Forensic Doctor, Moe Wife

Chapter 118: It's about your young master!


However, the desk is very hard after all, and the height is not suitable. This is much more uncomfortable than being on the washstand. After a while, Mu Qiqi couldn't stand it anymore: "Xiaoxiao, it hurts, it hurts..."

Hearing this, Sheng Xiao took advantage of the opportunity to lift her round, let her hold his narrow waist, and led her into the bedroom step by step...

But because the feeling was very strong when walking around, Mu Qiqi was already defeated in the bedroom.

For Sheng Xiao, this night was destined to be another busy one.

The two lingered until the dawn, Mu Qiqi was sleeping soundly in Sheng Xiao's arms, and Sheng Xiao was very sober holding Mu Qiqi, and kissed her lightly on the top of her head: "What a cherished little girl!" thing."

"School starts soon, little one."

And it was time for him to let Jing Yun bring the materials to meet the old man from the Shen family.

Of course, he can't go there in person, and he can't let people see that he and Mu Qiqi have a close relationship, otherwise, the Shen family can easily find out that he and Mu Qiqi are living together, but they haven't made their relationship public yet. when.

"Go to see Mr. Shen, bring this DAN testimonial, and make sure that Mr. Shen knows all the truth, and conceal my relationship with Qiqi. Can you handle it?"

"Young Master, don't worry." Although Jing Yun's brain is a bit sloppy at times, his business ability is very strong, and he is also very careful, able to think of places that ordinary people can't think of.

"Handle it well, don't let the old man alarm the Sheng family."

"I understand!" Jing Yun nodded.

The task that Sheng Xiao gave, if someone else had done it, they would definitely not be able to complete it. They had to let the old man know the truth of the matter, they had to conceal the relationship between Mu Qiqi and Sheng Xiao, and they had to remind the old man not to disturb the Sheng family. people.

But Sheng Xiao believed in Jing Yun.

So this morning, Jing Yun brought all the materials to Shen's house. Because Mr. Shen has already retired, he only goes to the military region as a consultant sometimes, so he spends more time at home, and his daily life is to raise flowers and plants, including Sun Nongyi.

When Jing Yun came to the door, Mr. Shen was fishing in his own pond. He was wearing a straw hat and his back was straight. Even in his old age, he could see the majesty and heroism of this old man.

"Mr. Shen." Jing Yun stood behind the old man holding the documents, and said respectfully to him.

"Sheng Xiao is looking for me for something?" The old man tilted his head and asked Jing Yun.

"It's about your young master!"

Hearing the three words about the young master, the old man immediately put down his fishing rod, stood up, and his expression became much more serious.

"Jianchuan has been in a vegetative state for so many years, what else can I say about him?"

"It's like this, old man. A year ago, my young master was in a car accident. I believe you have heard about it. At that time, there was a little girl who saved the young master. It was also by chance that the young master knew that the girl was going to be trafficked, so Let me save her."

"Over the past year, under the care of the young master, I have taken care of that girl, but in fact, that girl's background is not ordinary. She is the eldest lady of the Mu family."

As soon as Mr. Shen heard about Mu's family, he became interested, so he said to Jing Yun, "Go on."

"Recently, I don't know if you have paid attention to Madam Mu's death in flames, but before Madam Mu passed away, she revealed a secret, and this secret is in this document in my hand." After finishing speaking, Jing Yun handed over the information in his hand to Mr. Shen.

The old man looked at the yellow paper bag, wiped off the water in his hand, and then opened the paper bag to have a look.

Afterwards, his expression was very complicated: "The twin daughters of the Mu family, one of them is Jianchuan's daughter?"

"That's right, the young master asked me to make two identifications, and let an expert decipher the code of the twin sisters, and finally came to this conclusion, so he asked me to inform you, whether you want to recognize this granddaughter or not, Young Master Shen has future generations!"

"How messy is the relationship between these three people? To give birth to such twin daughters?" The old man snorted.

"What is the relationship between Young Master Shen and the Mu family? We have no way of knowing this. However, the grievances of the previous generation will not affect the next generation. You don't know that Miss Mu has lived in the past few years. The grievances suffered by the Mu family... are really sympathetic."

"Tell me."

Jing Yun took one step at a time, as if deliberately setting a language trap, so that Mr. Shen had to take the bait.

"Speaking of Miss Mu's grievances, this is a long story, let me tell you in detail."

"Then talk as you walk." Mr. Shen felt that he probably wouldn't be in the mood to go fishing this morning.

Jing Yun made a gesture of invitation and asked Mr. Shen to walk in front.

The two walked through the quaint courtyard and arrived at Mr. Shen's study. After listening to what Jing Yun said about Mu Qiqi, Mr. Shen took out the DNA report again and looked at it. Hearing Jing Yun describe Mu Qiqi in this way, the character of this girl is indeed in the same line as the Shen family, but, unexpectedly Being bullied by that Mu Tangxue since she was a child...

"Where is this girl settled now?"

"Mr., because you know that the Sheng family and the Mu family have enmity, so Miss Mu was placed in a small villa by me, and was sponsored by a rich French man in name. Otherwise, if the Sheng family finds out, the young master is afraid It's going to be embarrassing, but don't worry, Miss Mu lives with her aunt now."

"Your young master is interested in this matter, don't worry, the old man will not speak out casually, if you are free, please make an appointment with your young master for me."

Mr. Shen is not an ordinary person, so of course he also knows Sheng Xiao's difficulties.

And Jing Yun's answer was just right, what he meant was that the young master was just taking care of him, and he was the executor of everything. Mu Qiqi and the young master only had the kindness to save their lives, but they were not close friends.

"The old man will properly arrange this matter, Jing Yun, you have worked hard."

"Old man, before Jing Yun leaves, I'm afraid I need to remind you that Mu Tangxue is likely to come to your door to marry you. That girl has bad intentions, so you must pay more attention."

Mr. Shen nodded: "Since you are not from my Shen family, I will naturally not be polite."

What's more, Mu Qiqi was hurt so badly. Are you really a member of the Shen family, so easy to bully? Of course, even though the old man has seen the DNA report, he still needs to check it himself, so that he can rest assured.

If the daughter of the Mu family is really from the Shen family, then of course he wants to take Mu Qiqi home. After all, the eldest son he loves the most is just such a queen.

It's just that from now on, the Shen family may... have their peace broken!

Especially Jianchuan's fiancée, who stayed by her son's hospital bed for so many years and never married. If she knew, her son had a daughter...

I still don't know what it feels like!