Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 178: Someone investigates


In fact, Mrs. Jiang was very happy for nothing about the media's sneak-camera report.

They are also not young, and it is reasonable to want to hold grandchildren.

"Mom, look, haven't I mentioned this issue? Ah Sheng and I have thought about our two-person world for a few years. A Sheng is still young, she is only 22 years old."

Jiang Liu is obviously partial to his wife, so Hua Sheng is very grateful to him at this moment.

Whether it is true or false, he has always spoken for her.

Jiang Liu's mother ignored her son, but stared at Hua Sheng, planning to attack her daughter-in-law.

"Ah Sheng, let me say a few words, don't worry too much, and I don't mean anything else. In fact, the younger you are, the better it is for your health. One is the faster recovery, and the child will be particularly smart and healthy. The older you are, the higher the risk. This is not our nonsense, it is the conclusion drawn by authoritative experts, so I thought, you will have to give birth sooner or later, it is better to go early, anyway, we will take care of you two after giving birth, and you will not need money , you don’t need to spend energy, and it’s good to have boys and girls, your father and I don’t favor boys over girls.”

Mrs. Jiang's meaning is also very obvious, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, the husband will come out and talk about it.

"Mom, my health is not very good. I have been taking traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning since I got married. We will consider this matter when I get better."

Hua Sheng didn't intend to refuse directly, because he was afraid that they would be disappointed. After all, Jiang Liu's parents had always been kind to him.

Sure enough, the second elder could accept this statement.

Even Jiang Liu's father nodded in agreement.

"Ah Sheng is right. Take care of your body first, and it's never too late. Young people are irregular in their work, rest and diet. You must pay attention to health preservation."

Jiang Liu and Hua Sheng nodded. After the meal, Hua Sheng took a walk in the front garden, watering and trimming the trees with Jiang's maid.

Jiang Liu's mother took the opportunity to drag her son to the study.

"Son, do you still have a headache recently? Are you still dreaming?"

Jiang Liu shook his head, "No, Mom, why did you suddenly ask this?"

"Ah, I'm afraid you haven't recovered from the sequelae of the hospitalization five years ago. You...didn't go to the doctor for a reexamination?"

Jiang Liu shook his head, "No, it's been five years, even if there are sequelae, it would have already appeared, don't worry, I'm really fine."

" didn't do anything behind Mom's back, did you?"

"No, I asked you to ask this question. Why am I behind your back? Do you have any shameful things to hide from me?" Jiang Liu smiled.

Mrs. Jiang's complexion changed quickly, and she scolded, "Don't talk nonsense, you still don't know what your father and I treat you?"

"Yes yes yes, you are the best, let's go downstairs, I will cut fruit for you to eat." Jiang Liu hugged his mother's shoulders and went downstairs affectionately.

I also didn't notice the worry flashing across my mother's face...

After Jiang Liu and Hua Sheng left, Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Liu's father, Jiang Zuwen, had a secret conversation.

"His dad, someone started investigating what happened five years ago."

"Really? Do you know who checked it?" Jiang's father also darkened.

Mrs. Jiang shook her head, "I was afraid that our son was secretly investigating, but just now, he didn't seem to know anything. If it wasn't my son, who would be interested in what happened five years ago?"

"This is not a good thing. You send someone to watch, and you can't let out any news. This matter must not be exposed."

"Well, I think so too. In short, I hope that Jiang Liu will never know about it for the rest of his life." Mother Jiang sighed slightly.

On the way back, Hua Sheng didn't say a word, Jiang Liu deliberately teased her, "Are you angry because my parents gave birth just now?"