Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 126: The strongest scholar


Hua Sheng has never taken an exam, but he is not afraid.

Needless to say, English, she can basically speak six languages.

Regarding world history and Chinese history, this is also a strong point, which has been my hobby for so many years.

Otherwise, it is impossible to become the world's first zero-error master who can identify antiques by relying on remote observation.

In terms of political ideology and theory, she had never been exposed to it before.

But when I was in the library, I had read books on this subject, and I didn't expect to do well in the exam.

Just because I haven't participated in it, I'm curious.

In the face of the entrance examination for the new semester, everyone complained again and again.

The reason why Minzu University enjoys a good reputation in China is because of the excellent talents it cultivates.

So it is natural to be stricter with the students in school.

What if you think you can skip classes, fight landlords, fall in love, play basketball without reading books when you come here

Then I'm sorry, you may cry, because if you fail the course, you won't get a diploma.

This crazy exam lasted until three o'clock in the afternoon.

Hua Sheng handed in the last test paper and left the classroom early.

Going to get a breath of fresh air.

Then I met Yuan Shao's group after playing basketball and passed by here.

When Yuan Shao saw Hua Sheng, he walked over directly.

"I heard that today is the exam?"

"En." She nodded.

"How did you do in the exam?"

"have no idea."

"Okay." Yuan Shao also laughed, always feeling that this girl is sometimes cute.

Just as Hua Sheng was about to leave, Yuan Shao said again, "I'm going to play against those people from the University of Science and Technology in the No. 8 basketball hall tomorrow. Are you coming?"

"Not interested in."

Hua Sheng refused very simply, without giving any face.

Several boys behind coughed several times, trying to cover up Yuan Shao's embarrassment.

"Okay, if you don't give face like this, then I wish you 59 points in all subjects."

Yuan Shao dropped these words and walked away with a smile.

Hua Sheng was taken aback, 59 points? What kind of operation is this

She hasn't passed the exam, how would she know what a terrible curse a score of 59 is for a college student

After returning to the classroom, several girls handed over mineral water nympho, but Yuan Shao didn't take it with a cold face.

"Guys, it's better not to be courteous today, our elder brother Yuan is in a bad mood today." Du Peng joked.

"What's wrong with Yuan Shao? You look unhappy, did you lose?"

"No, I was let down."

Yuan Shao came over with a deadly look, and the kid didn't dare to say more.

However, Hua Sheng directly refused to go to the game, which was totally unexpected to him.

He thought that even if he didn't want to come, he would at least say tactfully, let me see the situation.

Unexpectedly, people directly said that they are not interested.

Just like he rejected other girls before, he really didn't expect that one day.

He also became the heart that was easily rejected by others.

Needless to say, my heart is really a little sour.

The test results came out the next day.

When the instructor came in, his face was solemn.

Everyone didn't dare to say anything. After all, it wasn't long after the start of school, and they weren't in the state of learning. It's understandable that they didn't do well in the exam.

"Two things. First, I didn't expect you to be so lax and playful. You don't know who you are when you come back from vacation, right? This achievement really makes me blush for you..."

The whole class fell silent...

The instructor subconsciously looked at Hua Sheng in the last row. She was distracted, playing with her pen with her head down.