Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 61: The Domineering Heavenly Master’s Gorgeous Ghost Wife (1)


Claire has dreamed of this scene countless times.

Dreaming about Mu Cai hugging his neck affectionately, dreaming about Mu Cai being held in his arms, dreaming about the other person's soft lips pressing against him like petals, with sweet peach juice flowing between his lips and teeth. Fresh fragrance.

But all this did not include Mu Tsai disappearing in front of him.

The young man opposite looked at him with bright black eyes, and his red lips were still uttering words that made his heart beat faster just a moment ago. But now, Mu Cai said nothing, looking at him with a bit of sadness in his eyes that seemed to be covered with water.

The opponent's lower body has begun to dissipate.

Now Mu Cai is like a virtual projection of Zhi Nao, his whole person is gradually fading away, and he is afraid that he will disappear from this world soon.

Mu Cai watched Claire rush up like crazy, trying to hold his hand to hold him back, but in the end he passed through the afterimage of Mu Cai's hand.

The other party's eyes widened, a look of collapse appeared on his always cold and reserved face, and he was still muttering: "How could this happen?! What's going on?! Caicai, don't leave!"

Mu Cai looked at Claire's almost crazy appearance. The other party seemed completely unaware that it was not just him, but Claire himself was gradually fading away. And everything around, whether it is the insect corpses all over the mountains and plains, the mecha fighters harvesting the Zerg in the distance, or the nebula-like Zerg fleet in the gray sky, is like wallpaper that has been dried over time, piece by piece. The ground peeled off, revealing the pale white wall behind.

The energy field is gradually weakening and will soon dissipate without a trace.

The idea of liking someone in the energy field is like wanting to marry the virtual character you like. You know it is completely impossible, but you still can't help but feel excited.

Mu Cai liked Claire and didn't want to leave any regrets for himself, so he chose to confess his love to Claire. Even if they only spend a few minutes or even seconds together, they are still a couple.

Seeing Claire's green eyes locked tightly on him, with a look of reluctance and despair on her face, Mu Cai gently placed the shadow of her now transparent hand on the other's hand.

He laughed, but his eyes were full of tears: "Clair, this is an energy field, and it is about to disappear now. If possible, I really hope it can last longer. At least the two of us can join hands. Live your life.”

Claire looked at Mu Cai's bright eyes in front of her. What the other party said was very mysterious. He should not have been able to understand it at all. He might even have panic if he thought about it carefully. But for some reason, Claire understood Mu Cai at this moment and vaguely understood what the other party meant.

After vaguely comprehending the other party's words, his mind suddenly throbbed with pain, and countless broken images flashed in his mind. There are eternal galaxies, lonely rotating planets, quietly blooming withered flowers, and many scattered fragments that look like scenes from another world.

Among them were him, Mu Cai, and many people he didn't know.

The sudden influx of so much information made Claire feel like her brain was about to explode. But at the same time, a thought that had taken root in his heart and was particularly strong at this moment emerged in his mind:

Save Mu Cai!

Thinking of this and seeing the appearance of the young man opposite, Claire's eyes turned red.

Mu Cai's figure was already very transparent and almost disappeared. His hands were still folded on Claire's. Logically speaking, the other party couldn't touch him at this moment.

But at the moment Mu Cai was about to disappear, he felt his hand suddenly being squeezed hard. The real touch came over, and Mu Cai looked over in shock, and saw that the expression on Claire's face had changed.

The panic and collapse on the other person's face faded away, replaced by a calm and collected look, and the universe and stars seemed to shine in his deep eyes. His tone was calm, but there was an underlying certainty: "You will come back, right? Caicai, tell me, will you come back?"

Before the young man opposite could reply, the almost completely transparent figure disappeared into the air.

Claire raised her eyes, and the entire energy field was shattered at this moment, like a mirror falling apart. When the lens fell off, it revealed the vast starry sky hidden behind it.

A planet is slowly rotating among them.

The sleeping will of the planet master awakened again. He cast his far-reaching gaze on a certain part of the planet and did not move away for a long time.

When Mu Cai woke up, he was still lying in the nutrition cabin.

The door of the nutrition cabin has been opened, and the researchers beside him are removing the miscellaneous tubes on his head and body.

The expression on Lao Huang's face was distorted with excitement: "Perfect stimulation! Cai Cai, you are indeed the person I like! The stimulation of the energy field continues until the end!"

Mu Cai forced a smile: "Really? That's great."

Careless people like Lao Huang were immersed in the joy of nearly 100% transformation of the energy field and did not notice Mu Cai's emotions. He stared excitedly at the data on the optical brain, while integrating and analyzing it, he said: "Caicai, you have slept for almost half a month this time, go to the cafeteria to eat some food, and then go to the gym to exercise. .Ensuring good health is the most important thing! You must have worked hard for this perfect stimulation, I will give you half a month off to adjust."

Mu Cai was still immersed in the energy field just now, and he said an emotional "hmm" when he heard this. He took the clothes on the side and changed them. When passing by Lao Huang, Mu Cai paused and asked, "Is that energy field perfectly activated?"

When Lao Huang heard this, he became excited: "Yes! It's perfect!"

Mu Cai's face showed fleeting sadness. He tried to calm down his emotions and asked, "The energy field has disappeared now?"

Lao Huang was very surprised: "Of course! It's perfectly activated, and the last bit of energy has been drained by you, so of course the energy field will disappear!"

Lao Huang had already told Mu Cai about this knowledge point since he started receiving training. The other party was still a top student when he was in school. It is impossible for his memory to be so poor that he could forget all this basic knowledge in such a short period of time.

Only then did Lao Huang realize that something was wrong, and couldn't help but ask with concern: "What's wrong with you Caicai? Did something happen to you inside?"

Mu Cai shook his head quickly and said a little tiredly: "Nothing, just asking casually. I'm a little tired, so I'll go back and rest first."

Seeing that his expression was really bad, Lao Huang couldn't say anything more, so he could only tell him to go back and rest quickly: "Then go back to the dormitory quickly, and remember to eat!"

Mu Cai responded and walked back.

When he lay down on the bed, Mu Cai finally couldn't bear the fatigue anymore and fell asleep directly.

Mu Cai did not sleep well this night.

He had many dreams, all fragmentary. Sometimes it was Claire who was accompanying him in mecha training, and sometimes it was Claire who was bringing him food. The moment before he woke up, he dreamed that Claire looked at him and cried.

Those eyes were very crystal clear, looking at him steadily.

Mu Cai was in a bad mood.

But life has to go on. The energy field has disappeared, and he cannot mess up his real life just because of a character projected by the energy field.

Mu Cai felt that Claire definitely didn't want to see him live a bad life.

During the next half-month vacation, Mu Cai ate regularly and exercised, and finally recovered from his weak body after lying down for half a month. During this period, he almost adjusted his mentality.

Although Mu Cai still couldn't let go of his feelings for Claire, he no longer had those fragmented dreams, and he no longer felt sad and painful all the time. He began to learn to put his feelings into his heart and keep them as a beautiful memory.

However, Lao Huang had seen the other party's decadent days. When he saw that Mu Cai came to work at a fixed time without even taking a day off, and was preparing to move on to the next world, he couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Caicai, are you okay? If you feel uncomfortable, you can rest for a few more days."

Mu Cai laughed: "It doesn't matter, I've already adjusted it."

He will live a good life with Claire's memories.

Mu Cai lay down in the nutrition cabin.

When he opened his eyes again, Mu Cai found that he was surrounded by flowers and willows.

There is an antique pavilion next to it. In front of the pavilion is a green lake with sparkling water. He was standing under a peach blossom tree. The tree was filled with light pink clouds, and the peach blossoms were in full bloom, rustling down.

The scenery here is extremely beautiful, like a fairyland on earth, but except for him, there is no one else.

Mu Cai was about to look around, but as soon as he took a step, he found that he had no shoes or socks on, his feet were bare, and there was a silver ring on his left foot.

The feel of the clothes on my body was also a little strange. Mu Cai looked down and saw that he was wearing a red robe. This robe should be made of silk material. It is very light when worn on the body. The hem of the robe is very long and hangs down on the ground. It's more like a dress than a robe.

He also wore something like a pendant around his waist, and together with the silver rings on his feet, Mu Cai jingled as he walked, as if he was playing with his own BGM.

Mu Cai also saw his black hair scattered on his shoulders. It seemed that he still had long hair.

He couldn't help but check the script in his mind, and then suddenly realized his identity.

This time Mu Cai will play a evil-doing ghost who has been sealed away for thousands of years. Now he is sealed in a painting. He is just waiting to deal with a few buyers, absorb enough of their yang energy, and cause some lives. The protagonist who is a heavenly master will come to him and trigger the plot. .

In other words, Mu Cai now only needs to concentrate on waiting for the plot to begin.

That being said, the script doesn't say how Mu Cai can absorb other people's yang energy. He can't see what's going on outside now. He doesn't know who his buyer is or whether he has been dealt with.

In other words, he cannot participate in the activities before the official plot, and he cannot even see the progress of the preloading bar of the plot.

Alas, the ghost life is so difficult.

When Mu Cai thought of this, he was going to take a walk around to get a clear idea of the environment in the painting.

But before he took two steps, he felt that the originally cold environment seemed to be slightly warmer.

Mu Cai looked up and saw a hazy mist hanging between the dense flowers of the peach tree.

Mu Cai couldn't help but think deeply.

Could this be the legendary Yang Qi

The author has something to say: Focus on what needs to be tested: [He will live a good life with Claire's memories.]

A certain heavenly master who has not yet appeared: I already have a premonition that I am about to be covered by a green cloud!

Lulu’s solemn statement: The world behind is all hell =w=

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2019-12-12 02:30:38~2019-12-13 01:51:33~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Longgong W doesn’t sleep for 1 day;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!