Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 75: The Domineering Heavenly Master’s Gorgeous Ghost Wife (15)


Qin Chongjin resisted the urge to ask Mu Cai.

No matter what, Caicai is by his side now, and he is not a person who would give up. The most important thing is that Qin Chongjin feels scared from the bottom of his heart. He was afraid that when he asked, he would get the answer he least wanted to hear.

Qin Chongjin picked up Mu Cai and felt much more relaxed when he saw the other person naturally put his arms around his neck and put his chin on his shoulders.

Maybe Caicai hasn't realized it yet, but the other person has begun to rely on him subconsciously and doesn't reject his closeness.

After the two settled the matter, they began to walk back to the previous room.

After they entered the room, they saw that Zhang Rongfa, who was lying on his back on the ground, had woken up.

When Zhang Rongfa just woke up, he saw black stumps and broken arms all over the ground. If Li Kundao hadn't seen the right moment and gave him a hard kick in time, he would have fainted again from fright.

At this moment, the remaining Celestial Masters are already cleaning up the battlefield. The corpses of the imps were swept together with brooms and put into bags. The bag was held by the man with glasses and the man with monkey cheeks, and they were preparing to process it in the courtyard outside.

Qin Chongjin and Mu Cai bumped into them when they came in. The two people on the opposite side explained a few words, and the monkey-cheeked man claimed that he knew the rebirth spell and could save these little devils. The man with glasses was doubtful of his statement, while Qin Chongjin was noncommittal and just made way for them.

Zhang Rongfa saw Qin Chongjin walking in and quickly greeted him enthusiastically. Just now, Li Kundao and the man with glasses had told him what happened in the room with added details. Just hearing the description made him feel terrible. After learning that the Qin Patriarch had caused such huge damage with just two swings of his sword, Zhang Rong found that he now regarded him as a god.

He stepped forward, with a flattering smile on his fat face: "Thank you, Old Ancestor Qin, for your kindness and saving this villain's life."

Having said this, Zhang Rongfa's face showed a sad look again. He turned his eyes to Zhang's mother who was still awake on the bed, and couldn't help but said: "Old Ancestor Qin, look at my mother..."

When he said this, he remembered the scene he had seen before: Mother Zhang's mouth was open to an angle that was almost horizontal, and the little devil was about to crawl inside.

Zhang Rongfa couldn't help but shiver all over and glanced at Zhang's mother's belly on the bed.

Qin Chongjin's face was very calm: "Your Majesty has been penetrated by the imp for many days, and it is difficult to separate the two. If I rashly pull away the imp, your life may also be in danger."

When Zhang Rongfa heard this, his expression immediately changed: "I can't help it. I can't help it." He just wanted to save his mother, and didn't want his mother to die like this. Let’s not talk about his mother pulling him to grow up like this. Let’s just say that he had visited so many heavenly masters about his mother before, and it had spread in the circle. And his previous invitation to the kid was not airtight.

Although Zhang Rongfa has always said that he invited little ghosts to exorcise evil spirits, but if his mother died just after he invited the little ghosts, who could not doubt his true purpose of inviting little ghosts? By then his reputation will be completely ruined! Moreover, many people in the business world are shrewd and suspicious. If word of this spreads, it will be difficult for him to do business in the future.

When Zhang Rongfa thought of this, he quickly said: "Ancestor Qin, please do well, Ancestor Qin. It's not easy for my mother to make me grow up so big. Please help me."

Mu Cai nestled in Qin Chongjin's arms, looking at the changing expressions on the face of the man in front of him, he felt that it was really tiring to deal with people like Zhang Rongfa, and his mind was tortuous. He didn't want to look at the other party's fat and greasy face, so he simply turned his head and moved his face towards Qin Chongjin's shoulder.

Qin Chongjin loves to be clean and doesn't sweat at all. He didn't even touch a kid just now. Therefore, the clothes still have a faint fragrance of laundry detergent, which smells quite good.

Mu Cai couldn't help but take a sip.

Qin Chongjin's body stiffened.

He held Mu Cai's hand tighter, his throat rolled, and then he replied: "It's not completely hopeless, but it requires you to pay a certain price."

Zhang Rongfa said hurriedly: "Please give me some advice, ancestor."

Qin Chongjin said: "If the ghost spirit enters your body, you need to take the fine powder grinded by the evil-proofing spell every morning to drive away evil spirits. Secondly, you need to do more good deeds."

When Zhang Rongfa heard this, he felt that the price was not high and was completely acceptable. He hurriedly said: "Thank you, ancestor, for your advice."

Qin Chongjin said: "I will write an evil-proofing spell for you later. However, due to the strong ghost spirit in your palace, I am afraid that a single evil-proofing spell will not be enough. You'd better do a good deed immediately."

Zhang Rongfa saw the Qin Patriarch's words changing in twists and turns, and he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: "How long will it take immediately? Can it be done within today? I will donate to the Hope Project immediately!"

Qin Chongjin stopped him immediately: "The settlement of good deeds is not calculated when the money is donated, but when the money is put into practice and really makes a difference. So I'm afraid it's too late for you to donate to the Hope Project now. I There is a way here, it just depends on whether Mr. Zhang is willing to part with it."

The other Celestial Masters had finished cleaning up the battlefield in the morning and were silently eavesdropping on the conversation between the two. When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but begin to doubt what they had learned before. When did the settlement of good deeds become like this? If we follow what Qin Chongjin said, then if a charity siphons off money privately, what good people do will not be considered a good deed

Because Yang Dechang is old, he knows the ropes. Even though Patriarch Qin is a serious person, he is really good at deceiving the nouveau riche.

However, he glanced at the fat man with a black heart and felt that it was better not to expose him. Every cause must have its effect, and perhaps one of Zhang Rongfa's retributions is Qin Chongjin.

Zhang Rongfa had long been blinded by admiration and fear. At this moment, he said anxiously: "Ancestor Qin, just say it! As long as I, Zhang Rongfa, can do it, I will do it immediately."

Although he is a little reluctant to give up money, if he can keep his reputation with some money, he can still make more if he keeps the green hills and is not afraid of running out of firewood.

Qin Chongjin then came to the main topic: "I think Mr. Zhang's appearance is that he has both sons and daughters. But Mrs. Zhang's appearance is that she is destined to have no boys. I think Mr. Zhang's relationship with his wife seems to have a rift, and today is a working day again. . It would be better for Mr. Zhang to divorce her directly and marry another woman, and then give the wife a house and a sum of money as compensation. The wife is weak and belongs to a vulnerable group. Helping her in this way can be considered a merit and can also win some good things for Mr. Zhang. Reputation, I wonder what Mr. Zhang’s business is like?”

Zhang Rongfa actually feels a little sore. It's really hard to give a house and a sum of money to a hen that doesn't lay eggs. But Patriarch Qin spoke. After thinking about it, he seemed to have no better way, so he nodded in agreement.

Qin Chongjin added: "I know that Yongdi's housing prices are expensive. It's okay for Mr. Zhang to have extra properties in surrounding counties. As for money, of course, the more you give, the greater your merits and the better Mr. Zhang's reputation will be. "

Only then did Li Kundao and the man with glasses hear the secret. They looked at each other and could see the ecstasy in the other's heart. Even Su Yao had to sigh that Patriarch Qin was not as otherworldly as he seemed. My thoughts are also twists and turns.

When Mu Cai heard this, he thought that this man was still as bad as in his previous life, but this time he was very bad. He had fulfilled his request, which could be regarded as a good thing. Thinking of this, he put his arms around Qin Chongjin's neck and stroked the hair on the back of his head like a reward.

Qin Chongjin was shocked, as if an electric current was passing through him, and he was speechless.

Fortunately, he had already said what he needed to say. After Zhang Rongfa realized it, he immediately started to do it.

It was already the early morning of the next day, the scary strange noises from last night had disappeared, and the sky was beginning to light up. The woman had already gotten up with her child, and after some negotiation with Zhang Rongfa. She divorced the other party as she wished and got a house in a county-level city under Yongdi. At the same time, 10 million was transferred to her card.

The woman was ready to leave the house that had caused her countless injuries and humiliations that day. Before leaving, she took her sallow-looking daughter and looked back at Mu Cai, who was standing on the stairs.

The beauty in red waved her hand far away to them, and when she smiled, she was so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

The woman solemnly held her daughter in her arms and bowed to the other party, then walked out of the house without looking back to welcome her new life.

Qin Chongjin drew the evil-proofing spell for Zhang Rongfa in a few seconds. A thin piece of talisman paper burned by fire, leaving a pile of black powder, which was poured into water and fed into Zhang Mu's mouth.

After drinking this talisman water, Zhang's mother, who had been in a coma since last night, finally woke up. Her already cloudy eyes were bloodshot, and the exposed skin seemed to have more black spots. She cried and hugged her son: "My son, my life is so miserable!"

Zhang Rongfa patiently coaxed the other party for a while at first, but in the end he couldn't stand it anymore, called the nanny in, and then hurriedly escaped out the door. His mother had only been ill for a few days. Before, his ex-wife had taken care of her, and he didn't feel annoyed yet. Now that it's happened to him, Zhang Rongfa can't stand it anymore.

He thought of his charming mistress whom he kept outside. She was pregnant. It was found out that she was a boy and that she was about to give birth. After the girl gave birth to the child, if the child was healthy, Zhang Rongfa decided to marry her and let her take care of Zhang's mother.

It was not easy for his mother to raise him from childhood to adulthood, and his wife should be filial and serve her mother well. That girl is gentle and sweet, and she will definitely not be as careless and unable to do anything as her ex-wife.

Zhang Rongfa felt light and happy when he thought of this. He went out and thanked Qin Chongjin again and again, but the other party still looked cold and indifferent.

Qin Chongjin asked: "I wonder if Mr. Zhang can tell me what the situation was like when you bought this house? The more detailed the better."

Zhang Rongfa had just solved all his worries and was in a good mood now. He especially admired the Qin ancestor who saved people from fire and water. He quickly said: "I knocked down this house and rebuilt it. When I bought this piece of land, There is only one very old house, which dates from before the founding of the People's Republic of China. But that house is not the first. It is said that these Feng Shui formations and the original house can be traced back to the Liang Dynasty. The Feng Shui master I found told me, The Feng Shui array on this piece of land is very special, it is a large Qi gathering array, it would be great for people to live in it."

Qin Chongjin suddenly smiled on his usually cold face: "It's really good."

Zhang Rongfa immediately became proud and began to boast: "Ancestor Qin thinks so too, I think I have a very good vision..."

He boasted for a long time, and the heavenly masters present were too lazy to listen to him anymore. Li Kundao interrupted him without hesitation and took the lead to say goodbye to the other party, followed closely by the others.

Zhang Rongfa had no choice but to call his assistants and see off the guests with them until all the difficult-to-serve heavenly masters were sent out of the gate of his courtyard.

Li Kundao took the lead, said goodbye to them, got into his car and drove away. The man with glasses and the man with monkey cheeks also said goodbye politely and left.

And although Yang Dechang walked to his car, he was not in a hurry to get in the car.

Qin Chongjin carried Mu Cai into the back seat of the car and watched Su Yae get into the passenger seat, but he was not in a hurry to get in. He could see that Yang Dechang had something to say to him.

Yang Dechang hesitated for a moment, and after doing enough psychological preparation for himself, he called out: "Ancestor, although I don't know what your intentions are, raising ghosts is against the will of heaven after all."

After death, the soul of a normal person will enter reincarnation. And some people have very strong obsessions during their lives, and their souls will stay in this world. Some of them turned into evil ghosts, escaped from reincarnation, and did evil in the human world, which required their heavenly masters to deal with it; while some of them had no harmful intentions, but stayed in this world because of their obsessions, and either achieved their wish or left. Go. Or finally surrender to the power of reincarnation, and the soul gradually fades and dissipates.

The beauty in red had never done any evil, so she should have belonged to the latter category. He was also wearing clothes similar to those from the period of multi-party melee. After hundreds of years, it stands to reason that he should have dissipated long ago, or his soul should have become extremely shallow.

But the beauty in red not only did not fade, but her soul solidified, and even ordinary people could see her. If he were not a heavenly master with some Taoism or a special person, ordinary people would just regard him as... a mortal who loves to dress up in strange clothes.

The beauty in red is not a powerful ghost, and she does not increase her power by harming others. Then there is only one explanation, that is, someone is raising him. It was also raised very well, and it can be said that a lot of effort was put into it.

When Qin Chongjin heard Yang Dechang's words, the expression on his face was not moved, and he just said: "I know."

After saying that, he got into the car and closed the door. The assistant drove away under Qin Chongjin's instructions.

Yang Dechang was left alone, sighing in his heart.

Zhang Rongfa's house is in the suburbs, which is a bit remote. It takes at least an hour to drive into the city. Mu Cai sat in the car, lying lazily on Qin Chongjin's lap, looking at him and saying, "What's going on with the nouveau riche?"

Cai Cai lay on his lap and turned her head to look at him. The other party seemed to be completely unconscious, staring at him with a pair of eyes as bright as morning stars, breathing softly on...

Qin Chongjin's throat rolled and he forced himself to calm down. He explained: "I told you before that Zhang Rongfa has both sons and daughters. His ex-wife only gave birth to a daughter, and the other son was in someone else's belly. Zhang Rongfa had someone outside, and the other party also gave birth to a son. He Perhaps due to various considerations such as money and reputation, he did not choose to divorce in the end, but wanted to secretly kill his ex-wife."

When he said this, he added: "He didn't dare to do this kind of thing blatantly. He should have invited people from Southeast Asia. They were not familiar with birth dates and helped Zhang Rongfa to murder the hostess. It's just that his ex-wife was weak. , and lived in the worst room. On the contrary, his mother was domineering and lived in the largest bedroom. She was more powerful than his ex-wife, and the little devils automatically targeted him as the mistress, and finally harmed her. "

Mu Cai said angrily: "It's really an advantage for such a person to help him break the situation. If I had known, I should have rushed in and taught him a lesson, and told him to suffer the consequences!"

Qin Chongjin reached out and touched the top of Mu Cai's head. His hair was soft and a bit cold. Although the beauty in red is angry, her eyebrows are furrowed, her teeth are biting her red lower lip, her expression is vivid and amazingly beautiful.

Qin Chongjin couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth: "Don't worry, he will reap the consequences."

When he said this, he raised his head and pointed at a certain rolling mountain, gesturing for everyone to look at it: "Look at the angles of the mountain peaks and the surrounding situation."

Mu Cai looked up and saw that the mountains and trees were connected together. He could not understand anything, but he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

But Su Yao had some clues: "Such a big Qi gathering array!"

Qin Chongjin said: "Yes, and there are many locust trees on the mountain."

He only said this, but Su Yao understood immediately: "This, this is a huge ghost-raising array!"

Qin Chongjin was very satisfied: "This is a huge natural ghost-raising formation. Zhang Rongfa also made so many wealth-gathering formations in the courtyard to gather energy even more. This is why Caicai felt particularly comfortable after entering that house, and also The reason why Zhang Rongfa’s little devil is so powerful.”

At this point, he explained: "There are still several little ghosts in Zhang's mother's belly, which cannot be resolved with talisman water alone. If Zhang Rongfa does not make up for all his past mistakes, in such an environment, it is impossible for him to Escape from retribution.”

But will Zhang Rongfa make up for his past mistakes

Can such a cruel and ruthless man, who treats his wife so unkindly, and even shows his unwillingness to take care of his crying mother who pulls him to grow up, can he really realize where he went wrong

When Su Yao thought of this, he realized how terrifying Qin Chongjin was.

As a Heavenly Master, he naturally follows the Heavenly Master's laws and solves problems for people, but at the same time he also punishes evil and promotes good. However, Qin Chongjin's revenge, on the surface, gave people hope, but they relied on the opponent's weaknesses.

If the other party really realizes his mistake and changes his mind, the victim can also get the maximum compensation. If the other party does not realize his mistake, then death awaits him.

In this way, Qin Chongjin will not be stained with any bad karma, but the evildoers will get the punishment they deserve.

In short, the other party deceived Tiandao.

It’s really a deep thought!

Mu Cai didn't notice what they said next.

Because he finally remembered where the familiarity came from when he looked at this mountain.

This familiar mountain is coupled with the land passed down from the Liang Dynasty. This is the place where the original person once lived after being exiled from the capital!

But before, there were not so many locust trees on this mountain! In other words, after his death, someone specially planted locust trees, transformed the Feng Shui here, and turned this place into a huge ghost breeding array.

And the one who needs to be raised is him!

Mu Cai didn't know who would do this. Could it be Brother Zhongyi

The author has something to say: Edward Yang: Scheming man!

Li Kundao & Glasses Man: The scheming ancestor!

Su Yao: Scheming!

Qin Chongjin: I’m not targeting anyone, I’m just saying that everyone here is a jerk.

Happy New Year, little angel! mua! Isn’t this one very fat =w=