Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 97: I am always attacked by monsters in the text (8)


The living area of Galen Technology Company is on the upper floor of the office area.

Mu Cai and Li Yu took the elevator to the first floor. When the elevator door opened, he led the other person out and said briefly: "There is a gym outside the office area downstairs. Put your luggage then and I will take you down to have a look. This floor is the living area. It’s the staff canteen and staff dormitories. You see, the canteen is right there. You can eat there when it’s time to eat, and it’s free.”

Li Yu listened to the ethereal and sweet voice in his ears, and his eyes couldn't help but follow Mu Cai's guidance.

The staff canteen occupies a corner of this floor and has four windows in total. The interior and exterior are beautifully decorated, quiet and elegant, with simple and graceful tables and chairs. The staff canteen is open in the morning, noon and evening, and during breaks, the sweet smell of milk tea and cakes can be heard from afar.

As for the staff dormitories, they occupy most of the space on this floor. The rooms inside are divided into single rooms like a hotel, equipped with private bathrooms, TVs, air conditioners and hot water. Except for the air conditioner, which calculates the electricity bill independently, the rest does not require employees to pay for it.

Li Yu didn't expect that the conditions of the employee dormitories of Galen Technology were so good, and he was a little stunned for a moment. Mu Cai had already chosen a room for him. When he came, he specifically asked the cleaning aunt to know which rooms were unoccupied, so he chose a room with a window for Li Yu.

Now he opened the door with the key and was very happy to see that although no one was living in the room, it was still clean. Mu Cai turned around and said with a smile: "Come in and clean up quickly, you will officially start your internship this afternoon."

The person opposite came over, stretched out his half-covered thin white fingers from under the sleeves of his expensive coat, and grabbed Li Yu's arm. Obviously this force is not strong, Li Yu can easily break away at any time. But he looked at the other person's bright, crescent-shaped eyes and almost involuntarily followed him through the door. Even when Mu Cai asked him if he was satisfied, Li Yu didn't think and would only nod mechanically.

This morning, Mu Cai helped Li Yu pack his luggage, asked the cleaning lady to get the extra keys, and took him to visit the gym outside the company's office area. At noon, the two had a delicious meal in the staff canteen. After taking a break, they went to the office area downstairs.

The members of the project team have already decided which project Li Yu will participate in. He was only a freshman, so he probably didn't learn much in the school's courses, and he probably only had the most basic exposure to programming languages. After collective discussion, the members arranged him in the relatively simplest group, and planned to let Li Yu solve the least important part of the project while studying on his own, and ask the members of the project team if he didn't know how.

Li Yu started his formal internship that afternoon.

To the delight of the company's less than ten employees, their boss Mu also decided to stay.

The lunch break had just ended and the employees were still very relaxed. Lin Xingchen was sitting at the table next to the green plants in the office area to rest when he saw a shadow falling in front of him.

He raised his head and saw Mu Cai, who he had just met in the cafeteria, standing at the table looking at him with a smile.

The person opposite had a delicate face and snow-white skin, which was so pleasing to the eye that it almost made him sink. It would have been nice if there wasn't an eyesore standing next to the other person.

Lin Xingchen's eyes sank when he glanced at Li Yu, who was standing next to Mu Cai. He looked away and stared at Mu Cai with his dark eyes: "What's wrong, boss?"

Maybe it was because of his respect for the stern elder brother above him, and because Lin Xingchen was indeed much more mature than Mu Cai, when he faced the men sent by this elder brother, he always felt like he didn't realize when he saw the stern elder. of tension. Hearing the question from the person opposite, the smile on Mu Cai's face became even bigger, his eyes were crooked and he looked very sweet: "Brother Chen, starting from this afternoon until the end of the year, I will stay in the company. When the time comes, please ask Brother Chen to give me more guidance."

Lin Xingchen glanced at Mu Cai, and then at Li Yu who was standing aside.

The other party stood almost close to Mu Cai, leaving only a small gap between the two. He was taller and stronger than Mu Cai. From this angle, it looked like Li Yu had taken the slender man into his arms.

It was so intimate.

Lin Xingchen felt it was an eyesore.

Sure enough, he is still too young and knows only such childish methods. Lin Xingchen thought as his mind was churning, with a winning smile on his face: "Of course. There are many things in this company that require the boss to personally take care of. I am very happy that the boss can come back. I will wait for him I’ll give them all to you.”

Mu Cai felt relieved after hearing this.

Although he did stay in the company to pursue Li Yu, Mu Cai believed that it was impossible for him to play games on his mobile phone in the company like his original self, and then take advantage of every opportunity to harass Li Yu during his break.

Now that Lin Xingchen can assign tasks to him so that he has something to do during work, he can avoid the embarrassment of sitting alone in the office.

Mu Cai thought of this and smiled at Lin Xingchen again: "Thank you, Brother Chen!"

The young man standing at the table took off his hooded jacket early because of the long-lasting heating in the room, revealing the casual blue striped shirt underneath. The hem of the shirt was loosely tucked into black casual jeans, outlining a waist that was so thin that it could barely fit into one's hand.

It happened that this waist was facing Lin Xingchen's eyes, and it was swaying with the owner's movements, making it difficult for him to calm down. Lin Xingchen just took a breath, prepared to stabilize his emotions, and lifted his eyes from the other party's waist, when he saw an arm suddenly stretched out from the side and propped up on the table, blocking his sight.

The unsightly newcomer turned his head, looked at Mu Cai, who was unaware, and asked, "Caicai, is the lunch break already over?"

Mu Cai took out his cell phone from his trouser pocket and saw that it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. When the lunch break was over, he looked back and saw that the project team employees in the cubicle were all typing on the keyboard with great concentration. The thick lenses at the bottom of the beer bottles reflected the light from the computer screen.

It seemed like a lot of hard work, with no extra time to rest.

Mu Cai immediately apologized deeply, feeling that his conversation with Lin Xingchen just now seemed to have disturbed them. He nodded quickly and said to Li Yu and Lin Xingchen: "Yes, the lunch break is over, let's go back to work quickly."

As he spoke, he reached out and patted Li Yu's shoulder gently, and said with a smile: "Study hard."

Obviously the temperature of this hand was not high and the strength was not strong, but a gentle pat made Li Yu feel as if his shoulder was burned. Even though he was separated by two layers of clothes, there was still heat, which was different from other parts of his shoulder. Parts are different. The base of his ears quietly turned red, and he finally said: "Okay."

Lin Xingchen felt a little dazzling when he saw this scene. He said calmly: "I will send the compiled documents to the boss's office later."

As soon as these words came out, Mu Cai's attention was indeed attracted. The stunningly beautiful young man looked at him, with a little panic flashing in his eyes: "Okay, Brother Chen. But I may not be very clear about how to read these documents... "

The man standing opposite interrupted him in time, with a graceful smile on his handsome face: "It doesn't matter, I will go in and explain it to you one by one."

Mu Cai calmed down, nodded gratefully to the other party, then turned and walked towards his office.

He thought that everything had been resolved, felt relaxed, and moved forward without looking back. Little did he know that behind Mu Cai, Lin Xingchen stared at his slender back for a while, then turned around and looked to the other side.

Li Yu was originally looking at Mu Cai's back, but at this time he naturally caught the gaze from the side keenly. He turned around and saw Brother Chen smiling silently at him, with a very cold look on his face.

The project team employees who had been staring secretly at this side couldn't help but feel excited in their hearts: How long has it been? But in just one morning, Brother Lin couldn't help but make the struggle clear!

Li Yu was very calm in the face of the other party's provocation.

He smiled politely, turned around and walked towards his cubicle.

Mu Cai didn't stay in the office for long before he saw Lin Xingchen pushing in the door.

The other person walked in with a laptop and placed it in front of his desk.

Mu Cai hurriedly looked at it, only to see that it was covered with dense printing. A lot of word documents were opened, and some of the document names were contracts, and some were not. He clearly knew every Chinese character on the screen, but Mu Cai couldn't understand them all together.

He was a little confused, and just when he was about to ask Lin Xingchen for help, he felt a shadow falling next to him.

Lin Xingchen had already walked behind Mu Cai.

He leaned down, holding the back of the chair where the young man was leaning with one hand, and supporting the table with one hand, his fingers dexterously controlling the scrolling of the computer screen. This sudden move brought the two of them very close. Mu Cai was a little uncomfortable. Just as he was about to speak, he heard the man suddenly whisper: "This is the contract for our outsourcing project."

When Mu Cai heard that it was a work matter, he immediately ignored his discomfort and began to listen attentively. Lin Xingchen's voice was calm and calm. He manipulated the document and explained the contents one by one.

This originally confusing document, through Lin Xingchen’s simple explanation, finally allowed Mu Cai to understand what kind of projects Galen Technology is taking on on weekdays, and which companies it is basically cooperating with. The progress of each project is very fast. To what extent.

He listened for a long time, and finally couldn't help but praise the other party sincerely during the explanation: "Thank you, Brother Chen, for your hard work, Brother Chen!"

Lin Xingchen couldn't help but feel moved when he saw the two little selves flashing in Mu Caican's eyes like morning stars. He also laughed: "It's nothing, Caicai won the award."

The delicate and pale young man was sitting on a chair, talking and laughing with the mature and steady man. It seemed that the atmosphere was harmonious and very beautiful. This scene was reflected on the completely transparent glass, and it pierced the eyes of Li Yu, who was sitting in the booth opposite the boss's office.

He looked at Mu Cai without blinking.

Li Yu just joined a project team that does software application outsourcing. He found that the work he was assigned to write programs was in a language that he had not been exposed to at all, which made Li Yu feel a little tricky.

He still needs a period of learning before he can complete this, which is just the simplest and most basic task in the project team. In the office, mature business people are already able to teach delicate and soft young people to make business decisions with ease.

Li Yu looked at the look of trust and admiration on Mu Cai's face, and finally clearly realized the gap between him and Lin Xingchen.

He is just a vase with only youth and beauty, and has no substantive effect on Mu Cai. Lin Xingchen, on the other hand, is already a big tree that can take care of Cai Cai.

This knowledge made Li Yu feel painful in his heart.

What hurt him the most was the trusting smile on Caicai's face.

Li Yu was watching the two figures opposite him silently through the transparent glass. Suddenly, Lin Xingchen, who was staring at the computer screen during a break in explanation, suddenly looked out.

The other party immediately locked his position, as if he was sure that Li Yu would be here to watch. At this moment, a successful, almost provocative smile appeared on Lin Xingchen's face.

As if she wanted him to understand that the gap between them was like a chasm.

At the same time, Lin Xingchen raised his hand that was resting on the back of Mu Cai's chair and gently rubbed the other person's hair.

Seeing Mu Cai's lack of resistance, Li Yu finally realized that he couldn't go on like this.

He wants to grow up quickly.

But we must not let others take advantage of the opportunity to rob Mu Cai!

The author has something to say: Li Yu: Bitch... person! Taking advantage of my temporary downfall, you actually dared to share His Majesty's favor with me!

Sorry little angel qwq, I had a headache the past two days and was a little stuck, so I stopped updating qwq

In order to compensate the little angel, all the little angels who leave messages 24 hours a day in this chapter will be given out small red envelopes!

I don’t know if anyone has delayed the start of school or work! Even though staying at home is a bit boring, the epidemic has not subsided yet, so we must not take it lightly!

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-01-26 01:48:52~2020-01-29 02:46:32~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 110 1;

Thank you to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Yaorong 20 bottles; Spiritual Doctor 18 bottles; Heyi 15 bottles; Yuanjun, add less milk cap, thank you for 5 bottles; Heyou, 110 3 bottles; Ting Zihe, first grade, A Nuan 1 bottle of Little Quilt, Da Sikong, and Meixi Girl;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!