Forensic Doctor, Moe Wife

Chapter 105: Yes, I threaten you


After listening to Mr. Mu, his face changed, and he looked at Su Zipei in a daze.

"It was a complete accident..."

"Is it an accident, the police can investigate thoroughly, and she..." Su Zipei pointed at Mu Tangxue, and said to Mr. Mu, "I believe that no one knows better than her what happened that night, just like the old man who She also knows how the old lady died in this house, in your bedroom."

"The police can't pry her mouth open now. One day, she will open her mouth. At that time, I hope that you, the Mu family, will... kill people again."

Hearing the words "murder and silence", even Mu Tangxue's face turned pale.

"Zipei, you've said so much, all relying on your own conjectures, what about the evidence?" The old man pretended to be calm and looked at Su Zipei, "If you can't come up with any evidence, just talk nonsense here, do you know that, Can I sue you for slander?"

"You're suing me, just to see if your son is right." Su Zipei sneered, "I won't talk about other nonsense. Anyway, my sister is already dead. What happened that night? No one knows about Mu Tangxue either."

"You should have let us go..."

"So, in order not to make things worse, you should return my sister's body to me. If that scumbag wants to keep my sister's body and won't let it go, then I can only make things worse. , I just want to know, after experiencing the test papers, you Mu family, can you still stand it, this makes things worse!"

"Are you threatening me?" Old Master Mu asked Su Zipei in shock.

"That's right, I threatened you, I'm alone now, what can't I do?" Su Zipei asked coldly.

Mr. Mu also snorted coldly, but in the end, he nodded: "Of course I will discuss this matter with that Nizi, but you have to give me time."

"It's just a phone call. How long will it take? Well, you should give me an answer before six o'clock in the evening." Su Zipei is not that soft. With no one to rely on, she was like wearing armor and learned to move forward bravely.

The old man's complexion was not good, but he nodded: "Okay."

"Then I won't bother you today." After finishing speaking, Su Zipei stood up, bowed again to Mr. Mu, and then turned around. However, when she saw Mu Tangxue standing aside, her gaze was cold, "As for you... sooner or later, you will know the gap between you and Qiqi."

After speaking, Su Zipei left Mu's house.

It was only when she went downstairs that she saw Mu Qiqi who was helping her.


"Are you up?" Su Zipei pulled Mu Qiqi into the car together, "Don't worry, I will take care of this matter, there is no way I will let the dirty faces of the father and daughter appear again In front of my sister, don't go to see that family, it's a pile of rubbish, I don't believe that Mr. Mu will not know what my son has done."

"And about your grandma's death."

"I think it's because Mr. Mu is deliberately partial. After so many things, knowing how vicious Mu Tangxue is, he still believes that the murderer is you, and he doesn't want to distinguish right from wrong at all. Therefore, you don't have to let this matter go. In my heart."

When Mu Qiqi saw Su Zipei and her aunt defending herself like this, she was very emotional.

Although Mommy passed away, she still has her aunt...

"Auntie, with you by my side, I feel very at ease."

"Since you feel at ease, you should pursue your happiness well. Young Master Sheng will naturally block the obstacles and harms in front of you, and leave the bad things behind to Auntie."

After hearing Su Zipei's words, Mu Qiqi's eyes turned red, and she hugged Su Zipei: "Auntie, don't worry, you protect me today, and I will protect you later."

Seeing Mu Qiqi, think about Mu Tangxue, one who values love and righteousness, and the other who is ruthless and ungrateful.

I really don't know, they are both twin sisters, how can there be such a big gap.

However, now is not the time for her to think about these things...

Besides Mu Mu's body, she and Sheng Xiao also wanted to find out about Mu Qiqi's life experience as soon as possible.

After Su Zipei left Mu's house, Mr. Mu set his sights on Mu Tangxue.

Thinking of Su Zipei's reminder just now, he called Mu Tangxue to him: "Xue'er, come here..."

"grandfather… "

"Come here, I won't do anything to you, I just want to know what happened on the night of the fire?"

Faced with Mr. Mu's questioning, Mu Tangxue shook his head, and suddenly burst into tears: "Grandpa, that night, I really don't know why, in the middle of the night, I was woken up by thick smoke, and then I got up immediately, opened the window, And I wanted to open the door and go out to check on Mommy's situation, but I couldn't open the door anyway. I vaguely heard Mommy's voice, she was yelling not to come out... "

"I was scared, so I called the police immediately, but I couldn't find my phone..."

"Later, the police came and asked me to jump off the stairs, but... I was really useless. After I jumped, I passed out. If I didn't faint, maybe I wouldn't miss the police rescue Mommy time."

After listening to Mr. Mu, he nodded: "If what you said is true, then your mommy told you not to go out to save you. The fire spread from the kitchen, and the living room and stairwell must also Surrounded by fire and your room is the farthest from the kitchen so it makes sense...”

"Xue'er, are you sure about what you told me today?"

"Grandpa, I swear, if I tell a lie today, I will be struck by lightning!"

Mr. Mu nodded and let it go: "Since this is the case, it is appropriate to hand over the body to your aunt."

Whether it is the truth or a lie, in fact, it all depends on Mu Tangxue alone.

Of course, she couldn't tell the truth to the old man, because she knew that the father and son were in touch. If she said something that doubted her father, then the old man would definitely question Father Mu.

Then Father Mu still doesn't know what to do to her when the time comes.

Su Zipei's words are a good reminder.

Kill people.

Can't she learn a lesson from the tragic death of Mummy

Afterwards, Mu Tangxue went back to her room, and took out Mummy's belongings, those two rings, which Mummy almost never left.

But at this moment, Mu Tangxue saw the inside of the ring, which seemed to be engraved with words.

Take a closer look, although there are scratches on it, they can still be clearly seen, Shen Jianchuan & Su Ziqing, a few words.