if Mu Cai doesn't agree to him now, he still has the opportunity to pursue it.

Gu Yunchen couldn't help but feel happy when he thought of the red spot at the base of Mu Cai's ears that looked like drops of blood when he faced him.

He had plenty of time to wait, wait until Mu Cai enlightened, wait until he fell in love with him.

The next afternoon, when Mu Cai came to reshoot the scene of "Little Snow Country", Wu Feng noticed something was wrong with him.

Mu Cai was already very thin, but after putting on the loose costume, he looked even more erect. He looked extremely pale and listless at the moment, exactly like Yao Xiubin after recovering from a serious illness.

Make him look more lovable.

The filming hasn't started yet, so the sick appearance of the other party should be his true state. Director Wu Feng asked with some concern: "Mu Cai, are you okay? Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to go to the hospital for a checkup?"

Xiao Liu on the side also looked worried.

Mu Cai's face actually looked a little bad since last night, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so weak today!

Xiao Liu sent a message to Brother Su in the morning, and he just replied that he was already on the plane. It is estimated that he will be here in two hours.

After hearing Director Wu's suggestion, Mu Cai shook his head.

He is indeed sick, but this illness is the system's way of letting him withdraw from the energy field peacefully. It is not a good idea to go to the hospital. Moreover, there were not many scenes that he needed to reshoot, and he could finish them in one afternoon.

Renting a venue for a day costs a lot of money, and Mu Cai certainly doesn't want to delay Director Wu's affairs.

The pale young man shook his head and rejected him. There was a hint of weakness in his ethereal and melodious voice: "It's okay, Director Wu. I'll go and watch it after the filming. An afternoon won't delay anything."

Seeing Mu Cai's insistence, Wu Feng said nothing more. After all, although the other party looked not in good spirits, it didn't look like he was holding back the pain, nor did he look like he was suffering from an emergency.

Wu Feng thought of this and quickly called the cameraman to take his place.

Now that Mu Cai was not feeling well, he was told to finish filming quickly and then go to the hospital for treatment. As for the effect of this re-shooting scene, Wu Feng is no longer prepared to force it.

The field recorder struck a chord.

Yao Xiubin opened the door and walked out.

He just came back from Shungang some time ago. As soon as he got home, he fell seriously ill because he had been sleeping rough and sleeping all the way and was worried.

After being ill on and off for half a month, Yao Xiubin felt better until yesterday. He was able to get off the ground last night, walk two steps, and eat some porridge. So he kicked his younger brother out of the house early this morning.

My younger brother had been working as an apprentice in the blacksmith shop in the town. Now he has taken leave to take care of himself for ten days and a half. I don't know how much things have been delayed. He was afraid that the other party's master would be unhappy, so he could only ask his brother to go back quickly.

Although Yao Xiubin knew the blacksmith master and knew that he was a good person, he did not dare to gamble on his brother's skills in making a living in the future.

Yao Xiubin opened the door and took two steps. Although his body was sore, he felt much better than before when he could only lie on the couch.

As of now, everything is a foregone conclusion. Yao Xiubin didn't see Ji Zicheng when he went to Shungang. Although he was sad and sad and wanted to cry, he knew that he still had to live his life.

Apart from anything else, he couldn't completely let go of his brother before he learned the craft and became independent.

Yao Xiubin thought of this and sprinkled some rice into the pot to make porridge. He is just sick and is more suitable to eat lighter and easier-to-digest food.

After breakfast, Yao Xiubin carried a basket and put some shoes and clothes that she sewed on weekdays, picked up a few eggs, took some money, and prepared to go to the market to exchange for some needed things.

He made an agreement with Brother A Niu and entered the market on the only ox cart in the village.

The market was very lively, with people coming and going and shouting.

Yao Xiubin and Brother Aniu set up a stall together.

He still looked sick, and it was especially heartbreaking when he smiled shyly. When those older girls and younger wives bought something from him or sold him something, they couldn't help but give him a little more.

After Yao Xiubin sold all the things and bought some daily necessities, his face froze with laughter. After closing the stall, he got on Brother A Niu's ox cart and felt the afternoon sunshine on the somewhat bumpy road.

Brother Aniu smiled and said: "The sunshine is so beautiful today!"

Yao Xiubin smiled: "Yes."

Brother Aniu added: "It has been gloomy the past few days, but it has become sunny again today. I took a look and found that it was foggy this morning. It has been cloudy and foggy for a long time, but it will clear up! This man is also like this, and things are not going well. Over time, it will get better!"

Yao Xiubin's heart moved, and her smile looked like a blooming flower in the sun: "Yes!"

Days will get better and the pain will pass.

He didn't know where Zicheng was now, or when the other party would come back. He might never even be able to wait for the other party.

But Yao Xiubin will still wait.

He will live well and manage his life well. In this way, if one day they can meet again, Yao Xiubin can proudly say to Ji Zicheng:

Look, I'm waiting for you! Just like the ivy on the wall, when spring comes, it will be full of life!

After Mu Cai finished filming "Once Upon a Time in a Small Town", he was sent to the hospital by Su Xingyun and Xiao Liu.

His situation was quite dire. According to the hospital's examination results, although the cause of the disease cannot be found for the time being, Mu Cai's physical functions do show signs of decline. Under the pressure of Su Xingyun and Xiao Liu, he could only follow the doctor's orders and be hospitalized for observation.

Mu Cai was happy and relaxed without having to work. But after seeing the doctor, he was so sleepy that he fell asleep without even eating dinner.

Mu Cai originally just wanted to sleep for a while, but he didn't expect that when he woke up, it was already bright outside the window, and Gu Yunchen was sitting next to him.

Mu Cai was a little surprised.

He knew that he couldn't hide his illness from Gu Yunchen. After all, he was an artist under Kaicheng Entertainment, and the other party was a shareholder of Kaicheng Entertainment.

But Mu Cai didn't expect that the other party would know it so quickly. He was admitted to the hospital last night, and Gu Yunchen sat next to him this morning.

However, as soon as Gu Yunchen saw Mu Cai waking up, an indescribable expression of joy and sorrow burst out from his tired face: "You're finally awake!"

As he spoke, he quickly pressed the bedside bell, and doctors and nurses hurried over in carts.

Mu Cai also realized now that he didn't just sleep for one night, but had slept for a week.

The doctor's diagnosis was that Mu Cai suffered from "Sleeping Beauty Syndrome".

The symptom of this disease is that the patient does not have any symptoms of endocrine or autonomic nervous system disorders, but the patient will sleep for days, weeks or even months.

Mu Cai's illness was more serious, and his body functions were still declining.

Mu Cai had no idea about his condition because he started to feel sleepy again after eating.

Gu Yunchen helped him tuck the quilt considerately, and tried to talk to him to keep him awake: "How do you feel now?"

Mu Cai managed to stay awake: "It's not bad, just a little sleepy."

When he said this, he looked at Gu Yunchen with his eyes and couldn't help but said: "Brother Gu, haven't you been working recently?"

With Gu Yunchen's current celebrity status, film and endorsement deals should be coming in like snowflakes.

Gu Yunchen laughed: "No, I'm here to accompany you."

Mu Cai couldn't open his eyes: "But this is not good, I..."

Gu Yunchen grabbed Mu Cai's shoulder and shook it gently: "Caicai, don't sleep, Caicai!"

But it was of no use, sleepiness swept over him like a mountain and a tsunami.

Before Mu Cai closed his eyes, he saw Gu Yunchen looking at him tenderly and saying to him: "Cai Cai, I will always wait for you."

Mu Cai's eyes slowly closed until he fell asleep completely.

News spread that the popular rising star Mu Cai suffers from Sleeping Beauty Syndrome. For a time, countless people went to Mu Cai's Weibo to wish him a speedy recovery. Mo Hengqing, Mo's father, Lin Jiayi, Jing He, Liang Yunxi and others also took turns coming to the hospital to see him, but Mu Cai was asleep most of the time.

He looked like a peaceful little prince when he slept, but only Gu Yunchen, who had been staying by his side, knew how thin this body had become.

Mu Cai's lethargy became more and more serious, and he could even sleep for as long as a month at a time.

Gu Yunchen stayed by his side day and night, and even set up an extra bed in the ward to accompany him, waiting for the moment when the other party woke up so that he could have a few more words with him.

A lot happened during Moutse's illness.

The box office of "Little Snow Country" has reached the highest level in history, and the popularity of Mu Cai, who plays the role of Yi Sheng, has soared. "Once Upon a Time in a Small Town" participated in the selection of the Niudo International Film Festival, and the judges unanimously voted for Mu Cai as the best actor.

Unfortunately, Mu Cai was lying on the hospital bed breathing lightly and sleeping.

As time went by, Mu Cai's sleepiness became longer and longer, and his body functions also declined overall. Even though Hui Yunchen tried all the medical methods in the world, nothing helped.

Finally one day, the newly-minted Niduo actor fell like a meteor in his sleep.

The moment he saw Mu Cai's life signs completely stopped, Gu Yunchen could no longer bear it and buried his face in the quilt covering Mu Cai.

Drops of tears wetted the snow-white bedding, and only Gu Yunchen could feel the bit of coldness.

The long wait almost exhausted his energy, but in the end he got a desperate result.

Gu Yunchen was unwilling to accept such a result! He didn't want to see Mu Cai leave him!

The moment all the emotions in his chest exploded, the time around him suddenly stopped.

Everyone's movements stopped.

The cicadas chirping outside the window stopped, the sound of hurried footsteps in the corridor outside the door, and the sound of the wheels of the cart rolling on the ground disappeared. Assistant Lin standing beside him was like a dummy, motionless.

The surrounding silence was eerie.

Only Gu Yunchen raised his head and seemed to see a more distant place through the window of the hospital.

His eyes were sharp and there were still tears on his face, but his expression seemed to be a completely different person.

The will that had been dormant for tens of thousands of years finally awakened in this body at this moment.

The eternal universe and galaxies flashed through the eyes of the planet's ruler, and finally penetrated time and space, and settled on a young boy who was sleeping in a nutrition cabin.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you again."

Mu Cai opened his eyes and the door of the nutrition cabin was opened.

The researchers next to him were removing various tubes from his head and body.

The researcher who led him, Lao Huang, said very excitedly: "Caicai, you are indeed the person I like! This energy collection is so perfect."

When he said this, he muttered in a low voice: "It's just that this time the energy field exploded in advance."

Originally, this energy field was stimulated by Mu Cai, and the energy generated has been transformed and smoothly used in various human production activities. Even if Mu Cai escapes, his subsequent energy should be able to sustain him for another ten minutes.

Unexpectedly, the energy field suddenly erupted in advance and the energy was exhausted. As soon as Mu Cai woke up, the energy field was directly scrapped.

This was the first time that Lao Huang had seen such a situation, but although he was puzzled, he couldn't figure out anything for the time being.

Mu Cai sat up in silence.

He recalled that before he fell into a deep sleep, a low and lingering voice came into his ears: "Caicai, I will always wait for you."

Although he knew that the entire world was just an energy field, and that all the joys and sorrows in it were just the result of the collision of spiritual energies, Mu Cai couldn't help but feel uncomfortable for a while.

Those who work directly with the energy field usually lie in the nutrition cabin for four or five days. After each mission, the department will give them two days off to allow them to exercise in order to maintain good physical condition and continue the next energy stimulation work.

Since everyone wakes up at different times, so does their time off. During the past two days, Mu Cai ate and communicated with his colleagues who were also on vacation, and went to the department gym to run on the treadmill for half an hour every day. The faint discomfort in his heart finally dissipated.

The vacation passed by in a flash, and Mu Cai adjusted his condition, lay down in the nutrition cabin again, and began to enter the next world.

The author has something to say: A certain Alpha with straight A cancer is gearing up: Come on, my wife!

A certain Omega bestie: Haha.

A certain alpha prince: Haha.

A certain beta brother: Haha.

I broke my promise again orz about the extra chapter. The ending was really stuck. I finished it very late and I was very sleepy. tomorrow! I’ll definitely make the extra episode tomorrow! Little angels, don’t be angry qwq

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [Landmine]: Mr. W doesn’t sleep every day and don’t hack one account;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

38 bottles of Sanheniao; 1 bottle of Ji and Luoxuemian;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!