Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 77: The Domineering Heavenly Master’s Gorgeous Ghost Wife (17)


Mu Cai was lying on the imperial concubine's couch, with the lush leaves of the small peach tree above his head.

It is late autumn now, but it is not cold in the courtyard. On the contrary, there are signs of getting warmer, which is completely opposite to the bleak autumn wind outside. This is because Qin Chongjin set up a Qi gathering array in the courtyard. The yin and yang in the entire separate courtyard are balanced, the temperature is suitable, and it is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Mu Cai went to Yongdi a month ago and became even more lazy after returning. Qin Chongjin was right. Although the house before had made him energetic, it seemed that all the qualities of his soul had been enhanced a lot. But in the same way, Mu Cai felt that when he walked there, he was more energetic, unlike when he felt more comfortable and calmer here.

He was lying on his back on the imperial concubine's couch, looking at the deep blue sky in trance, when he caught a glimpse of Qin Chongjin walking towards him out of the corner of his eye.

The man had his eyes closed, the bright red sword pattern between his eyebrows was very conspicuous, and the buttons of his home clothes were neatly buttoned up to his chin. Even in his own yard, this man is very strict, covering himself from head to toe, without even a chance to expose his body.

Unlike the red dress worn by Mu Cai, it has wide sleeves, an unbuttoned front, and is light in texture. As soon as he raised his hand, the wide sleeves fell down, revealing his snow-white arms. The belt was slightly loose, and the front dropped slightly, revealing the delicate collarbone. And when he moved, the hem of his clothes swayed, revealing his thin and lonely ankles.

The two have completely different dressing styles and concepts, but neither of them has said anything about the other in this regard. To a certain extent, the two of them still have a good understanding.

When Mu Cai saw Qin Chongjin coming, he immediately cheered up and sat up from the imperial concubine's couch. During this period of time, Qin Chongjin sometimes brought him news about Zhang Rong's fortune. He didn't care how the other party, a reclusive otaku far away in the capital, knew the information about the other party's family in such detail, he was just willing to listen.

According to Qin Chongjin, Zhang Rongfa married his mistress just a week after divorcing his ex-wife. This mistress is different from his hardworking ex-wife, she is not a fuel saver at all.

The little sweet wife used her tears and thoughtfulness as weapons, and took advantage of her six or seven-month pregnancy to try her best to give Zhang Rongfa a pillow, stumbling against Zhang's mother, and sowing discord. Zhang's mother is a rough and tough woman, unlike a petite wife who has many twists and turns. After being falsely accused many times by the other party, she will not defend herself at all. When she gets angry, she will only yell all kinds of ugly curses.

Before Zhang Rongfa married his little wife, he only served Zhang's mother for one day and couldn't bear it anymore. Naturally, he knew how bad-tempered she was. On one side was the pitiful little wife who was pregnant with her son, and on the other was the old woman with a swollen belly and black spots all over her body who could only curse. Zhang Rongfa immediately sent Zhang's mother to live in a small bungalow in the backyard, while he and his young wife enjoyed the big house.

Mu Cai had only heard this episode intermittently before, with the dog-eating-dog plot of "the whole family was in turmoil and the relationship between mother and child was broken", and found it very unsatisfying. Now that he saw Qin Chongjin walking in from the entrance of the courtyard, he quickly looked over, hoping that the other party would give him a sequel.

The beauty in red sitting on the imperial concubine's couch has eyes as bright as the morning stars in the sky. She looks right at herself, her bright red lips are slightly pursed, and her gorgeous brows are full of expectations and joy. This radiant appearance was so stunningly beautiful that Qin Chongjin's originally steady and even steps were thrown off.

Although he knew that what Cai Cai really expected was not himself, but the news he could bring. But after seeing such a look on the other person's face, Mr. Qin, the emotional tool man, quickened his pace and sat next to Mu Cai.

There is no way, who can refuse to look at Caicai like this.

Qin Chongjin reported the news very consciously: "Zhang's mother has passed away, Zhang Rongfa has become terminally ill and has entered the intensive care unit."

This news was a bit sudden, which surprised Mu Cai, who had been immersed in family ethics and the evil-doers-will-do script just a moment ago. He quickly said: "What's going on? Tell me quickly."

As Mu Cai spoke, he couldn't help but reach out and hug Qin Chongjin's arm on the couch, trying to urge him in this way.

The opponent's arms were hard when pinched, and the muscles could be felt. They were not as thin as they usually looked when hidden in clothes.

But Mu Cai thought about it. If the other party was really a weak heavenly master, how could he hold him for so long without taking a breath. He had been seriously ill when he was a child, and his constitution was weak. It was difficult for him to have such muscles, so he couldn't help but squeeze left and right with envy, not even noticing that the person whose arms he held was already stiff.

Soon, a slender and strong hand reached out and held down Mu Cai's rebellious hand. This hand was so big that it easily covered Mu Cai's hand and intertwined their fingers, pulling the other person back from his thoughts.

Qin Chongjin said in a low voice: "Mother Zhang has been yelling at her son and daughter-in-law all day long since she moved to a small house. Zhang Rongfa was originally reluctant to continue donating money to do charity. Seeing that Mother Zhang's stomach has lost a lot of weight, now she is so obsessed with it." He cursed people out of anger, and he immediately stopped charity.”

He didn't finish speaking, but Mu Cai already knew the consequences. The little ghost in Zhang's mother's belly had not been completely eliminated, and she was in a huge ghost-raising array. Naturally, the disease relapsed quickly and she died on the spot.

However, Mu Cai still didn't understand how Zhang Rongfa became terminally ill. If the other party is being haunted by an imp, he should know how to remedy the situation and is unlikely to end up in this situation. Is he really sick

Qin Chongjin seemed to know what Mu Cai was thinking, and said directly: "Do you still remember that Zhang Rongfa was wiping sweat when we went there before?"

Mu Cai nodded. Of course he had an impression. When they were squatting in Zhang's room, the other party was sweating profusely and the smell was so strong that he couldn't help but bury his face in Qin Chongjin's shoulder.

Qin Chongjin continued: "He sweated a lot at that time, which was far more than a normal person. In other words, his body had already collapsed due to excessive yin energy, but he didn't know it, and he still He cut off the only charity that could save him and accelerated his own demise."

After hearing this, Mu Cai was very satisfied with the result.

Some people may say that his idea is naive and childish. But Mu Cai still insisted on his own opinion, believing that people who do evil things will sooner or later be punished for their evil deeds. And what he heard now was such a living example.

Mu Cai was satisfied, and the expression on his face relaxed.

Qin Chongjin looked at the other party and slowly breathed a sigh of relief, then lay down on the imperial concubine's bed again. The expression on his face became lazy again, like a cat that was enjoying itself in the sun. His heart felt a little itchy, and he couldn't help but ask: "I have provided you with so much information, can Caicai give me any reward?"

Mu Cai was a little surprised.

When he wanted Qin Chongjin to help the emaciated woman, he offered to agree to the other party's request. In the end, Qin Chongjin just asked lightly to hold him, which was like giving him a favor in vain. Unexpectedly, the other party has learned a lot now and started asking for conditions when providing information.

But Mu Cai thought about it, Qin Chongjin was a profit-seeker in his previous life, and it was rare to see him like last time. What's more, he did cause a lot of trouble to the other party this time, so Qin Chongjin should make the request.

Mu Cai thought of this and agreed happily: "Okay. What reward do you want?"

Qin Chongjin didn't pause: "I want you to touch my hair."

Last time at Zhang Rongfa's house, when he picked up Mu Cai, the other party's fingers gently brushed the hair on the back of his head. Even though a month had passed, the trembling sensation like electricity was still fresh in Qin Chongjin's memory, and he longed to feel it again from the bottom of his heart.

He met Mu Cai's somewhat astonished gaze, and his voice lowered, as if with a little grievance: "Is that okay?"

An inexplicable thought appeared in Mu Cai's mind. He suddenly felt that Qin Chongjin at this moment was very similar to Xiao Taoshu, except that the other person did not open his big round eyes and act cute, but Mu Cai also felt that he could not refuse.

Although the other party's request is a bit strange, it is still very simple to implement. Mu Cai himself was not a difficult person to talk to. He immediately tentatively reached out his hand and gently touched the other person's head.

The moment Mu Cai's fingers touched the top of his hair, Qin Chongjin obediently lowered his head slightly so that the other party could better touch the top of his head. Mu Cai watched his actions, and the more he watched, the more he felt like he was stroking a docile large dog. He never refused the owner's touch and even looked forward to it.

With this slightly weird feeling, he touched it twice.

Cold fingers moved through the thick black hair, and the soft fingertips occasionally touched Qin Chongjin's head gently, causing a new round of tremors in his body.

However, Qin Chongjin tried his best to restrain all these.

He didn't want Mu Cai to notice his thoughts, because he sounded a bit like a pervert.

The hair under my hands was not very soft, it felt frizzy, and the feeling of scraping the ends of the hair against my palms was strangely refreshing. The more Mu Cai touched it, the more excited he became. He was addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself. Even if his palms were scratched and felt a little burning, he still didn't want to stop.

One of them was enjoying touching it, the other was being touched so much that he couldn't help himself. The atmosphere reached a certain delicate balance. However, this balance was quickly broken by the assistant who came over.

The assistant bowed slightly, making sure that he couldn't see the ancestor's face that might freeze someone to death, and said businesslikely: "Sir, Mr. Han invites you to go to his mansion tomorrow. He said that a new group of people from the Liang Dynasty have arrived. Cultural relics. What do you think, sir?"

Mu Cai was very grateful to the assistant who showed up in time. Although Qin Chongjin's hair felt great, his slightly sore arms still felt a bit unbearable. As soon as the other party appeared, he finally had a reasonable excuse to persuade Qin Chongjin, and at the same time he persuaded himself to put down his arms and rest.

Qin Chongjin's face was expressionless. Although he was very dissatisfied, what the assistant said was indeed business. He arranged Han Dan's side. After Qin Chongjin discovered that the truth about his past life could not be unearthed from historical facts alone, he turned to the royal cultural relics of the Liang Dynasty.

When Mu Cai heard Han Dan's name, he lay back on the imperial concubine's bed without interest. But Qin Chongjin turned around and asked him: "Caicai, do you want to go with me? I always felt that there was something fishy about you, so I asked someone to help me collect some cultural relics to find some clues. You can also take a look. See if any of them look familiar to you."

If it were normal times, Mu Cai would never go. After all, he hated Han Dan. But just like Qin Chongjin said, he recently discovered that the memories of his original body he received may not be the whole truth. In order for the plot to proceed better, it is natural to seek multiple clues. At this time, Han Dan was nothing in front of the dedicated Mu Cai.

He agreed without hesitation: "Okay, I'll go with you. But I have a condition."

Mu Cai didn't wait for the other party to ask, and said directly: "You should know very well that I don't like that friend of yours. When the time comes, I won't give him a good look when I go there. You have to think clearly."

Qin Chongjin suddenly laughed. He has a high nose, thin lips, and tall eyebrows. He has a cold appearance. When he smiled, although Qin Chongjin's eyes could not be seen, his face seemed to melt like ice and snow, and the corners of his lips curved into a gentle arc: "Okay, I will listen to you."

The assistant exited the scene at the right time so as not to look too bright standing nearby.

Seeing that nothing happened, Mu Cai was about to close his eyes and rest for a while when he saw the man next to him approaching like a big dog: "Caicai, are you still touching my hair?"

The author has something to say: Caicai: The hand that touched the dog's head trembled slightly.

Those little angels who said yesterday that they wanted to watch the expansion, do you know that the Internet is illegal outside the country =w=

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-01-02 00:14:58~2020-01-03 01:56:01~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Longgong W doesn’t sleep for 1 day;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 43 bottles of Songzhiyijiu; 40 bottles of Huahua; 30 bottles of pluton; 1 bottle of Yue and Lucky Yao;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!