Forensic Doctor, Moe Wife

Chapter 80: Then I want to congratulate myself!


Ever since Mu Tangxue robbed her of her grades, Mu Qiqi became much more silent, never seeing her smile, Su Zipei was anxious, and burned all inside.

"Qiqi, what's the matter? Tell me, don't be bored in your heart. Auntie feels very uncomfortable when you look so silent." Su Zipei couldn't help comforting Mu Qiqi, "The Mu family is really not good. Things are gone, and you can even steal your grades."

"If I can kill Mu Tangxue, sometimes I really want to kill it, but I can't become like Mu Tangxue, aunt, I'm fine, don't worry." Mu Qiqi looked at Su Zipei and forced a smile.

"Otherwise, you and Qianqian went out to play for two days?"

At this moment, how could Mu Qiqi be in the mood to play

Mu Tangxue robbed her of her grades, tantamount to robbing her life, her future was robbed, how could she go out to have fun now

"In the past two days, she's going to my residence." Sheng Xiao suddenly appeared in the small villa, and said to Su Zipei and Mu Qiqi, "Now, Principal Lu and I are jointly investigating the test papers, and she needs to cooperate at any time."

Sheng Xiao's reason was very good, and Su Zipei was also very relieved.

"Okay, Young Master Sheng, I will trouble you for the next few days."

Being able to live in the new home in a fair manner, Mu Qiqi was not as excited as before. She became very calm and didn't like to talk.

"Lu Wenhua and I have already supervised the teacher in charge of you and Mu Tangxue's examination room that day. It's not yet time to do it, because we need to get the identification results of your notes first."

"Didn't you say that the test papers for the college entrance examination will be destroyed uniformly in the future?" Mu Qiqi asked Sheng Xiao.

"The confidential room was stolen once in a while, and the evidence is insufficient, so the higher-ups can't pursue it." Sheng Xiao answered her directly, "Now the college entrance examination papers are already in the appraisal office."

"So fast?"

"Every time Mu Tangxue laughs, it is a heart-pounding pain for you. Do you think I will procrastinate for a long time?" Sheng Xiao asked Mu Qiqi, "Seeing you like this, Mu Tangxue's end will only be worse. awful."

"Xiaoxiao, Uncle Lu's words, I have thought about it very clearly. I don't have the energy to repeat the study for another year, and I don't want to miss the opportunity to enter Shengting. Therefore, I can really enter the forensic department."

"I want Mu Tangxue to know that her test scores are as dazzling as mine..."

"It's just that I couldn't become your school girl as I wished, I'm sorry..."

"Idiot, as long as you enter Shengting, you're still my junior, and the position of my woman is yours, what's the point of being a junior?" Sheng Xiao drove the car into the parking lot of his new home, and Mu Qiqi hugged her into the living room, "One more thing, the Mu family plans to hold a banquet to celebrate Mu Tangxue's college entrance examination, what do you think?"


"After getting the acceptance letter from Sheng Ting."

"Then I'm going to congratulate myself..." Mu Qiqi laughed at himself.

"Before then, I will prepare the testimonies of the two witnesses, as well as the appraisal results, for you. At that time, you go and give Mu Tangxue a super gift."

After hearing these words, Mu Qiqi reached out and hugged Sheng Xiao's neck, and buried it deeply in his neck.

Afterwards, Lu Wenhua went to the small villa again, but this time, Mu Qiqi was not there.

Su Zipei no longer avoided Lu Wenhua as before, but asked him about the progress of the investigation on the exchange of test papers.

"Zipei, don't worry, Young Master Sheng and I have made careful arrangements, so things will come to light sooner or later, but you and Qiqi must be mentally prepared, because even if it proves that Mu Tangxue switched Qiqi's The test paper, but the 724 points will no longer belong to Qiqi, because no one can guarantee whether the test paper has been tampered with by others. The only way is to let Qiqi take the college entrance examination again."

"The members of the Mu family are too cruel." After hearing Lu Wenhua's words, Su Zipei couldn't help but shed tears, "For them, destroying a person is just a decision made on a whim."

"Don't worry, we will help Qiqi get justice!"

"Then Qiqi won't be able to go to the best university?"

"I told you before that the Department of Forensic Medicine is what Qi Qi should consider the most at the moment. The Education Department will not recognize Qi Qi's results, but should allow her to retain her current college entrance examination scores as appropriate."

"But the forensic doctor... doesn't she just have to deal with corpses all the time, she's a girl..."

"You have to change your thinking. According to Qi Qi's current conditions, she can't go into business, but she can go into politics! This is also a way for her to protect herself."

When Su Zipei heard it, what Lu Wenhua said did make sense.

Then he said: "I will let Qi Qi think about it carefully!"

"That's it for today, I have to urge the people in the identification department."

The test paper was given to him by Sheng Xiao. Although he didn't know when Sheng Xiao sent someone to infiltrate the confidential room, but this is no longer a matter of first priority.

Afterwards, Sheng Xiao and Lu Wenhua went to the appraisal department together.

They provided each other with Mu Qiqi's daily notes, college exam papers, and Mu Tangxue's daily notes and college exam papers.

After comparisons by professionals, a conclusion was finally reached.

"First of all, the names of these two college entrance examination papers have traces of alteration. They use the most advanced correction potion, which can modify the name without any trace. At present, this kind of thing is almost impossible to buy in the market. , there are foreign ones, and they need to spend a lot of money.”

"Secondly, the notes in these two college entrance examination papers are similar, with a similarity of 70%. After comparison by our professionals, the two test papers can match Mu Qiqi's daily notes, but one of them There are still a lot of traces of forgery, and some traces of this forged note are similar to Mu Tangxue's note."

"No matter how much a person imitates, no matter how closely he imitates, he still cannot change his habit of using a pen with force. Therefore, after comparison, the test papers were changed, and this result is valid."

"In order to confuse the public, Mu Tangxue also specially practiced Mu Qiqi's notes. This can be judged from her sudden change in writing habits."

"Actually, the method is very clumsy."

"If it wasn't for the fact that Mu Qiqi did so well in the exam, I'm afraid even Mu Qiqi wouldn't have been able to find out about it. I really thought it was an abnormality in my exam, but Mu Qiqi got the third place in the exam." Lu Wenhua told the appraisal department. The staff member said, "I'm afraid Mu Tangxue hasn't thought about it, because she has also seriously prepared for the exam, otherwise it is impossible for her to exceed Sheng Ting's admission threshold."

"That's true. If the difference in scores is not large, this matter may have been muddied..." the staff told the two.