Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 51: Peach flavored omega (17) (2)


Finally I had to give up. He even thought to himself that he liked the other person a little bit anyway, so it was better to be happy for a while and not think about things that were so far away in the future.

This resulted in Mu Cai's bad habit of opening his mouth almost every time he had a meal, which also made Mu Feng on the side feel jealous in his heart.

He also really wants to help his brother cut steak! He also really wanted to help his brother wipe off the sauce from the corner of his mouth!

After finishing this meal, Mu Feng was exhausted mentally and physically.

After Mu Cai said goodbye to the other party, he prepared to follow Claire to meet the contestants in the finals.

In one week, the finals will be held at the Imperial Mecha Academy. Players usually arrive at their destination a few days in advance to compensate for possible jet lag and adapt to the competition venue.

In recent days, many players have arrived at the Capital Star one after another. Today, Mu Cai and Kelai arrived at the Imperial Mecha Academy. After having a meal with Mu Cai, they were going to join the pick-up team to greet the president. The arrival of the finalists.

When they arrived in front of the battleship's landing pad in a private aircraft, students from the Imperial Mecha Academy had already lined up and stood there to greet them.

Leon was the one who disembarked from the arriving battleship. When he saw Claire and Muse standing side by side, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

However, as he got closer and closer, the look on Leon's face became more and more wrong.

When the other party was three steps away from them, Claire stood in front of Mu Cai and looked at the other party with cold eyes.

Leon said angrily: "Did you mark him temporarily?"

The author has something to say: Leon: Caicai has this strong smell of rust! Claire, how dare you say you are not a dog! Will enclosure!

Although the update is late today, it is very thick and long =w=

The little angel’s comments in the past few days have given me new inspiration. I’m going to write a short story about the peach farmer Claire vs. the little peach. =w=

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2019-11-30 14:48:56~2019-12-01 23:56:49~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Longgong W doesn’t sleep for 1 day;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Xiaoyi has 3 bottles of crayons;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!