Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 48: Peach flavored omega (15)


The silver-white mecha held the azure mecha, which was slightly smaller than itself, in its arms from behind. Bai Ze's long robotic arm was still holding Qingluan's waist, and the cockpit on his head was intimately touching Qingluan's waist. Luan's are next to each other.

If the protagonists weren't two mechas, this action would look like a murmur between lovers.

A sigh escaped from Claire's throat.

Mu Cai sat in the cockpit looking confused.

Due to his limited vision, he only knew that Qingluan was caught by Bai Ze, and the way he caught him seemed unusual.

Mu Cai had no experience in dealing with this restraint posture. He struggled subconsciously, and his mental power instantly covered Qingluan, causing the azure mecha to make the move that Mu Cai had inadvertently thought of.

Qingluan's mechanical arm waved forward, and his legs kicked as well, but he missed the point.

Only then did Mu Cai realize that Qingluan had been lifted into the air by Bai Ze.

Qingluan's series of actions, set against the posture of Bai Ze beside him, look particularly like a child who is about to be abducted by human traffickers and trying to save himself.

Just a few cries.

Claire: "..."

The throbbing in my heart and the beautiful atmosphere of self-immersion were all gone.

Claire manipulated Bai Ze to put the person down. The two of them released the mecha state at the same time with a tacit understanding.

Mu Cai turned back to look at Claire, a little confused: "Brother Claire, why did you grab Qingluan like that just now?"

Claire saw the other person looking over, seemingly calm, but in fact, he avoided the other person's sight in embarrassment.

In fact, he didn't know why he did this. At that time, Claire almost had an idea. And after finishing it, his heart was almost overflowing with satisfaction.

Now that I think about it, it may be because the body is the most honest. This action has been performed in Claire's mind countless times. Every time he sees Mu Cai's back, he can't help but imagine it secretly in his heart, but he has never acted on it.

However, the impulse was good for a while, and the aftermath was in the crematorium. Claire looked at Mu Cai, who seemed to be unaware of their postures, and the feeling of powerlessness in her heart deepened.

Mu Cai didn't pay attention to the opponent's pause at all, but suddenly thought of something: "Is this a new way to subdue opponents?"

Claire's face was calm, but there was a hint of imperceptible and extremely short-lived helplessness in her voice: "Yes."

Although Mu Cai had a sudden idea and helped him make love, Claire couldn't be happy at all for some reason, and even felt a little sad.

But it's okay, Mu Cai is so slow that others can't easily abduct him. As long as I give it time, it's not like I can't hold on until the clouds clear and the moon shines.

When Claire said this, she quickly added: "But don't use this. Qingluan is small and can easily be killed."

Mu Cai thought of the scene just now. He couldn't get up to the sky or get down to the ground. Although he himself was indeed subdued, Qingluan was smaller than most mechas. In actual combat, the opponent's mechanical arm might be reversed and he might be picked up from behind.

Mu Cai thought of this and agreed very much: "I understand, thank you, Brother Kelai."

Seeing the young man nodding obediently, Claire's helplessness did not dissipate, but intensified.

At this time, Claire's brain beeped twice.

His brain was always silent, and would only flash when there was news. Claire only set up this kind of special reminder message sound for two people, one was Mu Cai, and the other was the person in charge of the military department who contacted him about important news.

Now that Mu Cai is by his side, the news can only come from the person in charge of the military department. Claire's expression changed, and she quickly opened her brain and checked the incoming message.

Mu Cai looked at Claire's expression and his expression suddenly became serious. His brows furrowed slightly, and he had already vaguely guessed what happened.

According to the plot of the original book, the Zerg should have begun to move strangely and are gradually attacking towards the Milky Way.

The history of the struggle between humans and Zerg is very long. Ever since humans broke out of the confines of one planet and began to gradually expand their territory to other planets in the galaxy, they have already begun to fight against the Zerg.

The Zerg are the top predators in the interstellar world. They have flattened countless galaxies with their powerful bodies and extremely large numbers. They are the worst predators and destroyers in the universe. Every time they arrive in a galaxy, they will directly eat up all the local creatures until the planets under their feet become useless stars and then leave with a swagger, continuing to search for the next planet with life.

Humans are the next food they target. Compared with the Zerg, humans are very small. If it weren't for three hundred years ago, the human hero Carol used his body to escape, seize the right opportunity, and join the Zerg fleet at the critical moment. He accurately and seriously injured the Zerg queen, forcing the severely injured Zerg to retreat, and the history of mankind would have been changed. It may have already turned into a speck of dust in the Milky Way.

And Carol will always be remembered as a hero of mankind.

Now three hundred years have passed. According to the original plot, the Zerg Queen, who was seriously injured last time, died not long after retreating. Before dying, the other party gave birth to a new Zerg queen. Now that the new queen has grown up, the Zerg naturally have to return to where humans are for food and to support the queen.

At this point in time, the front lines of the Galactic Empire have detected the movements of the Zerg.

Sure enough, after reading the news, Claire did not shy away from Mu Cai, but said directly: "The frontline is going to be tense again."

Mu Cai asked: "Is it the Zerg?"

Claire nodded.

He was not surprised that Mu Cai would ask this. The confrontation between humans and Zerg is a fact known to everyone in the Galactic Empire and the Kaler Federation. The events three hundred years ago have been used as a warning bell by the government to ring the people from time to time.

Mu Cai thought for a moment and then asked: "Then do we want to end the Mecha Confrontation League?"

In the original plot, the Zerg attacked for the first time after Mu Feng tested the new mecha. Now that the plot has been advanced by himself, Mu Cai is a little worried that the Zerg attack will also be advanced.

The young man's eyebrows frowned slightly, and there was a hint of worry in his bright black eyes.

Claire's heart moved, and he comforted with a smile: "Don't worry, the whereabouts of the Zerg have just been detected. The Mecha Counter League is also very important. In the future, it is likely to be the main military force of the Empire and the Federation, and maybe one of them There will be a second Carol.”

When he said this, he stretched out his hand to hold the other party's shoulder: "Besides, no matter what happens, there will still be the military. War is the military's business, and the people only need to live a stable life. Even if they are really outmatched by then, the military will The Ministry will also find ways to lead the people to transfer."

Mu Cai nodded and stopped thinking about it. Instead, he continued to concentrate on training and prepare for the next game.

In the next half month, Mu Cai successfully passed the knockout rounds in the preliminary round and entered the finals. But in the finals, Mu Cai's strength was not enough.

Two thousand people participated in the finals, but only two hundred people entered the finals. Therefore, the competition format of the finals is designed to test the various qualities of the mecha combatants. It not only tests the mecha combatants' combat skills, but also tests the mecha combatants' physical strength, endurance, willpower and adaptability.

After all, the ultimate goal of the Mecha Fighting League is to select outstanding talents to prepare for entering the upper echelons of the military.

As a mecha fighter, although Mu Cai's combat skills and willpower are good, his physical strength is still far behind those of alphas and a very small number of physically strong betas. Therefore, Mu Cai failed to enter the finals. Instead, he was single-killed in the jungle simulation arena and automatically popped up in the simulated arena.

The person who defeated him was Colin, a player from a remote planet in the Galactic Empire. The other party disclosed very little information on the official website. He seemed to have excellent academic performance, but he was usually taciturn and had little interpersonal contact.

When Mu Cai ejected from the simulation arena, his heart was beating violently. He still remembered the black mecha that suddenly descended from behind the trees like a ghost.

Although he couldn't see the opponent's expression in the cockpit, he had an inexplicable cold feeling as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake. The cockpit, which was as dark as the mecha, was facing his direction, looking straight at him like a pair of empty eyes.

Fortunately, Mu Cai didn't look into each other's eyes for too long before he was ejected from the simulation arena and ultimately missed the finals.

Claire, Leon, and Mu Feng all entered the finals just like the original plot.

However, when the two hundred winners who survived the jungle simulation arena stood on the stage to receive cheers, Mu Feng, as the only slightly thin omega among all the strong men, did not stir up much ripples.

Because on the day the results came out, most of the audience focused on Mu Cai.

When Mu Cai was eliminated on the last day of the finals, the Star Network was in mourning. The video on the official website that day was filled with an explosion of comments.

After all, Mu Cai's elimination means that he can no longer play on the field, and hundreds of millions of ordinary viewers have lost the opportunity to see him. Therefore, within three days after the game, Mu Cai's information page received hundreds of millions more views on the official website of the Mecha Combat League. The audience cannot see the real person, so they can only look at the photos for comfort.

Mu Cai had no regrets. His participation has nothing to do with the original plot, and he was not among the people who were supposed to reach the finals.

After the finals were over, Mu Cai boarded the return warship with everyone.

The federal military headquarters of Lant Star came to see him off.

Leon is still wearing a white military uniform. He is handsome and loves to laugh. He looks much friendlier and more lively than Claire, who has been silent all year round.

He looked at Mu Cai, who was about to board the battleship, with a smile in his eyes: "We are going to the capital star of the Galaxy Empire during the finals. I will go find you then. I wonder if Cai Cai is willing to receive me?"

Just as Mu Cai was about to answer, a strong arm stopped him.

Claire looked cold and said: "Don't worry, Mu Cai and I will come together to receive all the contestants."

Lyon: "..."

Leon instantly suppressed the smile on his face: "Thank you for the empire's hospitality, but I will visit Mu Cai as a friend. After all, the Shi family has had many transactions with my family."

After hearing this, Mu Cai thought for a while and said politely: "Grandpa will welcome you."

Since it was a friendship with the Shi family, it was impossible for him to refuse. After all, grandpa is the head of the Shi family.

A smile appeared on Leon's face again. He took off his hat to Mu Cai and bowed slightly, looking very gentlemanly.

Claire's face was calm, but she couldn't help but tighten her hands.

Fortunately, the battleship was about to take off, so Claire put her arm around Mu Cai's shoulders and took him away in time, and the two of them boarded the battleship together.

After arriving on the battleship, Mu Cai remembered something and quickly opened his brain, his thin white fingers moving quickly on the small keyboard.

Seeing his anxious look, Claire couldn't help but ask: "Who are you sending a message to?"

Mu Cai didn't even raise his head: "Ruan Jia, I promised to see him as soon as he gets back. I'll send him a message now, otherwise I'll lose the internet soon after entering space!"

Claire thought about what Leon said just now, and then saw Mu Cai's current behavior, and felt that her heart was filled with panic at the moment.

The new mecha has been tested and Mu Cai's game is over. He has no reason to keep him by his side. During this period, Claire could not stop whoever visited Mu Cai's home or who he wanted to see.

I'm just afraid that when the time comes, the cabbage that I have worked so hard to guard for so long will be taken away by others.

Claire frowned, thinking about it. He turned around and asked Mu Cai, "Are you going to Ruan Jia's house after you go back? I happen to have something to do with his elder brother, let's go together."

The author has something to say: Claire: I planted this mountain and planted this vegetable. If you want to pick this vegetable, fight me!

So the pigs huddled in chaos.

Sorry little angel! I was writing and writing last night and I was so sleepy that I fell asleep on the table while writing qwq. In order to never stay up late in the future, I will change the update time to noon. This will also encourage me to get up early and write for a while before going to work. I will revise it and post it during my lunch break_(:зゝ∠)_

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2019-11-28 02:07:31~2019-11-29 12:51:24~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Longgong W doesn’t sleep for 1 day;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: pray for 88 bottles; GH, eat Xiaolongbao 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!