Forcefully Doting On You

Chapter 99: I am always attacked by monsters in the text (10)


Under the surprised and excited eyes of the company's employees, Mu Cai worked seriously in the company for more than ten days, until the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month.

This is the last day of work for Gallen Science and Technology, and he will be on annual leave starting tomorrow. When Mu Cai stepped into the company's office area in the morning, he could feel a different relaxed and exciting atmosphere floating in the air.

This is the uncontrollable emotional leakage unique to people who are still working hard and studying before the long holiday. Mu Cai was infected by the atmosphere, and even his steps became much brisker.

As usual, he greeted Lin Xingchen, who was making coffee from the tea room, and the employees in the cubicle who had already started typing on the keyboard. Then, Mu Cai discovered that something seemed wrong with Li Yu.

Although the other party had a smile on his face when he greeted him, it looked very weak, and Li Yu lowered his head quickly after saying hello. Although the other party is usually a very cold person, except for smiling more when he is with Mu Cai, he is taciturn and expressionless at other times.

This is usually not obvious, but today when everyone was particularly relaxed and happy, Li Yu still looked like this, which seemed a bit out of place. Mu Cai has a careful and considerate personality, and now that he is the suitor of the protagonist Shou, he naturally senses that the other party may be in a bad mood.

He didn't say much at the time. When it was lunch time, Mu Cai was the first to walk out of the office as usual, rushing everyone to eat, and then walked side by side with Li Yu.

For more than ten days, except for breakfast, he and the other party went to the staff restaurant to eat together. Although Li Yu doesn't like to talk, he is very careful and considerate. Because the cooking aunties in the staff restaurant provide a wide variety of meals, Mu Cai has a hard time choosing every time he goes there, and every time it is Li Yu who offers to help him share the meal.

Now the cooking aunts are all very familiar with them. When they saw Mu Cai and Li Yu coming over, they immediately took out two small bowls from the dining cart next to them. Under Mu Cai's instruction, Li Yu brought up a large bowl of sour soup dumplings and a rice set. Mu Cai himself was holding two small bowls, two pairs of chopsticks and a spoon with ease.

After sitting down, Li Yu placed the two pieces of food side by side on the table early. Mu Cai filled the small bowl with dumplings and asked casually, "How was your work this morning? Are you okay?"

Except for asking Li Yu this question several times in the first two days, Mu Cai never asked it again in the following ten days. Because he didn't want to cause too much psychological burden to Li Yu. At this moment, Mu Cai suddenly mentioned this, and Li Yu, who was sitting across the dining table and stuffing dumplings into his mouth, raised his eyes and looked at him.

Li Yu swallowed the dumplings, raised his brows, and said with a smile: "It's good. Now I can help people in the same group share some relatively simple codes."

Mu Cai quickly praised: "That's very good. You adapted quickly, which is great!" After he finished speaking, he followed his own words and asked: "It's been quite hard for you during this period of internship. Tomorrow is It’s time to take a vacation, give yourself some time to relax. Do you have any plans?”

He didn't ask what he really wanted to ask until the end. Mu Cai saw that Li Yu was in a bad mood this morning, so he guessed that it might be because the company was going on annual vacation. When he thought about the protagonist's parents' early death and his own wandering for so many years, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed and wanted to care about the other person.

Li Yu's eyes turned dark as expected. He smiled, lowered his head and said, "No plans, just live like before. You don't have to worry about me, I'm used to it."

His sharp eyebrows lowered, revealing the top of his furry head. At first glance, this scene seems a bit familiar.

It seemed that in the previous world, Qin Chongjin had bowed his head to him like this. Li Yu has many similarities with the other person's facial features, including the same high nose, thin lips, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes.

Mu Cai was in a daze for a moment. He came back to his senses and felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the other party's appearance. He could only change the topic dryly: "The company will start working on the seventh day of the new year. When will you start school? Do you want to continue part-time? If you don't work, the company can equip you with a computer. Participate in the project.”

The person sitting opposite reflected his own figure in the bright dark eyes. He looked a little embarrassed and a little annoyed, and his long eyelashes fluttered. Under the dim light, even Mu Cai's hair looked soft. The whole person is like a beautifully crafted doll. Just thinking about it makes me feel wonderful when holding it in my arms.

Li Yu was indeed sad, but his performance just now actually had an element of acting, because he had a small desire in his heart to make the other party feel sorry for him. But now he felt regretful when he saw Mu Cai like this. Injuring Mu Cai was like cutting a knife on a soft and delicate doll, not to mention that this doll came to him just to comfort him.

He quickly said: "If possible, I would like to continue working part-time because I can learn a lot. I just don't know if I can stay here during the weekends?"

Mu Cai replied: "Of course! You are an employee of the company, and you can come back to the accommodation here at any time. The staff restaurant will also provide a small amount of meals on weekends, and you can come to eat too."

When he said this, he had some vague ideas about Li Yu's whereabouts during the holidays. However, he still had some preparations to do, so he didn't speak rashly. He just used chopsticks to pick up the thin-skinned dumplings and put them into his mouth.

After lunch, those who wanted to take a rest and those who wanted to work overtime went directly downstairs to the office area.

Mu Cai usually doesn't have much to do and it's very relaxing, so he always takes a lunch break. Li Yu never worked overtime at noon, so he went in with him.

Lin Xingchen used to work overtime and never went to bed at noon. During this period, he followed them into the staff dormitory to rest. At the beginning, the employees of the project team were shocked. They didn’t know whether to lament that the boss was too charming or that the newcomer was so threatening that he could even force the demon Lin Ge out of the demon world.

There was a two-hour lunch break at noon, and they had an hour and a half left after lunch. Because he had plenty of time, Mu Cai did not go to bed immediately, but planned to look at his phone for a while.

Not long after he sat down on the bed, there was a few gentle knocks on the door.

Sometimes someone would look for him at noon. Mu Cai opened the door without thinking too much. Standing outside the door was Lin Xingchen wearing a shirt and trousers.

The other party almost never came to see him during the lunch break, and usually went to his office to communicate about company affairs. Now that Lin Xingchen came to see him, did he fail to do something? Or is there something wrong with his elder brother

Mu Cai said with a puzzled look on his face: "Brother Chen, are you looking for me? What's the matter?"

Lin Xingchen raised his eyebrows: "Can't I come to you if nothing happens?"

Mu Cai: "..."

The line was so familiar that he didn't know how to react. Does he have to be like the other protagonist in the TV series and answer "No, no" in a panic

Lin Xingchen looked at Mu Cai's confused look and couldn't help but smile, and then said: "Okay, I came here to ask if you need me to deliver it this afternoon? I have to deliver information to Mr. Mu today. I can give you a ride by the way. If I remember correctly, you should go home around this time of year."

The Mr. Mu here is naturally Mu Cai’s brother, Mu Hong, the chairman of Hongcai Group.

Mu Cai waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need, Brother Lin, I will tell my brother."

Lin Xingchen did not expect to be rejected. After all, at this time in previous years, Mu Cai was indeed going home, and it was not like the other party had never taken his car before.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to have a good talk with Mu Cai, get closer to him, and change his image in the other person's mind during their last meeting before the year, but it turned out to be a bad start. Lin Xingchen pursed his lips. The restraint he had learned in the mall prevented him from revealing his disappointment. He only said, "That's fine. If you need anything, you can call me."

Mu Cai nodded obediently. He thought for a moment and then expressed his sincere thanks: "Thank you, Brother Chen, for taking care of and helping me. I hope that Brother Chen will continue to take care of me in the coming year."

Although he still knew nothing about many things, with Lin Xingchen's help, he did start to make a difference.

The person standing at the door looked at him with picturesque eyebrows, raising his head slightly and looking at him with sincere gratitude in his eyes. Lin Xingchen's original unhappiness at being rejected was instantly gone. He smiled and said, "Okay, have a good cooperation in the coming year."

The two talked for a few more words at the door, and then Lin Xingchen left at the right time. He looked at the door that was closed in front of him, turned around, and saw the figure leaning out of the room next to him.

Li Yu, who was caught by the other party, had no consciousness of eavesdropping, and there was no shame on his face. He looked at Lin Xingchen expressionlessly, his stern brows looking rather unkind.

Lin Xingchen didn't like this kid. First of all, he didn't like his appearance.

Mu Cai didn't feel soft at all. At first glance, he looked like a smelly, hard stone in a pit. Of course, the most important thing is that this person looks at people exactly the same as himself, so the target he looks at is also the same as himself.

Lin Xingchen was certainly not happy to be coveted by someone he liked. Fortunately, he had already inquired about the situation at the other party's home. A student from a poor family whose parents died young was admitted to a top major in S University, a prestigious university in S city. His experience was inspiring and touching, but he was not a good marriage partner at all.

A soft and innocent person like Mu Cai needs someone who can take care of him, not someone who still needs him to take care of him. Even if the other party is blinded by the beauty for a moment, in the end they will just break up soon like Mu Cai's usual lovers.

When the other person grows up and matures, Mu Cai will understand who is the most suitable.

He doesn't need to be too anxious.

Lin Xingchen thought of this, glanced at Li Yu, turned around and walked away.

Li Yuren stood by the door, his hands clenched into fists hanging by his sides tighter.

At six o'clock in the afternoon that day, all the employees showed uncontrollable excitement. When Mu Cai walked out of the office and announced the official holiday, they were like birds out of the cage, holding the bags they had just packed, flapping their wings and running away without looking back.

Everyone in the office left quickly. After being rejected by Mu Cai at noon, Lin Xingchen didn't waste any time. He said hello to the other party and simply sent the documents to Mr. Mu.

In an instant, only Mu Cai and Li Yu were left in the office.

The usually bustling office area now seemed a little cold, and the only sounds left in my ears were the sound of water flowing in the aquarium, and the rustling sounds of Li Yu cleaning things up from time to time.

The two of them were alone.

This realization made Li Yu feel a little happy. Although he knew that such time would disappear soon, after all, he heard at noon that Mu Cai would go home today, and the other party would not be able to stay here for long. But Li Yu was happy, even if he only stayed alone with the other party for a few more minutes, he would be happy for a few minutes.

Mu Cai saw that everyone in the office had finished leaving, and then he walked up to Li Yu who was packing his things.

Li Yu had just been carried away by the joy of being alone. When he woke up, he realized that the other party seemed to have something to say to him, something that no one else could listen to.

His heart suddenly picked up and was beating hard.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yu saw the person in front of him who seemed to have an angelic appearance looking at him with a smile, his bright red lips opening and closing. His eyes seemed to have magic power, seducing the soul and drawing all his soul away:

"I have agreed with my parents and eldest brother, do you want to come to my house during the Chinese New Year?"

The author has something to say: Li Guiren: It’s time to enter the palace to meet the Queen Mother and the Regent. I am a concubine with no virtue but only received the emperor’s favor. I am really (chao) (ji) and (kai) ashamed (xin) )!

Whether Xiaozhu Li can be promoted to concubine depends on this battle!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-01-31 01:34:34~2020-02-01 01:42:13~

Thank you to the little angel who threw the mines: Wuguiyuan, W Changgong does not sleep 1 day;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: W Changgong does not sleep every day 66 bottles; Jinghong is not wonton 20 bottles; niver 10 bottles; 39460038 5 bottles; Tengger's solo love cycle, Qingyao0002 2 bottles; Yue, Gongzi Huai, CM, 1 bottle for first grade;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!