Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 45: Peach flavored omega (12)


The vast Milky Way is like a long ribbon, dotted with countless luminous stars. It's like a silk ribbon studded with tiny sequins, only this ribbon is wider and more spectacular.

Mu Cai sat on his seat and looked at the magnificent scene outside through the porthole window, with surprise and excitement that could not be concealed on his face.

Claire sat next to him and couldn't help laughing: "Does it look good?"

Mu Cai couldn't bear to move his eyes away from the window. He just nodded his head, looking like a chicken pecking at rice: "It looks good!"

In fact, this was not the first time that Mu Cai saw such a scene. He previously followed the country's extraterrestrial energy mining department on a spacecraft to the target planet. Before entering the energy field, he could always see such a spectacular sight.

No matter how many times he watched it, Mu Cai was still deeply amazed by this mysterious and beautiful universe.

They are on a spaceship now, or on a flight from the capital star of the Galactic Empire to the Lant star of the Kale Federation. They were heading to the Kale Federation to participate in the Mecha Fighting League.

When Claire asked Mu Cai if he was willing to fight side by side with him and participate in the Mecha Battle League, Mu Cai agreed without thinking for too long.

In the original plot, the original person also participated in the Mecha Fighting League. It's just that the original person was bound to a certain contestant as a mecha nurse, while Mu Cai directly participated in the battle as a mecha combatant.

The registration time for the mecha league is in the middle of the new semester. At that time, Qingluan's A-level test had just ended, and Master Baze had already transformed it into an S-level mecha. Although Mu Cai took a leave of absence from school, he still returned to the academy with Claire and logged into the academy's intranet to register for the Mecha Battle League.

He was a student in the Mecha Nursing Department and was originally not eligible to sign up. However, the college received special approval from the military department, changed the system settings, and he successfully registered.

The preliminary round of the Mecha Fighting League was held on the Lant Star of the Kaler Federation. Before that, the ten mecha academies in the Galactic Empire conducted a preliminary screening of all participating mecha combatants, screening out about 20% of them, reducing the number of students participating in the entire empire to five Less than a thousand people.

Mu Cai had been training mechas in the military for a long time, and was still personally guided by Claire, and sometimes received guidance from Major General Nolan. Therefore, although his physical fitness is not high, his proficiency in operating mechas is still better than most first-year mecha combat students. He successfully entered the preliminary round and got on this flight.

Interstellar flights are medium- to long-distance voyages, not to mention that the capital star of the Galactic Empire and the Lant Star of the Kaler Federation are far apart. Even if they were taking a warship specially allocated by the military this time, which was much faster than an ordinary flight, the journey would take a whole day.

It was already lunch time, and several flight attendants were pushing carts, supplying food to the students of the Mecha Academy on both sides of the aisle according to the different types of food in the cart.

Naturally, the conditions on the battleship cannot be compared with the canteen in the mecha manufacturing base. Most of the food here is fast food, the kind that can be heated and eaten. But fortunately, there are many types and there is a lot of room to choose from.

Claire has been with Mu Cai for so long, and has already understood Mu Cai's taste clearly. He chose bacon jerky, garlic bread with bacon and eggs for the young man, took a glass of grape juice, and put a small apple on the tray. He himself had no preference. He took a little bit of various foods and piled them into a small mountain on his plate.

The aroma of the food finally brought Mu Cai back, who was reluctant to look at the scene outside the window. He sat down again obediently. Claire had opened the small folding table for him, and the tray with food and drinks was already placed on it.

Mu Cai held the warm, freshly heated bread in his hands and put it into his mouth. He went up to it with a slurp, and when his red lips left, he only left a row of small teeth marks on the bread. Mu Cai's cheeks were bulging, rising and falling with the chewing movement, like a little hamster eating.

He was also completely different from the classmates around him who were eating and watching videos downloaded in advance in their brains. Mu Cai concentrated on staring at the bread in his hand, eating it very seriously, and seemed to have thought about it every time he took a bite.

Everyone watching could not help but have more appetite.

Claire watched Mu Cai eating and unknowingly ate more food than usual. He was about to ask Mu Cai if the garlic bread stuffed with bacon and eggs was really so delicious, when a fluffy head suddenly appeared above the two of them: "Brother, this bread is really delicious." Is it tasty?"

The one who made the noise was Mu Feng, who was sitting in the back row. At this time, the other party stood up and lay on the back of the seat looking at them. The dark head rested between the two seats, and to Claire it looked like a shining light bulb.

This light bulb was still unconscious, still staring at Mu Cai and murmuring: "Brother, you eat so deliciously."

Mu Cai was concentrating on eating bread when he was suddenly interrupted and almost choked himself. He quickly took a sip of grape juice to calm down his shock, swallowed the contents of his mouth smoothly into his stomach, fluttered his long eyelashes, and then said: "I think it's okay."

Mu Cai thought for a while and then commented seriously: "The bacon is burnt and the bread is a bit hard. It's hard for me to bite it. But the eggs are delicious and I like it."

Although his evaluation was not good, it did not affect Mu Feng's enthusiasm for eating this garlic bread at all.

Mu Feng thought, since his brother ate so deliciously, he really wanted to give it a try. If there is still this bread for dinner, he must bring one back.

While he was still thinking, Claire suddenly said: "I also have a garlic bread here. I looked at it and saw that the bacon in it was not burnt. I'll take out the bacon and eggs for you to eat."

Mu Cai liked these two foods very much, but he was too embarrassed to ask for them. If the bacon and eggs were taken out, wouldn't Claire have to eat the hard crust

He quickly said: "It doesn't matter, brother Claire. You can eat it, I don't want it."

But Claire laughed: "Caicai, don't feel bad for me. Look, I took a lot, enough for me to eat."

As he spoke, he lowered his arms and showed Mu Cai the tray on the small table.

Mu Cai looked at the mountain of food piled high: "..."

He silently accepted the bacon and eggs that Claire brought to him.

Claire still had a smile on her face, and she was holding a tissue in her hand, carefully helping Mu Cai wipe away the crumbs from the corners of her mouth.

But Mu Cai didn't react at all and accepted Claire's move very naturally.

Seeing the two people's intimacy, Mu Feng suddenly felt that the position of his head was wrong. He felt like a lightbulb without electricity at this moment, extremely bright and completely unable to get between the two of them.

At the same time, Mu Feng felt a dull pain in his heart, as if he had been abused.

Unable to bear it, he sat back down.

The seatmate next to him looked at Mu Feng's dejected look and said something special: "You look like a dog."

Then he was hit on the elbow mercilessly by Mu Feng.

After Claire fed Mu Cai, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but turn up.

Finally the light bulb was driven away.

Early the next morning, Capital Star's warship finally arrived at Lant Star.

The Galactic Empire governs more than a dozen planets and has a total of ten mecha academies. Most of these ten mecha academies are located on different planets, and you need to contact the local military department to arrange for students to go to Lant Planet.

Therefore, each mecha academy arrives at Lant Star at a different time, and Capital Star arrives neither too early nor too late.

When the cabin door opened, Mu Cai followed Claire down the elevator, feeling the long-lost sunshine and clear sky.

The people of the Kaler Federation had been waiting at the place where the battleship landed early.

Looking down from the elevator, Mu Cai could see a uniform square array. The people in the phalanx looked very young, similar to themselves, and should be students of the Mecha Combat Department of the Kaler Federation.

There were several people standing in front of the phalanx, probably officers, nodding to them.

Each mecha academy will send a general to lead the team, and the participating students from Capital Star will be led by Major General Nolan. He got off the elevator, walked a few steps quickly, and saluted the officers on the opposite side one by one. Claire, on the other hand, followed Nolan with Mu Cai and several other officers, and stepped forward to greet him.

After the two sides experienced it, several leaders exchanged brief greetings.

A man wearing a white military uniform, whose build and appearance looked like an alpha, walked up to Claire, with a formulaic smile on his face: "My name is Leon. You are Claire, I've known you for a long time. Three years ago I’m sorry you didn’t participate in the Mecha Battle League.”

Claire also had a formulaic smile on her face: "I'm sorry too. I hope I can fight you this year."

He didn't go to the mecha competition three years ago because his grandfather was seriously ill. This is something that the entire Galactic Empire knows, and even the Kaler Federation has heard about it. Therefore, Claire did not explain too much.

As soon as Mu Cai heard the name Leon, he immediately became energetic.

Leon, in the original plot, has an attack level of 2 and a mental strength of S. He is also the best alpha of the young generation of the Kalle Federation and the champion of the last Mecha Fighting League.

Claire is the future leader of the Leon family. He started piloting mechas early on and entered the military to perform meritorious service. He is very famous in the Galactic Empire and the Kalle Federation.

Alphas are competitive by nature, and facing Claire, whose family background and strength are equal to his own, Leon is certainly not convinced.

At first, he just disliked Claire and wanted to steal the attention of Mu Feng, whom Claire cared about, in order to prove that he was no worse than Claire. Unexpectedly, in the end, Leon truly fell in love with Mu Feng, and even betrayed the Kalle Federation.

Leon and Claire nodded politely, and their eyes were quickly attracted by Mu Cai beside them.

The young man in front of him had black and soft hair, glowing with a soft and fine luster under the sunlight. His skin was snow-white, his lips were red, and his eyes were dark and big, and he seemed to be looking at himself curiously. There is a black restraint ring on the thin, almost unbreakable neck.

The black inhibition ring is like a collar, forming a sharp contrast with the white skin it covers, bringing out an indescribable temptation.

Leon has seen many beautiful omegas, but this is the first time for Leon to see such a beautiful omega.

His eyes were firmly locked on the other person, and just when he was about to step forward to talk, a tall figure stood up and blocked his sight.

Leon looked up and saw Claire.

The formulaic smile on the other party's face had disappeared, replaced by stern eyebrows and a cold expression.

Leon raised his eyebrows: "Is this your mecha nurse?"

His tone of voice was a little sticky, as if he had some special meaning.

Claire said seriously: "These are our contestants participating in the mecha competition."

A look of surprise appeared on Leon's face, and then he revealed a sarcastic smile: "Does the Galactic Empire have no alpha? It actually lets omega control the mecha?"

Leon said, unabashedly looking in the direction of Mu Cai: "Omega's are weak by nature. They should have hidden under the wings of alpha, stayed at home and been pampered. What's more, such a beautiful omega! The Galaxy Empire has executed The worst policy is the implementation of suppression rings, which block omega pheromones and cause the birth rate to drop. And if you can watch such a policy and not try to change it, your alpha nature has been wiped out."

Mu Cai was listening and felt that this argument was just as inconsistent as the popular idea in the Galactic Empire that "omega should be handsome and powerful".

He didn't plan to speak at first, after all, what the other party said had nothing to do with him. But when Mu Cai saw Claire's frown, he still couldn't help but said: "I'm from the Galaxy Empire. Whether I have a suppression ring or not, it has nothing to do with you. And I think the suppression ring is pretty good, at least for me You can do what you want, and the alphas on our side won't lose their minds like wild beasts once they smell pheromones like yours."

Leon's face froze.

The number of alpha riots in the Kale Federation is indeed much higher than that in the Galactic Empire, and 100% of the reasons are due to the sudden onset of estrus by omegas walking on the street. Then it will cause traffic jams, random markings and a series of adverse consequences.

The young man opposite stopped looking at him. Instead, he grabbed Claire's arm beside him and said, "Brother Claire, let's go."

Claire's heart moved.

The young man was defending him.

When she thought of this, Claire's eyes softened. He put his arm around the other person's shoulders and smiled softly: "Let's go."

The two of them returned to the team together, leaving only Lyon, who was angrily and reluctantly staring at his slender figure as he left.

The author has something to say: Claire: I tortured a light bulb back, and I picked a light bulb and beat it back. I hope Bulb will learn from the experience and recognize the fact that he is single.

Mu Cai: Well, you seem to be single too...

Claire: I won’t listen, I won’t listen!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2019-11-24 02:11:27~2019-11-25 01:08:48~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Longgong W doesn’t sleep for 1 day;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of flowers falling in front of the court; 1 bottle of Huang Xiaopang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!