Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 52: Peach flavored omega (18) (1)


As an alpha, Leon is always very sensitive to the pheromones of omegas and other alphas.

He had smelled Mu Cai's pheromones, which had a very sweet peach scent. Now he could still smell the sweet fragrance of the other person, and the smell of pheromones was even much stronger than before.

This proves that Mu Cai has not been marked yet and is most likely in heat. Being able to face such Mu Cai, Leon, as an alpha, was instinctively excited, with excitement flowing in his veins.

But now Mu Cai's sweet peach fragrance was mixed with a pungent smell of rust, blatantly showing the other party's ownership. For Lyon, who covets Mu Cai, this is no less than a provocation from Chi Guo Guo.

In particular, temporary marking is a vague concept. The conditions for reaching the provisional mark are varied, which will make Lyon think about the worst possible scenario.

It's possible that Claire and Mu Cai just didn't get married, but everything that needs to be done has been done.

As soon as he thought about this possibility, Leon couldn't help but feel jealous.

Mu Cai looked at the alpha in the white military uniform like a fire-breathing dragon, and the fire came straight towards them and landed accurately on Claire's head.

He instantly remembered Leon's angry question when he came over just now, and said quickly: "Clair did not mark me temporarily, please don't make any assumptions."

Although there are various reasons for the formation of temporary marks between Ao, in the minds of the general public, the matter of temporary marks can still be easily associated with the word "scumbag A".

Claire obviously did nothing with him, but was misunderstood by Leon. Of course, Mu Cai had to clarify for him.

Claire didn't make a sound, just like the legendary evil dragon, guarding her most precious possessions.

Leon was stunned when he heard Mu Cai's words.

Because he was in estrus, the young man's cheeks were already lightly red. At this moment, he seemed a little angry, and his face turned redder. The other party's bright black eyes were wide open, looking at him angrily, with no trace of guilt on his face.

Mu Cai can be so confident, it doesn't seem like the worst outcome.

When Leon thought of this, he felt relieved and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I was impulsive."

Seeing the satisfied look on Mu Cai's face, Leon's heart moved and he realized a possibility.

Although he had not come into contact with many Omegas from the Galactic Empire, he knew that the Galactic Empire had implemented a ring suppression policy. Moucai also spent one estrus period on Lant Planet, and Leon was unaware of it at the time. It can be seen that the inhibition ring can mask the omega pheromones very well.

Leon glanced at Mu Cai's neck and found that the inhibition ring was still there. If this is the case, then why is the smell of pheromones on Mu Cai so strong now

What went wrong

When Leon thought about this, he realized where the temporary mark he felt came from.

There must be something wrong with Mu Cai, which caused his pheromones to be too strong and unable to be completely covered by the inhibition ring. Claire has been guarding him. And Leon knew very well, as an alpha, how Claire would feel when the omega she liked went through estrus in front of him.

Claire must have instinctively and subconsciously wanted her pheromones to wrap around Mu Cai, leaving her scent on him. Just like male lions competing for territory, they will leave scent on their territory to warn other predators not to invade.

This is also one way temporary marks are formed.

Leon could understand the other party, but he was still unwilling to accept it.

It would be great if the person beside Mu Cai was himself!

However, Mu Cai and Claire didn't care what he thought. They stood together, and after talking to Leon, they continued to salute the finals contestants who came behind.

There are only 200 contestants entering the finals. Because the number of people is small and they are located on different planets, it is impossible for these two hundred people to come on the same battleship like before.

Therefore, the arrival of the players was scattered. Some came as a group and took the same ordinary flight, while some players came alone.

Mu Cai stood here with Claire and the others all afternoon, feeling a little tired. He was already in heat, so his body was weaker than usual and he tired more easily. Mu Cai felt that he could no longer stand at this moment.

Although Claire was able to cope with the situation with ease this afternoon, she welcomed visitors from all directions. But in fact, he had been secretly observing Mu Cai's situation. When he saw that the other person was so tired that his eyes were almost closed, he immediately turned around, a pair of white-gloved hands grasped Mu Cai's arm from the side, and gently pulled the other person into his arms.

Mu Cai didn't want to stand here anymore. He raised his head, looked at the other person and asked, "Claire, when can we leave?"

Ever since he found out about Claire's thoughts about him, Mu Cai didn't really want to call him brother. He didn't have this awareness at first, and calling him brother was just to follow the plot. But now, when he knew that the other party liked him, Mu Cai always felt that calling the other party brother again was like a joke, which made him feel a little ashamed and made Claire feel unnecessary. hope.

Fortunately, Claire only paused for a moment and silently accepted his change of words without questioning him. Otherwise, Mu Cai felt that he might be even more embarrassed.

Claire reached out and touched Mu Cai's soft hair. With her excellent eyesight, she caught a spaceship hovering in the sky. She turned her head and said softly: "This is the last one. After this, no matter who comes next, we will leave first. Let them pick it up."

Mu Cai nodded.

He followed Claire expectantly and stared at the spacecraft that was gradually landing, waiting for the people inside to come out.

The spacecraft followed the instructions on the ground and landed successfully after going through a series of procedures. The cabin door opened, and countless passengers came down from the elevator. In front of the square formation composed of Imperial Mecha Academy students, there were people waiting to greet the contestants holding banners. Everyone waited for a while and finally saw someone walking towards this side.

Mu Cai was falling asleep in Claire's arms. He was so sleepy that he could hardly open his eyes, but suddenly he felt a cold, snake-like gaze directed at him.

His whole body trembled, and he woke up instantly.

Mu Cai looked towards the source of his perception and saw no one. He only saw a contestant silently saluting everyone who saluted him.

He was stunned for a moment.

The opponent was Billy, who was eliminated by Moucai in the final battle of the finals. Before Mu Cai was ejected from the simulated arena, the opponent gave him a cold feeling at that moment. The dark cockpit seemed to be looking at him with a pair of empty eyes.

But the other party isn't looking at him at all, and he hasn't even come up to him yet. Mu Cai always felt that he might have worried too much or had found the wrong person.

Claire felt Mu Cai's strange movement and thought he was feeling even more unwell. She quickly lowered her head and asked him, "What's wrong? Can't stand it anymore? Do you want to go back right away?"

Mu Cai shook his head, indicating that his body was fine. But he hesitated for a moment, and then said to the person he was leaning on: "Clair, I don't want to stay here anymore, can we leave first?"

Of course Claire agreed.

He said hello to an officer next to him, then held Muce's shoulder and led him through the back of the crowd.

The two came to the parking place of Claire's private aircraft and boarded the aircraft. It wasn't until he sat on the soft cushioned seat specially prepared for him that Mu Cai felt more comfortable.

While Claire was setting the route for autonomous driving, she heard Mu Tsai ask him: "Claire, how long will it take to complete the new suppression ring?"

A week ago, the day after Ruan Jia and Claire discovered that something was wrong with Mu Cai, Claire took Mu Cai to the hospital for a physical examination, hoping to find out the cause of his physical changes.

After the full physical examination is completed, the results will come out quickly. But judging from ordinary physical indicators, Mu Cai did not have any physical diseases. However, the gland cells on the back of his neck were very active and released more pheromones. At the same time, Mu Cai's mental power also improved significantly.

The doctor couldn't find the reason for Mu Cai's sudden change, so Claire took him to the medical research institute again.

The researchers extracted cells from the problem areas of Muse for observation. The observation period will be relatively long, so the institute decided to observe Mu Cai's gland cells first in order to develop a more powerful inhibitory loop for Mu Cai as soon as possible.

Of course, this will not take long. Mu Cai was originally able to calm down, but after what happened today, he couldn't help but become a little anxious.

Claire recalled her previous conversation with the doctor and replied: "It may take about a month. The doctors told me that your situation is quite special. They need to first determine the cause of the abnormal activity of your gland cells. Find the right way to respond.”

Mu Cai nodded.

A month felt like a long time to him, but this kind of thing couldn't be rushed. After knowing the exact time, Mu Cai calmed down and told Claire what he had just felt.

Only then did Claire know the reason for Mu Cai's unusual behavior today.

He walked over to Mu Cai and sat down, hugging him gently. This is the fastest and most effective way for an alpha to give comfort to an omega during estrus. He said gently: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you, and there are many people who are also protecting you secretly."

After Mu Cai's ability was discovered, Kelai immediately reported to the military in order to better protect the opponent.

The military immediately dispatched a group of mecha fighters to protect Mu Cai. Just to avoid attracting attention, so as not to alert others, the rest of the people were hidden in the crowd for protection. Only Claire and Mu Cai knew each other.

Mu Cai nodded and gently rested his head on Claire's shoulder.

Due to the weakening of the inhibitory ring on his neck, this inhibitory ring can basically only maintain Mu Cai's crazy instinct to have sex with Alpha. Characteristics such as the mental fragility that is prone to occur when omegas are in estrus and the urgent need for alpha comfort began to appear in Mu Cai.

Although Mu Cai was already very restrained and calm, this small move still revealed a little bit of his heart.

Claire felt the little weight on her shoulders, and her chest was as heavy as a ball of water-absorbed cotton. Although Mu Cai is usually close to him and is not very capable of taking care of himself, he is very independent in his heart and is decisive in situations. He has never been so dependent on him.

Although she knew that this was just caused by the hormones during estrus, Claire still cherished this rare moment. The person in her arms smelled even better, like a peach that was about to ripen, and the sweet aroma lingered on Claire's nose.

Every time he smells such a fragrance, although he feels uncomfortable physically, his mind is very peaceful and he feels an indescribable sense of satisfaction. And Claire's restraint is extremely strong, he can endure a little physical discomfort, just for more spiritual satisfaction.

Claire took another deep breath of the sweet peach fragrance before turning on the brain on her wrist. He asked those who were secretly protecting him whether there was anything unusual around Mu Cai and him when they were welcoming the finalists.

Especially Billy, is there any unusual behavior

At that time, those people were hiding nearby, or disguised themselves to blend into the team. If there was anything abnormal, these battle-experienced mecha combatants would definitely be able to sense something.

Claire got no reply at all.

Not only did he not feel stable in his heart, but he also began to feel faintly uneasy. Although these mecha combatants were specially allocated by the military, they were all very good and had sufficient experience in frontline battles.

But Claire is more willing to trust Mu Cai's intuition.

Mu Cai would not say that for no reason. If the other party feels bad but others find nothing, it is likely that the enemy's methods are too sophisticated.

At that time, after Claire reported Mu Cai's situation to the military headquarters, the military headquarters held a meeting overnight to explore the possible reasons behind the incident.

Mu Cai was able to suddenly control people and produce such a mutation. It was definitely not natural and must have been premeditated.

At first, Claire didn't understand why the Zerg did this. What benefit does Mu Cai's ability to control other people's minds bring to the Zerg race

Admiral Ian, who was nearly two hundred years old at the time and had gray hair, raised a surprising possibility with a serious face.

He believed that Mu Cai had mental talent, which could be seen from the fact that the other party could control the mecha. The Zerg had already sent people to stimulate Mu Cai's talent, allowing him to even control other people's thoughts.

At the same time, the Zerg are very likely to have controlled a certain alpha, and are preparing to use this alpha to control Mu Cai, who is an omega, and then let Mu Cai control others. Although they have not tested Mu Cai's ability, it is very likely that the other party can control more than one person alone.

If this is the case, then Mu Cai is equivalent to a broadcast station. The broadcasts sent from him can be received by everyone, and the Zerg are preparing to occupy this broadcast station to achieve the purpose of indirectly controlling everyone.

When General Ian's words came out, everyone present fell silent. Some radicals in the military department proposed to put Mu Cai under the custody of the military department, but they were opposed by most people.

Claire is naturally the opponent.

Most people believe that you can only commit a thief in a thousand days, and there is no reason to prevent a thief in a thousand days. The Zerg have always been a serious concern for mankind. Since they have this intention, it is better to use Mu Cai to draw out all the hidden lines of the Zerg and give them a fatal blow in exchange for the stability of mankind.

Claire agrees with this view. But the most important reason why he opposed locking up Mu Cai was that Mu Cai already had such abilities and let the military know about it in order to seek protection. If hidden dangers like the Zerg are not completely eradicated, Mu Cai may have to live under supervision for the rest of his life.

This is not the ending Claire wanted to see.

He hoped that Mu Cai would be well and live out his life peacefully and happily.

The two of them flew back to the Imperial Mecha Academy, clinging to each other.

At the same time, on the tarmac waiting for the contestants to arrive, Billy stood in the team of contestants. In the noisy background, he asked the students of the Imperial Mecha Academy in a hoarse and strange voice: "Are you young?" Someone? When I was saluting just now, I seemed to see Lord Claire."

The student nodded and said, "Senior Kelai left. Maybe Mu Cai was not feeling well. I saw him leaving with Mu Cai."

Billy nodded and said no more. His eyes were very deep, looking at no one, as if they were empty.

A week later, the mecha battle league finals broadcast simultaneously on Star Network officially began.

The number of viewers of the live broadcast of the finals will be much higher than that of previous games. After all, there were many contestants in the previous games, and the quality varied. Many viewers did not have the patience or time to watch.

The players selected for the finals are very good and the competition is highly enjoyable to watch. The finals will not be broadcast live throughout the day like before, but will be held at a fixed time every day, so that more viewers will be online and stay in front of the live broadcast of the game.

The number of participants in the finals is much smaller, and the competition mechanism has changed slightly. Instead of a direct elimination system, a points system has been adopted. Finally, according to the level of points, the top three with the highest points will be selected as the championship, second and third place.

Mu Cai will not participate in the finals, but both Claire and Mu Feng will participate.

According to the design of the schedule, Claire and Mu Feng will not play in every game. Only when they are needed to play, Mu Cai will go to the finals to watch.

The rest of the time, Mu Cai and Claire would stay in the dormitory of the Mecha Academy. Mu Cai has moved out of the dormitory he shared with Ruan Jia and moved into Claire's dormitory.

Because Mu Cai's current situation is very pessimistic.

He is still in heat and there are no signs of it ending soon.

In modern society, the average omega's estrus period is about two or three days per month. In the wild days, it was said that the estrus period of an omega could last as long as half a month.

So far, Mu Cai's estrus period has lasted for a week. In order not to disturb other people, Mu Cai rarely goes out. Even when he goes to watch the game, he always sits in an exclusive seat in the front row because there are the fewest people around.

Every time before going out, Mu Cai would spray some other perfume on his body to try to cover up the smell of his pheromones.

For the sake of Mu Cai's safety, and also to take care of him, Kelai asked Ruan Jia to follow him whenever Mu Cai wanted to come to the scene to watch the game. Although Ruan Jia has no strength value, just because the opponent is an omega, Ruan Jia has a certain immunity to Mu Cai's pheromones. Moreover, the omega is more attentive, so Ruan Jia can take good care of Mu Cai.

As for Mu Feng, he will sit with Mu Cai when he is not playing.

Today's duel was between Claire and Mu Feng.

Mu Cai and Ruan Jia were sitting in the audience, watching the competition between the two people on the stage.

Ruan Jia is not interested in the mecha competition league at all. After the game on stage started, he felt very bored. Seeing that Mu Cai's mouth was a little dry, Ruan Jia asked him: "Want to drink milk tea? I'll buy you milk tea. Look, your mouth is dry." "

Mu Cai nodded.

He knew that Ruan Jia had said this and would definitely do the same. It didn't make sense whether he agreed or not. Moreover, he is in estrus, has hot flashes, and often feels thirsty and dry mouth, a bit like drinking milk tea.

Ruan Jia covered Mu Cai's legs with the small blanket he brought, told Mu Cai not to walk around casually, and then went out through the gap in the railing.

Not long after Mu Cai sat down, the game on the stage had already begun. Claire is fighting against Mu Feng, and the red Suzaku and the silver Bai Ze are fighting together. Bai Ze is a modified mecha, and Claire has trained for a long time to adapt to it. It is fundamentally faster than ordinary mechas like Suzaku.

In addition, Claire was already stronger than Mu Feng, and the success or failure of the battle could already be seen from the beginning.

After Mu Cai had just watched it for a while, he heard a beeping sound coming from his brain.

He lowered his head to check and found that the call was from Ruan Jia.

There are many people at the scene, it is very noisy, it is inconvenient to make phone calls, and it will also affect others. So Mu Cai left his seat, found a quieter corner and connected the phone.

Ruan Jia's voice sounded on the other end, a little angry: "Caicai, I lost my ticket for some reason! I couldn't find it after searching for a long time! Now this shameless thing at the entrance of the venue won't let me in. Can you pick me up at the door?"

Mu Cai agreed: "Okay."

Although the game was quite exciting, Ruan Jia ran out to buy milk tea for him, and it was impossible for Mu Cai to leave the opponent alone outside the venue. Besides, it doesn't take long to get out and back in again.

After receiving the reply, Ruan Jia hung up the phone and sent his location to Mu Cai's brain. Mu Cai looked and saw that the other party was at the west gate.

The west gate is much farther away than the other gates in the venue. But when you go out from the west gate, you can take a shortcut to the best milk tea shop near the venue, which is much closer than walking through other gates.

He walked through the adjacent aisle and didn't see Ruan Jia until he reached the west door.

Only a uniformed security guard stood with his back to him.

Mu Cai couldn't find anyone, so he had to walk over and ask about the security situation. Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked up behind the other party and shouted, the security guard turned around and saw a pair of gloomy eyes. His gaze was like a poisonous snake, locking itself tightly.

It's Billy!

Mu Cai turned around and ran into the stadium.

But the opponent's movements were extremely fast, and Ximen's location was too remote. Mu Cai didn't even take two steps before he was grabbed by the collar and carried back.

He was about to shout, but was muffled by a hand. The other party's hand was very big, and he was holding a handkerchief in his hand. A pungent smell came over him.

Mu Cai struggled a few times, but his resistance was as powerless as a chicken trying to escape in front of the strong alpha.

This is the west gate, although you can see the auditorium opposite directly after entering. But because the distance was far away and the location was slightly off, the audience on the opposite side couldn't see what was happening here at all.

Mixed in the venue, there were also people who were secretly protecting him wandering outside the venue, but they didn't show up for some reason.

Only then did Mu Cai realize that the Ximen area was too quiet!

However, it was too late, the drug took effect very quickly, and Mu Cai gradually passed out.

Billy directly picked him up and walked along the path in another direction.

Claire is fighting fiercely on the field.

Mu Feng on the opposite side is really good. As a mecha fighter, he is very good. And as an omega, the opponent is not inferior to an alpha of the same age. If it were normal times, Claire would probably show some mercy in order to make the opponent lose less quickly and with more dignity.

But Mu Cai was ill now, and he was eager to get off the field to accompany the opponent, so he became more and more aggressive. Mu Feng gradually couldn't resist anymore. Just when Kelai was about to end the game at once, Bai Ze's alarm suddenly sounded in the cockpit:

"Warning, the protected subject is in a coma! Warning, the protected subject is in a coma! Warning, the protected subject is in a coma!"

Claire was stunned.

Under the eyes of tens of thousands of spectators on the field, and under the eyes of billions of viewers watching the live broadcast on Star Network, the silver-white mecha's final blow stopped.

Countless pairs of eyes saw the leader of the Leon family turning around and looking towards the audience seat somewhere.

Mu Cai is indeed gone!

Claire immediately controlled the mecha and ran out of the field, heading towards the location information given by Bai Ze. At the same time, Claire calmly briefly described the whole story to the person in charge of the military department, and established position sharing with the other party.

He couldn't care about the game, the audience, or even the commotion and shouts coming from behind!

Mu Cai woke up under the stimulation of weak electric current.

Claire thought of all possible scenarios. In addition to establishing a connection between Qingluan and Bai Ze, on the day he brought Mu Cai back to the mecha manufacturing base, he asked Master Baze to add a human body sensor to Qingluan.

When Qingluan, who is closely related to the master's spiritual power, detects that the master's physical condition is in a coma, and the master is far away from the mecha Bai Ze bound to him, Qingluan will release a weak electric current, making Mu Cai happy. , help the other party save themselves.

When Mu Cai woke up, he felt that something was very wrong with him.

He felt weak and a little dizzy. My body is hot, very, very hot. Mu Cai felt as if he had entered a steamer, as if he was about to be cooked.

And the unspeakable place behind him is trying his best to express his desire.

Mu Cai had never felt the strong presence of that part of himself so clearly.

He is now in heat and his inhibition ring seems to be missing!

Someone was tearing his clothes off. A scent of tea passed through the other person's body, trying to wrap him up.

Tea smells good!

Mu Cai opened his eyes suddenly, and what he saw was not Claire, but Billy, who had knocked him out before and took him away!

The other party's eyes were very cold, like a poisonous snake. Billy was gasping for air, ruthlessly tearing Mu Cai's clothes with his hands.

Mu Cai saw the suppression ring that had been broken into two parts on the dirty ground.

Before he could turn his gaze back, he felt a pain in his neck. Immediately afterwards, Qingluan's necklace was pulled off by Billy and thrown to a place where he could not reach it.

I don't know if it was the effect of the drug, but his mind was confused and his limbs were weak. Mu Cai reached out to push Billy, but found that his hands were limp and he couldn't exert any strength at all.

This palm pushed against the opponent's body, probably like cotton hitting the opponent's body. Billy didn't even flutter his eyelids.

Mu Cai wanted to kick the opponent, but found that his legs were already pressed tightly by the opponent and he could not move at all.

And Billy had successfully stripped off most of his clothes, and the other party reached out to take off his pants.

What else can Mu Cai do now? ! He couldn't move his legs and had no strength in his hands. What else could he do? How could he save himself? !

A shadow flashed across Mu Cai's mind, and he tried to calm himself down, forcing himself to calmly analyze the current situation.

Qingluan is far away from him, and he has to crawl for a while to get it. In fact, even if he gets Qingluan now, he probably won't be able to use it. Mu Cai felt that he had no strength at all. He probably was caught before he climbed into the cockpit.

Moreover, the person opposite him was an alpha, and his ability to control mechas was stronger than him. It was simply not advisable to go head-to-head with him in his current state.

He is still in estrus, he only has a scent, a mind full of unspeakable desires, and mental strength.

etc! The smell of pheromones and the mental strength to focus hard!

Mu Cai struggled to grasp a glimmer of hope amid the cluttered images in his mind.

Mu Cai stretched out his hand with difficulty and touched the face of the impatient alpha.

Soft, slightly hot fingertips gently touched Billy's face.

There was a momentary pause in Billy's movements.

The omega's body was glowing pink, and her face was delicate and beautiful. Her face was flushed, and a pair of bright black eyes stared straight into his own.

The omega looked at himself, the ends of his eyes were a little red due to his estrus, and he looked particularly attractive. Fang Yanhong's lips opened slightly, her voice was hollow and slightly hoarse, and she ordered: "Stop."

Billy's movements paused.

Seeing that it worked, Mu Cai tried his best to endure the discomfort and desire under his body, and continued to stare into the other person's eyes: "Get off me."

The alpha paused for a moment, then stood up as expected.

Mu Cai didn't dare to look away.

Although he succeeded in manipulating the other party, he actually didn't quite know the reason for his successful manipulation. Therefore, Mu Cai did not dare to break the current state easily.

Mu Cai stood up holding on to the uneven wall with weak hands and feet.

He took a rough look at the current environment out of the corner of his eye. It looked a bit like an abandoned warehouse.

Mu Cai didn't know where he was now, but it shouldn't be too far from the competition venue. After all, with Qingluan's help, he should have woken up without being unconscious for too long.

It is definitely unrealistic for the other party to send him to a place where he cannot be found at all in a short period of time. And if Mu Cai guessed correctly, the other party should want to mark himself and then control himself in order to control others.

Then Billy must give priority to marking himself in the shortest time so that he can complete the task. So it doesn't matter how far you take him, the important thing is to find a place where no one is around to implement this goal.

When Mu Cai thought of this, he stared at Billy and asked, "Where is this?"

As soon as the words came out, Mu Cai felt his voice trembling.

He was a little unsteady on his feet.

Fortunately, the control over Billy was not affected. The other party quickly replied in a hoarse voice: "It's an abandoned military... fire... depot."

Cold and mechanical, without any emotion, like a machine.

Although Mu Cai lived in Area F most of the time, he only moved around in schools and the mecha manufacturing base. He was unfamiliar with other places.

But Mu Cai didn't dare ask Billy to lead him out. After all, he couldn't guarantee how long he could control Billy.

Mu Cai now seemed to be in a world of ice and fire. His body was very hot, but his skin was very cold when it came into contact with the air.

He thought for a while and continued to order: "Take off your coat and throw it to me."

Billy took off his coat without hesitation and threw it to Mu Ce with precision.

Mu Cai quickly grabbed it and put it on him.

The clothes made him feel less cold and a little more comfortable. With a red face, he tried to stand still and continued to analyze the current situation.

Qingluan can send out electric current to stimulate himself, so the signal of his danger must have been sent to Bai Ze. There is a positioning system on Qingluan. Claire should be able to find this place soon. He can't panic.

Mu Cai endured the discomfort in his body and tried not to lose his composure. He blushed and continued to give orders: "You stand at the door."

If the other party is too close to him, it will make him feel in danger.

Just as Billy took two steps back, his entire facial expression suddenly became distorted. With a ferocious expression on his face, he was speeding towards his direction again.

Mu Cai shuddered all over. He stared into the other person's eyes tightly, and the pheromones all over his body spurted out due to nervousness. The entire empty factory seemed to be filled with a sweet peach fragrance.

Billy stopped abruptly again.

There was a twisted expression on his face, and there seemed to be a hint of confusion in his originally empty eyes.

Mu Cai saw Billy cover his head and spoke with emotion for the first time: "I, who should I listen to..."

Mu Cai suddenly became alert.

There is something else controlling the other party in real time now!

Although Mu Cai felt uncomfortable all over his body and his thoughts were always distracted by his body in heat, he still tried hard to concentrate his thoughts and summarized the process of controlling people these few times.

When he controlled Ruan Jia, he looked at Ruan Jia, and Ruan Jia also smelled the pheromones on his body. When Claire said that she was controlling him, she was looking at the other person. Claire was very close to her and smelled the pheromones on her body.

Mu Cai had just controlled Belgium and looked into Billy's eyes. The other party was not close to him, but because he was in estrus, the smell of pheromones was very strong and wide, and the other party could also smell it.

It can be seen that if he wants to control people, he needs two conditions. One is to look at others, and the other is to let the other person smell his pheromones.

Thinking of this, Mu Cai looked at Billy again and asked, "Who is he? Who else is controlling you?"

The look on Billy's face became even more distorted. He opened his mouth, but it seemed like he was being controlled by someone and couldn't speak out.

Mu Cai looked at his painful facial expression and actually couldn't bear it. If Billy were a bad guy, he would have absolutely no sympathy for the other person. But now it seems that the other party is just a poor person being used as a tool.

But this is not the time to sympathize. Mu Tsai knows very well that if he wants to save his life and let Billy get out of control, he must be tough: "Tell me! Who is it!"

Mu Cai said, and deliberately released more pheromones.

As expected, Billy continued: "It's a bug! It got into my body! It, it was ordering me!"

Mu Cai was really surprised.

The only thing the Zerg can control over people is the larvae of the Spyworm, and it is absolutely impossible to achieve such an effect.

It seems that the Zerg have evolved.

Thinking of this, Mu Cai felt that his body was getting more and more uncomfortable. His legs were so weak that he could hardly stand, and countless thoughts were pouring into his mind. The omega's instinct to reproduce actually made him want to pounce on the alpha in front of him immediately.

But at this moment, Mu Cai could not succumb to this instinct. He tried hard to order: "Use your mental power to control it and force it out!"

The sweet smell of peaches in the abandoned factory became stronger.

Billy fell to his knees on the dirty ground.
