Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 44: Peach flavored omega (11)


Although the mecha training was very hard at the beginning, after a few days of training, Mu Cai felt that his mental and physical strength had improved, he could persist longer and longer, and he stepped on more and more yellow squares.

At the end of the first day of training, what Mu Cai said to Claire before falling asleep was conveyed to Master Baze. Baze believes that what Mu Cai said makes sense, and what he said is exactly an issue that has been debated by the majority of mecha manufacturers since the birth of mechas.

But for this problem, Baze currently doesn't have any good strategies to deal with it. Moreover, if the body's instinctive reaction mechanism is to be added, the current operation method of mechas may undergo earth-shaking changes. Such changes cannot be completed overnight.

When Claire told Mu Cai about Baze's reply, he was a little surprised. In Mu Cai's view, this was just a small subconscious complaint when he was in a daze. Unexpectedly, Claire actually took it seriously and informed Master Baze.

It seems that as a new mecha tester, my opinion is indeed important.

After Mu Cai came to this conclusion, he diligently conducted tests with Qingluan every day, generating countless performance data about the new mecha and giving it to Master Baze and the others. He also truthfully told Claire his feelings. Master Baze recorded all these opinions, screened out the effective information, and then made targeted improvements.

As Mu Cai's training content became more difficult and he used more of Qingluan's functions, some problems with the mecha gradually emerged. After Mu Cai finishes training every day, Qingluan will return to the factory to make changes, and then return to the training room the next day.

At the end of the two-month vacation, almost all the functions of the B-level Qingluan have been tested, and the finished product can be made using it as a model. Tomorrow afternoon, there will be A-level mechas in the training room.

Mu Cai can now step on all the yellow squares, and can control the mecha to perform some relatively simple actions, such as walking, turning, raising his arms, and grabbing.

At the end of the last day of training, Mu Cai touched Qingluan's shell, feeling a little reluctant to leave. He can now appreciate how much his classmates in the mecha combat department cherish his mecha. After all, it is a partner who follows him forward and retreat together and fights side by side. Even if it is just an iron bump, people will feel nostalgic.

Claire watched the young man raise his head, his eyes that seemed to be covered with a layer of water looking at the tall mecha standing silently. His thin white fingers gently stroked the shimmering azure shell with nostalgia and reluctance.

This scene is as beautiful as a painting.

As a mecha pilot, Claire understood Mu Cai's mood at the moment very well. He walked over, gently held the other party's shoulders, and brought Mu Cai a little closer to his arms for silent comfort.

The other person has a very light peach scent. After witnessing her partner going through estrus twice and smelling a richer sweet fragrance, Claire was no longer satisfied with only smelling such a light fragrance.

I really want to take Mu Caiquan home and give him his own ring. Ask the other party to take off the suppression ring, imprint your own teeth marks on the glands on the neck, and from now on, the sweet peach fragrance will only be exuded to you.

Claire's eyes darkened, she lowered her head slightly, and took a deep breath in Mu Cai's hair.

Mu Cai had no idea.

He touched Qingluan's shell, and a chill penetrated his fingertips. Or the people around him are warmer, like a human-shaped heater radiating heat.

Mu Cai thought so, reluctantly took his hand away and shrank into Claire's arms.

Claire took advantage of the situation and hugged the person in her arms a little tighter.

The soft black hair swept between his neck, making him feel a little itchy, and Claire's heart also felt a little itchy.

No matter how many times Claire sees Mu Cai being so naturally close to him, she will still be ecstatic in her heart. During these days, he had dried the quilt in Mu Cai's dormitory, made the bed, and trained and ate with him.

After nearly two months of tender care, she finally gained the other person's subconscious closeness to her.

Claire felt that everything was worth it!

Although sometimes there would always be some unscrupulous people trying to disturb the harmonious atmosphere between him and Mu Cai, but they were blocked by him overtly or covertly. Even if some people can stay for a while based on their friendship with Cai Cai, so what, Cai Cai has not yet enlightened and will never have any thoughts about an omega.

Claire tightened her arms around the young man and said with a smile, "Don't be too sad, you deserve better."

Mu Cai has S-level mental power and can control up to S-level mechas. If the other party really can't let go of Qingluan, he can give Master Baze some advice so that Qingluan can continue to be by Mu Cai's side in a new way.

But there is no need to tell Cai Cai now, he has to leave some surprises for this little kitten.

Thinking of this, Claire's tone became gentler: "The new A-class mecha will arrive tomorrow. After you get used to it, I will start teaching you simple confrontations."

Mu Cai nodded.

Claire thought for a while and then said: "The academy will start school soon, and you will still have to stay in the military department then. If you don't want to miss the course, I can ask the teacher to make up the class for you, and you can participate directly when the time comes. Just pass the exam, no need to suspend school."

Having to stay in the military headquarters after the vacation was a problem that Mu Cai had long anticipated. After all, it took more than two months to test the B-level mecha, and there were still two more levels to test. There was definitely not enough time.

Mu Cai thought about it and realized that the plot timeline of the original novel had almost ended when he was in third grade. Now that the plot has been advanced so much, the later timeline may also be advanced.

Then he doesn't have to worry about not being able to graduate.

Mu Cai thought of this and said decisively: "No, I'll just drop out of school."

It’s nice not to have to study!

Claire laughed a little when she saw the young man's impatient expression.

Well, Cai Cai had already worked very hard to test the mecha. Originally, the military department forced Caicai to retain people, so of course Caicai's normal life could not be delayed. Just like heroes will always get more honors and rewards, Caicai's contribution to the military is immeasurable. When the time comes, he can just apply, make meritorious service to Caicai, and let him graduate with glory.

Claire thought of this, put her arm around Mu Cai's shoulders, and said, "Let's go to eat. This afternoon and tomorrow morning are both holidays."

It was rare that he didn't have to train, so Mu Cai was certainly happy. But before going, he still asked politely: "Is Brother Claire going back to school?"

Claire smiled and said, "If I don't go back, I'll stay here with you."

Mu Cai remembered the plot of the original work and couldn't help but ask: "What about the Mecha Confrontation League? Will Brother Kelai not participate?"

In the original plot, no one has been found to test the new mecha at this time, so Claire is still attending school as normal and participating in the mecha combat league organized by the college.

Claire smiled and said, "Does Cai Cai want me to participate?"

Mu Cai said matter-of-factly: "Of course I hope Brother Kelai will participate."

He thought for a while and muttered: "We have to drive Mu Feng back. He should also participate."

In the original plot, both Claire and Mu Feng participated in this mecha confrontation league, and they would also meet people from the Kalle Alliance, which paved the way for the development of the subsequent plot.

Claire was quite happy to hear the previous sentence, but now she heard that he was still thinking about his brother, and she was a little unhappy.

If you call him brother, do you really think of him as brother

Claire didn't want Mu Cai to miss Mu Feng anymore, so she changed the subject and said, "There will be a Hydroid meteor shower tonight. Do you want to watch it? It is said that the Hydroid meteor shower is extremely powerful once in forty years."

Mu Cai had only seen the spectacular sight of meteor showers in movies, and this was his first time watching it live. He was so excited that he said on the spot: "Okay."

After Mu Cai finished eating, he went back to set the alarm clock and went to bed early. When the alarm clock rang at two o'clock in the morning, he groaned in bed. Finally, when Claire knocked on the door, he got up with his clothes on and opened the door.

A gust of cold wind came.

Claire's silent figure looked like a ghost in the dark night, making Mu Cai startled for a moment. However, as soon as he came in, he touched Mu Cai's hand, and abundant heat penetrated the other person's body. Mu Cai instantly threw away his previous thoughts and said in a daze: "Come in quickly, it's so cold outside. .”

Claire's consciousness was very clear. When he heard this sentence, he smiled in the quiet night without turning on the lights. His gentle voice was very gentle in the watery night: "Okay."

The door to the dormitory was closed again. Mu Cai opened his sleepy eyes and couldn't see anything clearly in the dark night. He stumbled forward and almost hit the small table and fell. It was Claire who helped him in time and sent him to the bed.

Mu Cai's bed was by the window. Sitting on his bed, he opened the curtains and could see the sky when he raised his head. Area F is different from other bustling areas on Capital Star. There are no neon lights flashing here. The night is extremely dark and very quiet.

Mu Cai raised his head and pulled Claire who was standing by the bed: "Sit on the bed and I'll give you some of the cup. It's not warm at all standing outside."

The fingertips, which were much cooler than her own body temperature, gently touched her own hand, and Claire held the thin hand with her backhand. This bit of coldness didn't make him feel cold at all, but instead made the fire in his heart burn brighter and stronger.

Mu Tsai is inviting him to bed.

Although she knew that the other party had no other intentions, Claire felt like her brain was going to explode. The dormitory in the mecha manufacturing base is heated, but it is not as hot as the other areas, and the temperature is slightly lower. Mu Cai's fingers were cold. He felt cold, so of course he also felt cold.

Moreover, Claire had long discovered that Mu Cai's gender consciousness did not seem to be strong, and he rarely treated himself differently. When Mu Cai saw Alpha and Omega walking together before in the academy, he didn't subconsciously think that the two were in love like others. Instead, he felt that they might be communicating and learning.

Now Mu Cai was in a daze, and probably didn't even know what he was doing.

Claire sat down on the bed almost mechanically, put her legs up, and then faced Mu Yi's face covered with a soft quilt that smelled of sweet peach.

A pair of slender legs took advantage of his unpreparedness and squeezed in like a swimming fish to rest on his waist.

Claire also heard Mu Cai mutter: "Brother Claire, you are really warm."

Claire's heart skipped a beat. Before he could speak, he heard Mu Cai suddenly shout in surprise: "Hey, I just saw a meteor flying by!"

Although the meteor shower is extremely large and visible to the naked eye, there are not actually many meteor showers appearing together like in the movie. But after one passes, another one takes over, and sometimes there will be a scene of two or three passing by in parallel.

When Mu Cai saw the meteor shower started, he immediately became energetic. He patted Claire and said in an excited voice: "The meteor shower is coming, make a wish quickly!"

Claire laughed in the dark night. He closed his eyes slightly, looked at Mu Cai through the gap, and silently said in his heart: I hope Cai Cai will be happy and safe throughout his life.

The meteor shower that night lasted for more than ten minutes. In the end, Mu Cai was so sleepy that his eyelids trembled and he almost fell asleep on the bed.

It was dark inside the dormitory, but Claire had excellent night vision. Although he couldn't see clearly, he still clearly remembered the lines of Mu Cai's profile as he looked out the window.

After Mu Cai fell asleep completely, he gently covered him with a quilt, suppressed the desire of his relatives, and silently exited the dormitory.

The next day, Mu Cai followed Claire to the training ground as usual.

In the past, Claire walked in front and swiped the card to open the door, while Mu Cai followed behind and went in together. Today, Claire walked to the door, but suddenly turned around and said, "I forgot to bring my card. Can Caicai swipe my card?"

Although Mu Cai was a little puzzled that the always cautious Claire forgot to bring his card, he obediently took out his card and swiped the door open and walked in first.

Then, he saw a mecha standing silently in the center of the training ground.

The lines are smooth, and the azure shell glows with a metallic luster under the light, like a clear sky after rain.

It's Qingluan!

Mu Cai's expression was like a flower that bloomed in an instant, becoming very surprised and excited little by little.

Claire felt joy flowing in his chest as he watched. He smiled and said: "I communicated with the teacher, and he directly modified Qingluan, added parts, upgraded the core, and finally made it into an A-class mecha. "

When he said this, he looked at Mu Cai again: "Would Cai Cai be willing to fight side by side with me in the Mecha Battle League?"

The author has something to say: Claire: He seems to have no gender awareness at all, and when he sees alpha and omega walking closely together, he thinks they might just be having fun!

In fact, it’s just because he grew up in a modern society and his way of thinking is different from that of the local people. Mu Cai:…

Today is a day to watch the meteor shower together (no)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2019-11-23 01:46:21~2019-11-24 02:11:27~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Qingyu Qingyu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!