Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 60: Peach flavored omega (end)


As Mu Cai's words fell, twenty artillery shells were fired on the spot, whizzing away in the wind.

The Zerg around the Queen repeated their old tricks and once again began to pile up into an airtight wall of Zerg, preparing to use their own flesh and blood to block this wave of damage for the Queen.

Apparently, they succeeded again this time.

The oncoming artillery fire continued to smash the insect wall to pieces, but still did not hurt the queen at all.

However, just as the bugs receded like a tide, taking away the blown-to-mushy bug corpses, the giving birth queen suddenly opened her mouth wide, and her two thin forelimbs frantically tried to grab something.

Mu Feng was manipulating Suzaku to stand on the top of the battleship and fight with two flying insects that were attacking him. Above the head is a huge Zerg fleet like clouds, covering the sky and the sun. He had been fighting waves of Zerg coming down from the fleet for so long, and he was almost unable to hold on any longer.

No one came to support him because everyone else was in the same situation as him and couldn't protect themselves.

Big beads of sweat ran down Mu Feng's forehead, and his hair was completely wet under the mental sensor. The long, endless battle tortured Mu Feng's body and mind. The communicator, which facilitates communication with teammates, initially came with everyone’s encouragement, but now it has been silent for a long time.

Even if there were occasional sounds from the communicator, they were the furious curses and roars of his teammates, conveying their anxious mood.

In such a situation of low morale and hard fighting, the mecha combatants are still trying to persevere.

However, just when Mu Feng was about to lose his strength, all the Zerg suddenly stopped attacking. As if they had reached an agreement, they began to retreat frantically.

The flying insects hovering in the air formed a long queue and immediately flew out. The spiny worm springtails that were originally staying on the top of the battleship jumped off the battleship without hesitation. Those who fell to death fell down on the spot, and those who survived moved in one direction regardless of whether they were injured or not. Even the huge nebula overhead began to move, moving in exactly the same direction as the flying insects.

Mu Feng was stunned for a moment, not knowing what was going on.

And obviously, there are many people who are as confused as him. Noisy sounds came from the communicator, and teammates talked about it:

"What's going on? Why did they all run away?"

"And they're all heading in the same direction... Wait, shouldn't that be the location of the Zerg Queen?! Could it be that Mu Cai and the others succeeded?!"

"Not necessarily! If the Zerg Queen is really dead, these bugs shouldn't be so orderly. I guess the Zerg Queen was seriously injured and is calling for them to come for support! We have to stop these bugs and not let them go there. !”


Amidst the noise, a voice cut through the communicator forcefully: "Operation Mu Cai was successful, the Zerg Queen has been severely damaged! The battleship is about to launch cannonballs, all mecha combatants go down and cooperate to stop the Zerg retreat! Delay time for Mu Cai !”

The voice belongs to Nolan.

Everyone standing on top of the Dawn Star battleship suddenly felt like they were in a state of shock. The hope of victory was just ahead, and the fatigue and malaise of all the mecha combatants was instantly swept away. Although they were physically exhausted, their high spirits gave them the motivation to continue fighting.

Nolan stood in the command room, watching the mechas falling from the top of the battleship like meteors, and calmly informed the command rooms of the other nine battleships about the news just sent from Mu Cai.

The captains of the other nine battleships had no objections and naturally cooperated.

As a result, the cannonballs fell one after another in the Zerg army flowing on the ground. The attacked Zerg were dead and injured. However, these Zerg whose bodies were blown up or whose legs and heads were broken were still mechanically crawling in the direction of the Zerg Queen.

There was a raging war over there, and artillery fire filled the sky. The twenty-one mecha combatants here are resisting desperately.

From the moment twenty rounds of artillery shells were fired, Mu Cai controlled Qingluan and rushed towards the Zerg Queen under the cover of artillery fire.

He was driving the latest model of mecha, which he controlled completely with his mental power, so it was already very fast. In addition, Qingluan was tailor-made for him by Master Baze. The body is light and the weight of the mecha is specially sacrificed to increase its speed.

Therefore, Mu Cai concentrated all his attention, and as soon as he moved, he was like a blue lightning, directly immersed in the smoke of the artillery fire, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Relying on the Zerg's inability to count and the cover of the artillery fire, he worked hard to climb to the hill-like belly of the Zerg Queen. Then he popped out the small cannon barrel specially designed for melee combat from the mecha's mechanical arm, and put the muzzle of the cannon against what appeared to be The belly of the Zerg Queen is very thin and actually quite elastic.

Mu Cai controlled Qingluan and opened fire.

This kind of small gun barrel is actually very similar to the machine gun warehouse, but the mouth of the gun barrel is larger and the shells are more lethal. As soon as Mu Cai fired, the strong recoil hit Qingluan's shoulders, and small shells exploded into the Zerg Queen's abdomen at a very fast speed.

The Zerg Queen opened her mouth full of sharp teeth and screamed silently.

Strong mental power fluctuated in Mu Cai's mind, and the other party seemed to have been greatly hurt. Mu Cai could feel that the surrounding Zerg people were obviously agitated. The rustling sounds of the insect legs squirming on the ground were accelerating. .

They have received the sound the Zerg Queen made when she was injured, are getting anxious about it, and are very likely to rush over soon.

Mu Cai must kill the queen before he is torn into pieces.

The hill-like abdomen of the Zerg Queen began to struggle awkwardly. Mu Cai had to control Qingluan to stabilize himself with one hand while continuing to fire with the other hand.

Soon, Mu Cai saw the results of his actions.

The soft skin on the abdomen split open, and first the fishy, light yellow blood flowed out, and then streams of insect eggs began to burst out one after another.

At this time, the smoke caused by the shells had dispersed, and the Zerg, urged by the queen's spiritual power, swarmed forward. Just as Mu Cai was about to dodge, he saw a silver-white mecha falling from the sky. With a few movements, the tall mecha shook off a few small Zerg that rushed to the front.

Subsequently, the other nineteen mecha combatants also arrived and stood in front of Qingluan, surrounding Mu Cai to prevent him from being injured by the rushing Zerg.

Claire's voice sounded through the communicator, and there was a hint of rapid breathing in the deep voice: "Caicai, are you injured?"

Claire's physical fitness is very good, and moving this small distance will not consume much of his physical strength at all. The rapid breathing now is mostly caused by worry about him.

Mu Cai's heart moved and he smiled: "I'm fine."

When he said this, he pointed at the communicator and said seriously: "I have to ensure the death of the Zerg Queen. I may not have time to take care of the surrounding situation. Please everyone!"

A "received" reply came quickly from the communicator.

Mu Cai concentrated on manipulating Qingluan to continue attacking the Zerg Queen.

Three hundred years ago, the seriously injured Zerg Queen escaped, and this time the Zerg conquered the planet Kotal. So now the Zerg Queen must be killed on the spot so that they can avoid future troubles forever.

Thinking of this, Mu Cai controlled Qingluan's hand to speed up. The gunfire fired from the small barrel was very dense, and with his deliberate movements, it tore a huge hole in the Zerg Queen's abdomen.

The riots of the surrounding Zerg became even more crazy. Tens of thousands of insects, many times larger than humans, gathered from the surroundings, like an army pressing down on the territory.

They used the hardest weapons on their bodies, desperately trying to tear off the human beings who were making trouble on the Queen and cut them into pieces.

The surrounding Zerg attacks were as dense as raindrops, and it was really too difficult to stop them with just twenty mecha combatants. And there is a dark cloud-like Zerg fleet coming in the distance, and their current situation is very bad;.

Mu Cai knew this, so he cut the Zerg Queen into pieces faster.

As long as the Zerg Queen dies completely, these Zerg will lose their command and purpose, and their safety will be guaranteed!

Mu Cai didn't stop until he finished firing the small cannonballs carried by Qingluan. He put away the heated barrel and directed Qingluan to eject the sharp long knife from the mechanical arm and began to open a large hole in the Zerg Queen's abdomen. It was stirring like crazy.

I have to say that the vitality of the Zerg Queen is really amazing. Mu Cai almost opened an opening in the opponent's abdomen that was as big as a grown man, but the opponent was still struggling to his death.

However, as the Qingluan long knife stirred, all the internal organs and nerves in the abdomen were severed, the Zerg Queen's struggle became weaker and weaker, until she finally became motionless.

The Zerg that originally swarmed up and attacked like crazy were like players who were disconnected from the game. They stayed motionless in place and even became like headless flies.

The Zerg fleet that was originally moving this way also stopped.

Everything that follows becomes easier.

Mu Cai was so tired that he immediately deactivated his mecha state. The other nineteen mecha combatants jumped off the Zerg queen's body and began to harvest the Zerg on the field with the support that arrived immediately.

But Claire manipulated Bai Ze to turn around, took down the Zerg Queen's body with Mu Cai in his arms, and gently placed him in a cleaner place.

There was no sound in the communicator, and the silver-white mecha stood silently. The dark cockpit was like a pair of deep black eyes, looking at him.

Mu Cai's heart skipped a beat, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly heard the cold mechanical voice of the system coming from his head:

[Perfectly stimulated, the energy field is about to end. Please prepare the host to leave the energy field immediately. ]

Mu Cai's pupils shrank.

Why is it so fast this time? ! Obviously in the previous world, the system gave him several months to slowly escape!

They had just won, and he hadn't had time to take a good look at Claire before saying goodbye to her!

At this moment, Claire's low and gentle voice suddenly came from the communicator: "What's wrong with Caicai? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

The other party observed him meticulously and was still caring about him at this time.

Mu Cai's intense emotions had nowhere to release, and a slightly crazy idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

He raised his head and commanded with stern eyes: "Claire, you must release the mecha state immediately. I want to see you."

Claire was stunned.

Ever since he entered the battlefield, Cai Cai seemed to be very proactive. Is it because the battlefield environment changes people's mentality? They are in an extreme environment and may face death at any time. Is it because Caicai doesn't want to lose himself that he is so proactive

As soon as he thought about this possibility, he felt his heart start to beat loudly.

Claire didn't know what Mu Cai wanted to do. He originally just wanted to put Mu Cai in a safe and clean position to support other teammates. But he will definitely comply with Caicai's request.

Claire released the mecha state.

As soon as he landed, he felt a soft body crash into his arms. Immediately afterwards, there was a soft touch on his lips, and a pair of slender arms wrapped around his neck, holding him tightly.

The kiss only touched lightly before pulling away, and one could see the youthfulness of the person in his arms.

An ethereal and sweet voice sounded in Claire's ears. It was the most beautiful voice he had ever heard in his life: "Claire, I like you."

The author has something to say: Congratulations to Cai Cai in this chapter for winning the title of "Humanoid Pesticide"! =w=

Claire: Pesticide? Caicai can indeed kill a lot of my "bugs" (?﹃?)

In order to fulfill my promise last night, I marked this chapter as finished! This way, we can stay sweet here, and the two of them even confessed their love! I'm such a clever little kid =w=

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2019-12-11 02:56:37~2019-12-12 02:30:38~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Longgong W doesn’t sleep for 1 day;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 2 bottles of Bai'an; 1 bottle of Mengzhen Yannanwa;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!