Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 100: I am late


After having this thought, she quickly threw it aside.

It's better to be steady, after three years, he will leave the Jiang family.

She is only 22 years old this year, and she will be 25 in three years.

When the time comes, I will leave the Jiang family and go abroad with Chuntao and Ginkgo.

Maybe settling in Switzerland directly will help her identify those rare treasures.

Of course, these are temporary thoughts.

The Jiang family donated 500 million yuan to assist the Hua family, and the whole world knows about it.

Although grandma is gone, she can't break her promise.

In the three years agreed upon, if Jiang Liu did not do anything against the promise, she still had to keep the promise.


What does he mean by touching himself to vote just now

Was her head randomly touched by others

Hua Sheng lay on the bed thinking wildly, and it took him a long time to fall asleep.

Woke up the next morning, a bit late, and she didn't eat anything.

When Chuntao sent her to school, she took a sip of soy milk in the car.

This is the first day of official enrollment, and I have to report to my tutor.

Because Hua Sheng came a little late, when she arrived, the instructor had already talked to everyone on the podium.

Hua Sheng was wearing yesterday's apricot sweater with jeans underneath.

Still wearing a hat and loose hair.

In order to keep a low profile, I held a beige canvas bag in my hand without any LOGO.

Hua Sheng gently knocked on the door...

The middle-aged male tutor with glasses turned his head sideways.

Immediately, the whole class turned their heads to look at the door.

"What's the matter?" The mentor looked serious, and he didn't seem to be such a talkative person.

"Hello, teacher, new students report."

"What time is it? You're fifteen minutes late, don't you know?"

The teacher was also very angry when he heard that the freshmen had registered.

He doesn't like students who are not punctual.

The class Hua Sheng came from is not a freshman.

Because she is already 22 years old, it is not suitable for her in the freshman class.

Besides, the freshmen couldn't learn much, so after discussing with the principal, Jiang Liu decided to let her come directly to the junior history department.

"I'm sorry, I didn't sleep well last night and was late." Hua Sheng apologized.

"What's your name?" The instructor looked impatient.

At this time, I didn't see Hua Sheng's appearance clearly, because her hat and long hair covered more than half of her.

The students looked over, but they were also vague.

"Little Sheng."

In order not to reveal her identity, she did not say her real name.

"Xiao Sheng?" The mentor repeated, suddenly realizing.

After the meeting in the morning, the principal specifically explained that there would be a female student in their class.

This girl has an extremely strong background, so let him not neglect her.

He almost forgot, so he quickly changed his tone, "Oh, okay, you go back to your seat first."

"Thank you, teacher."

Hua Sheng walked into the class slowly and took a look. There was only an empty seat in an inconspicuous corner at the back.

She walked over slowly and put the bag on the desk.

"Xiao Sheng, you sit in the front, Sun Jing, you go to the back."

The teacher changed the seat directly.

"Teacher, why... I don't want to go to the back." The girl named Sun Jing was a fat man, wearing glasses, with a reluctance on her face.

Before the teacher could speak, Hua Sheng quickly said, "No need, teacher, I can sit here. I have good eyesight and can see."

"That's fine... Now let me continue to talk about a few points."

The instructor saw that she was so easy to talk, so he didn't force her to change seats.

After the instructor finished explaining, he walked out of the classroom.

All the students in this class turned their heads to look at this new girl who arrived halfway, and were extremely surprised.

After all, I have never heard of anyone who can transfer in the middle of the university, and came directly to the junior year.

"Hey, beauty, what's the matter, you are parachuting into our class? Awesome... this wave of operation 666." Several naughty boys surrounded her and asked.