Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 5: Top traffic illegitimate meal (4)


Lin Jiayi was stunned by this scene.

He subconsciously took a step back and was about to open his mouth to complain when he heard an angry question coming from the stairs: "What are you doing?!"

The three people present looked back following the sound and saw Mu Cai running over like a gust of wind and slamming the door in front of them.

The sound of the door closing was deafening.

Mu Cai was furious: "Why do you just break into other people's rooms?! Did you get my permission?!"

Lin Jiayi's mind went blank for a moment due to this roar.

He is a young man who has been pampered and raised since he was a child. People he meets will never dare to treat him like this even if they are not respectful.

Lin Jiayi was so angry that he immediately retorted: "Look what's going on?! I wouldn't know you were so perverted if you didn't look! The room is full of Brother Gu, what are you thinking about when you go to bed at night?! Are you all there? What are you thinking about... that leaky thing?!"

"Lin Jiayi!"

A low shout came from the side, the voice was familiar and the tone was stern.

Lin Jiayi was shocked.

He turned around and saw Mo Hengqing, who was usually a gentle and noble man, looking over at him with sharp eyes. The sternness in his eyes almost made his heart stop.

Mo Hengqing only glanced at him and turned away to look at himself, the younger brother brought by his stepmother.

The young man leaned against the door, a blush gradually appearing on his originally pale face. The blush was most obvious on his small earlobes, as if blood was dripping from them, which was in sharp contrast to his pale neck and hands.

He had his head lowered and his cheeks were slightly bulging. At this moment, the young man seemed to sense someone's gaze and quickly raised his eyes to look at them.

This glance lasted only a short time, but it was enough for Lin Jiayi to see the other person's eyes clearly.

It was as if there was a layer of water covering it, and it was filled with water. Together with his frowning eyebrows, it seemed as if he was about to shed tears.

Lin Jiayi couldn't say any harsh words, couldn't express his anger, he could only hold it in his heart.

Who do you show to such a pitiful look? !

When Lin Jiayi thought about how Mu Cai was obsessed with Gu Yunchen on weekdays, he knew that most of the time... nine out of ten, this was for the cousin next to him. However, thinking about this, he felt even more aggrieved and uncomfortable for some reason.

What a stupid idea!

Why does it have to be hung on his cousin’s tree! Can't you just look at the person next to you

But as soon as he saw Mu Cai's blushing face, his dazzling white hands, and his tiny earlobes dripping blood, he couldn't say these words.

In the end, Lin Jiayi could only choose to give up. He scratched the back of his head irritably and said harshly to Mu Cai, "I'm sorry."

Once you open your mouth, the next words will be much easier to say. Lin Jiayi said vigorously: "I, I shouldn't have said that to you, don't be angry. Also, don't cry."


Mu Cai raised his head in confusion. He was not crying.

Although Lin Jiayi seemed to have said something very harsh, in Mu Cai's opinion, it was just an ungrateful child throwing a tantrum. He didn't have a good impression of Lin Jiayi, so malicious slander from people he didn't like couldn't make him sad.

And given how obsessed he was with Gu Yunchen, he might be thinking exactly what Lin Jiayi said. Just thinking about this made Mu Cai feel guilty.

After all, this room full of secrets has been completely exposed, and it happened to be exposed in front of the real owner. Just thinking about such a thing makes me feel terribly embarrassed, not to mention that Mu Cai is still in the center of the whirlpool and feels like his face is about to burn.

I don’t know what the real owner is thinking.

Mu Cai raised his head and glanced at Gu Yunchen curiously.

The man opposite stood behind him like a cold sword. His eyes looking over him were as calm as the snow on the top of the mountain that never melts all year round. He just looked at him coldly.

Mu Cai quickly looked away.

Originally, I just wanted to take a sneak peek, but I didn't expect to be caught by the real owner. However, the other party was so determined that he was not affected by this incident at all.

Mu Cai considered himself a dedicated person and felt that he should learn from Gu Yunchen. Therefore, he calmed down his emotions, tried hard to recall the plot of the original work, and then asked: "What exactly do you want to do?"

You must work hard to follow the plot!

The young man's thin body was pressed against the door. He seemed a little uneasy. He held the door handle tightly with a thin white hand and stood in front of the three of them, looking a little helpless.

The small, ruby-like blood color on his earlobe has not faded yet. After failing to ask for help, the young man's eyes, which were covered with a layer of water, were lowered, and he began to hold on to confront them.

It's so endearing.

Mu Cai was obviously his nominal brother, but he immediately turned to another person for help. This feeling is really subtle.

Mo Hengqing's eyes darkened.

Suddenly a hand pressed on his shoulder.

Mu Cai subconsciously raised his head and saw Mo Hengqing gently hugging his shoulders and said to him very gently: "We just want to watch the movie "The Hugo Tree". I don't have a CD of this movie. movie, I thought that this movie was starring your brother Gu, and maybe you have it in your room, so I acted rashly. We know we were wrong and we shouldn't have gone in casually, so don't be angry, okay?"

The other party spoke very tactfully, never mentioning the secrets revealed in the room just now, and his tone was very gentle, which made Mu Cai feel that the lingering embarrassment around him was somewhat dissipated. He wasn't used to being held in someone's arms like this, and remembering his own persona, he wanted to open the other person's wrist and pretended to be cold, "I'll go in and get it for you."

The young man's fingers touched his wrist. His fingertips were soft and slightly cool. Mo Hengqing released his hand at the right time and watched with a good mood as the other party turned around awkwardly, quietly pushed open a crack in the door, then slid in like a fish, and closed the door again.

His younger brother is quite cute.

Mo Hengqing thought happily, and at the same time noticed Gu Yunchen's inquiring eyes.

He didn't look back.

Mo Heng had smelled the same kind of scent on this person early in the morning. They are both cold, supercilious, and tired of being coveted by others. It's just that Mo Hengqing will disguise himself with a gentle appearance, and the other party will show this coldness.

He is not interested in everyone, and the same goes for Gu Yunchen.

But now, he has someone he is somewhat interested in.

Standing between the two of them, Lin Jiayi was not aware of the strange atmosphere between the two. He was still sulking to himself.

Mu Cai didn't even accept his apology! He is so humble, why is the other party still angry with him!

Mu Cai quickly walked out of the room.

His original room was covered with photos of Gu Yunchen. He couldn't stand it any longer. He quickly found the "Hugo Tree" disc from his DVD rack and hurriedly opened the door and walked out.

Mu Cai handed the DVD to Mo Hengqing: "Here you go."

Mo Hengqing accepted the disc, his slender fingers intentionally or unintentionally touched the young man's soft fingers, and smiled: "Want to watch a movie with us?"

Mu Cai recalled the plot and nodded.

Mo Hengqing did not ask the two guests for their opinions.

Gu Yunchen frowned slightly, but didn't say anything. He only looked around Mu Cai with cold eyes. Lin Jiayi knew that he was in the wrong, so he didn't say anything.

The four of them walked into the room specially opened as a home theater. Mo Hengqing inserted the disc and lowered the heavy curtains. Soon, in the darkness, the projector showed the movie on the white screen.

"The Hugo Tree" is a literary film starring Gu Yunchen. Because the film's underlying content is a bit dark and touches on some sensitive topics, it has not been released in China. However, this film participated in the selection of the Nido International Film Festival and was nominated for Best Art Director and Best Actor.

When the news came back to China, Gu Yunchen's fans were shocked! Although it was only a nomination for Best Actor, this was a selection at the Nudo International Film Festival, which was enough for Gu Yunchen to stand out from male stars of the same age and successfully transform from a young star to a powerful actor.

In fact, Gu Yunchen did not follow the path of a traffic star from the beginning.

He does not compete for the so-called role, nor is he obsessed with playing the protagonist. He often participates in big-budget movies and TV series, playing suitable supporting roles in them, and acting alongside veteran actors.

But because Gu Yunchen's appearance is so outstanding, he stunned the eyes of countless audiences across the country when he debuted.

He was born with broad shoulders and narrow waist, tall and long legs, and was handsome and plump. In front of the camera, whether he is acting or taking pictures, he always looks cold and indifferent. All the buttons are buttoned to the top in a regular manner, giving him an ascetic temperament.

Therefore, Gu Yunchen has attracted countless fans, many of whom are younger, and has extremely strong fighting ability, causing countless conflicts. This makes him live like a traffic star, and even the real traffic niche in the circle cannot compare to him. No matter how obscure the movies he makes are bought, people buy them, and the products he endorses are always sold out.

The whole movie "Hugo Tree" is not long, only about ninety minutes. It tells the story of the decline of faith in a remote mountainous area.

The whole movie seems plain, but it is very touching and contains many hidden mysteries. When the movie ended, the four people sitting on the sofa did not come back to their senses for a long time.

Mo Hengqing was the first to break away from the emotion of the movie.

He turned his head and looked at Mu Cai, who still had a look of sadness on his face, and proactively asked, "What do you think?"

Mu Cai blurted out: "The picture of this movie is really beautiful, very beautiful. Whether it is the angle of the light, the color of the filter, or the use of the lens, it is all very beautiful. It is very comfortable to watch, and it makes the movie itself heavy." It’s all diluted.”

He seemed to be still immersed in the movie, and his eyebrows were crooked when he said this.

After hearing this, Mo Hengqing raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "How was your performance?"

Only then did Mu Cai realize that he had missed something, and he quickly made up for it: "The acting was very good. Just, very emotional."

I said so much before, with a sincere and sincere tone, but here I almost brushed it off and said it dryly.

It's self-evident where the other person's attention is focused while watching the video.

When Gu Yunchen heard this conversation, he laid his eyes on Mu Cai for the first time.

This look was very cold, like the snow on the top of the mountain that never melts all year round, or like the mirror of an icy lake, trying to reflect his true thoughts.

Mu Cai felt a little guilty and quickly lowered his eyes.

The young man seemed a little embarrassed by the sight, and a slight blush appeared on his pale face.

Mo Hengqing stared at the small ear on the side of his face and made a timely rescue: "It's getting late. It's rare for Mu Cai to come back so early today, so let's have dinner early."

Tomorrow is the day when the original mother forces the family to reunite. Tonight, Mo's father and the original mother were attending a banquet outside, and the four of them had dinner.

Since he didn't need to deal with anyone, Mu Cai quickly finished his meal and returned to his room.

Anyway, most of the plots given in the script are very brief. For example, they just watched a movie together, and the script just mentioned the movie. There would never be a conversation like the one where Mo Hengqing asked a question and he answered it.

After all, when the instrument detects the energy field, it is impossible to detect all the details, only the general plot. A place like this requires him to express himself. As long as it doesn't differ too much from his original personality, there will be no problem.

Although the original person was crazy about Gu Yunchen, he actually couldn't even speak in front of him. Therefore, it didn't seem too abrupt for him to leave in such a hurry.

Mu Cai lay on the bed, feeling a little tired today and wanting to sleep.

But before that, he had to take down the photos from the wall.

Anyway, this room basically never appeared in the subsequent plot, and he really couldn't fall asleep under the "gazing" of so many photos.

He was afraid of having nightmares at night.

Mu Cai moved a chair, held a knife, and worked for a while before completely removing all the photos and collecting them all in a box. This way, if his family finds out in the future, he can still deal with it.

After washing and lying on the bed, Mu Cai placed the full-length pillow next to him on the edge of the bed.

He looked a little awkward, so he turned the side with his face down and wrapped the quilt tightly around himself.

I won’t cover you with a quilt!

The author has something to say: Life-size pillow: 嘤嘤嘤TAT, the master doesn’t love me anymore because of that bastard!

Some bastard:…

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

20 bottles of residual smoke; 1 bottle of Starry Night;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!