Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 68: The Domineering Heavenly Master’s Gorgeous Ghost Wife (8)


Two people stepped into the courtyard. One of them is Qin Chongjin's assistant, and the other is a tall young man who looks to be about the same age as Su Yao.

The words just now were spoken by this young man.

He looked elegant. Seeing that Qin Chongjin was still holding Mu Cai's feet in his hand, and a small bulge appeared on his chest in the cotton home clothes, the smile on his face deepened: "This is really a thousand-year-old iron tree blooming, it's rare to see it."

And judging from his natural yin and yang eyes, the person who dared to kick Qin Chongjin was not a human being, but a very beautiful woman.

After the young man finished speaking, he looked at Mu Cai again. Although the direction of the beauty's couch does not completely face the door, it can indeed cover most of the people on the couch. When he first came in, he only saw a corner of red clothes and a beautiful calf stepping on Qin Chongjin's body.

At this moment, the person on the beauty's couch turned around, and the young man's eyes suddenly showed surprise. He murmured: "No wonder, no wonder... Even Qin Chongjin can't bear it... "

After Mu Cai saw the person clearly, the blush on his face immediately disappeared. He turned his head coldly and was about to pull his legs out of Qin Chongjin's clothes.

According to the script, this young man's name is Han Dan. In the last life, the other party was Qin Chongjin's right-hand man. He repeatedly slandered the original person in front of the prince, which made the relationship between Qin Chongjin and the original person become more and more alienated. Until the relationship between the two finally broke down and the original person died in a foreign country.

According to the setting, Mu Cai certainly couldn't give the other party a good look. In fact, the original person didn't like any of the three people present, but he just hated Han Dan in front of him the most. After all, in the memory of the original person, the other party was a villain who stirred up dissension.

Han Dan's appearance immediately caused countless bad moments to appear in Mu Cai's mind. He grew up in a wealthy family and was pampered. Now he suddenly received so many malicious messages, and he was as angry as when he saw Han Dan.

However, as soon as Mu Cai moved, slender and strong fingers gripped his ankle, making him unable to move for a moment.

Mu Cai opened his eyes and said angrily: "Let me go!"

Qin Chongjin did not let go, but said calmly: "You are angry. Can you tell me why?"

Mu Cai didn't want to talk to him, so he gently raised his foot and kicked him hard. Qin Chongjin had not been on guard against him. Now he suddenly received his kick and took a step back. He coughed and loosened his grip.

The assistant on the side immediately stepped forward to help Old Ancestor Qin, but was stopped in place by a gesture from the other party.

He raised his head, the red sword pattern between his eyebrows flashing.

Mu Cai got a moment of freedom, and immediately his red clothes flew up, he leaped from the beauty's couch into the crimson peach blossoms, and disappeared in an instant.

The atmosphere was tense for a moment.

Han Dan's face turned pale.

He has a handsome appearance, a bit of a yuppie kind of handsomeness, and because of his family background, he has never received a particularly clear rejection from others.

But now, this person who was so breathtakingly beautiful that his heart stopped beating for a few seconds disliked him so much that he even left without any shame as soon as he saw him. This caused a dense dull pain to rise in Han Dan's heart, as if silver needles were pricking his body bit by bit, like slow torture.

Han Dan was Qin Chongjin's old friend. The two of them were quite fond of each other, and Qin Chongjin would welcome him on weekdays. But now, Qin Chongjin ignored his pale friend and concentrated on the peach blossoms in the tree, saying: "It's okay if you don't want to come out. In the evening, I will come to you with an empty painting. You are here It's better in the painting than on the peach tree, and it can nourish the soul. Don't get angry with me about this, okay, Caicai?"

The peach blossoms on the trees were in full bloom, but even the rustling among the leaves had disappeared. The peach tree remained motionless from top to bottom, without giving Qin Chongjin any response.

He stood under the tree and waited for a long time.

The atmosphere at the scene was very solemn and no one spoke. Han Dan's face was pale, and Su Yao clenched his fists hanging by his sides. Qin Chongjin waited quietly, but in the end, what he waited for was only the scene of an occasional breeze blowing through the courtyard, and the flowers and leaves of the peach trees swaying in unison.

Qin Chongjin finally lowered his head, turned around, looked at Han Dan and said: "Mr. Han, you have also seen that your family is not very welcoming to you. If something happens today, let's talk about it another day. Or you can also talk to me The assistant communicates on the Internet, and he relays the message to me."

Han Dan nodded hastily, turned around and was escorted out by Qin Chongjin with some staggering.

He was distracted now, and his mind was filled with the great frustration caused by being disliked by that beauty. Even though they only looked at each other for a few seconds, or only met for a few minutes. The other party's casual gaze, the red-clothed figure flying away like butterflies, and even the frowning and disgusted expression made him painful to recall, and he couldn't help but replay it over and over in his mind.

Before leaving the gate of Qin's house, Han Dan's confused mind sobered up a little. He looked at Qin Chongjin who came to see off his guests, and finally remembered to ask, "I want to know what I did wrong?"

Han Dan tried to think back for a long time and remembered that he just made fun of him and met him face to face. Why does the beauty in red hate herself so much? I don’t even want to stay in a space with him. If the other party doesn't like it, he can change it!

Qin Chongjin was silent for a while, and finally said: "You may have to ask about your past life."

Han Dan was stunned, and then a look of unwillingness appeared on his face.

He didn't know what he had done in his previous life. But if it was because of his mistakes in the previous life that the beauty in red treated him like this in this life, wouldn't it be too unfair to him? But if the beauty in red is asked to let go of her past life, it would be even more unfair to the other party.

After all, the beauty in red has not been reincarnated, so the hurt he suffered cannot disappear, and it is normal for the other party to hate him.

It’s just that Han Dan is really unwilling!

Thinking of this, he became even more dejected and could only turn around and leave.

Qin Chongjin did not immediately turn around and return to his courtyard, but asked the assistant who followed him: "Is there anything you want to report?"

The assistant immediately said: "Sir, the remittance you handed over to me yesterday has been sent to Jin Zonghui."

That price is really sky-high. If an ordinary person were to spend such a large amount of money just to buy a painting by a non-famous artist, others would probably think him crazy.

But when the assistant thought about the face of the beauty in red, she felt that the money was still earned. And Mr. Qin is not short of money. After all, there are so many people who want to ask him to help solve problems. Only those who are rich and noble are qualified to get in touch with Mr. Qin.

Qin Chongjin nodded and asked, "How is the matter I asked you to investigate?"

The assistant replied: "There is very little information about this painting, and it has not been fully investigated yet. At present, we only know that this painting was taken out of an unnamed tomb in Yongdi, and then immediately protected. The wealthy businessman made He used some means to acquire the painting. After his death, the painting was transferred to the capital."

Qin Chongjin nodded and said thoughtfully: "It seems to have something to do with Yongdi. So when is the Unknown Tomb?"

The assistant said: "According to the archaeologists, judging from the patterns of the buried utensils, the tomb should be from the Bafang Melee Period. Looking at the clothing style, it looks a bit like a product from the Daliang Period."

When Qin Chongjin heard this, he nodded and said, "I understand, you can go down."

The assistant complied and withdrew.

Mu Cai transformed into a peach blossom, thinking about the script this time.

After entering the energy field this time, the script in Mu Cai's mind was as crude as ever. There are no specific character dialogues or actions, only an outline-like plot and concise character settings.

But just now, when Han Dan came in, more and more specific memory fragments emerged in Mu Cai's mind. Although these memory fragments were not directly integrated into his memory, they played through Mu Cai's mind like a movie, making him feel like he was watching a fragment of someone else's life. But overall, the world view of this energy field is still slightly refined.

Mu Cai had never been exposed to this situation before. He checked the system test light in his brain and found that everything in the energy field was normal, so he felt relieved for the time being.

This planet has many energy fields, and they are all spiritual energy fields. Their entry into these energy fields is like intruding into someone else's dream or participating in a stage play. In the energy field, in order to perfectly stimulate energy, Mu Cai and others usually need to play roles to promote the plot, and they can play their part appropriately.

But some settings of the energy field itself cannot be changed by them. There are also plot details that have happened, which they cannot obtain independently.

But now, the details of Han Dan mocking the original person were seen by Mu Cai. While he was angry, he was also a little curious. He was curious about where this clip came from. After all, it was impossible for the system to show him this. So was this energy field actively distributed to him in order to supplement the world view and details

This has not happened in the previous energy fields. Is it because this time the energy field is stronger, the spiritual energy is higher, and the difficulty level of the characters that need to be played is higher? So give him some clips to make him more empathetic

After all, after experiencing the energy field twice, Mu Cai can be regarded as an experienced veteran employee. It is understandable that the department has assigned him more difficult tasks.

Mu Cai was still thinking quietly in front of a flower in the little peach tree when he saw Qin Chongjin coming from a distance holding a scroll.

The red sword pattern between the opponent's eyebrows flickered in the dusk, breaking through the dim light.

Qin Chongjin walked under the peach tree and raised his head, facing the flower possessed by Mu Cai. He obviously had his eyes closed, but Mu Cai felt as if the other person was looking at him.

Qin Chongjin's deep voice sounded gentle in the evening breeze: "Caicai, are you still angry?"

When he said this, without waiting for Mu Cai's answer, he slowly unfolded the scroll and said, "If you don't want to see me, you can enter this painting. You are a soul body, and nourishing the soul is very important. Don't get angry with yourself."

In fact, Mu Cai was not very angry with the other party. Although the other person in the previous life was emotionally betrayed by the original person, in the final analysis, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Qin Chongjin didn't do anything too much to the original person in other places, so neither the original person nor Mu Cai had much hatred for the other person, at most they just didn't like him.

He ignored Qin Chongjin today mainly because Mu Cai was grabbed by the ankle when he was angry. That forced ankle grabbing forced Mu Cai, who didn't want to see Han Dan, to stay and continue to face the annoying person. Of course, he didn't want to talk to him anymore.

However, although Mu Cai was no longer angry, he was very interested in the scroll in Qin Chongjin's hand. The close-up view of the painting shows flowers falling in front of the courtyard, and the distant mountains are undulating, with a red sun reflected in the mountains, and geese flying in the sky.

The scenery on the scroll is lifelike, and every detail is in place. Even the grass on the courtyard has a velvety texture. It must feel great if you lie on it and sleep on it.

Mu Cai was eager to try.

He saw Qin Chongjin unfold the scroll in his direction, and immediately emerged from the possessed flower, turning into a stream of light and entering.

As soon as Mu Cai stood firm, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

A two-story building with blue bricks and red tiles, a white magnolia tree stands in the courtyard, and two rabbits are jumping on the fluffy green grass. The rabbit ran over with its long ears erect and rubbed against his feet.

Behind the small building is a clear living pool. Exquisite water containers made of bamboo are placed on the water of the pool, and the rods fall one after another under the action of the water flow. There is also a green bamboo forest beside the pool.

There is a path in front of the yard that leads directly to the rolling hills in the distance. There are swan geese quacking in the sky, flying towards the direction of the red sun.

This is much better than the painting he was in before!

After a flower on the peach tree moved slightly, a beauty in red suddenly appeared on the scroll in Qin Chongjin's hand.

The beauty in red was sitting on the fluffy green grass in the courtyard, looking up at the geese flying overhead. Two snow-white rabbits were nestled at his feet.

There was surprise in the corners of his eyebrows, his eyes were as bright as morning stars, and the corners of his bright red mouth curved into a beautiful arc.

Qin Chongjin closed his eyes, and the red sword pattern between his eyebrows flickered.

He reached out and gently touched the snow-white cheek of the person in the painting.

It's very soft and has a slight warmth.

Mu Cai, who was teasing two little rabbits in the painting, suddenly felt something brush against his face, and he couldn't help but raise his head and look.

Is there still wind in this painting