Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 184: no sympathy


The elder sister nodded, "Eldest sister, are you the boss?"

"I am."

"Ah, I thought that girl was the boss when I came here just now, but she said that the boss is not here. I thought that since you sell antiques here, you might also accept antiques, so I wanted to try my luck."

"Okay, take out the goods and let me see."

Hua Sheng asked Chun Tao to pour a glass of water for the elder sister.

The eldest sister put the child in her arms on the seat casually, regardless of it.

Hua Sheng, who was watching, was terrified, and kept staring, afraid that the child would fall into the ground.

The elder sister looked outside vigilantly before taking the things, and took out a plastic bag from the canvas bag after seeing that no one was passing by.

After opening the plastic bag layer by layer, there is still a layer of tarpaulin inside, which seems to be really thoughtful.

Finally, Hua Sheng saw what she brought.

A bronze wine glass, not too big, only half the height of her palm.

She handed the things over, Hua Sheng put on white gloves and took the wine glass.

Looking carefully, this thing is indeed an antique. Bronze wares were popular in the Warring States Period, and most of them were used by princes and generals. Ordinary people are not qualified at all. At that time, it was not called a wine glass, it was called a jue, and it was very delicately made, with reliefs on both sides, engraved auspicious cloud patterns, and a triangular support at the bottom, but due to the age, the copper itself turned green, making it look a bit worn out. But antiques are the least afraid of old, the older they are, the more valuable they become.

After Hua Sheng appraised it, he took a look at the eldest sister.

"This thing, where did you come from?"

"I'm from my family... ancestral, left by the older generation." The elder sister's eyes flickered when she spoke, and it seemed that she was guilty.

"Then how much do you plan to ask for?"

"Big girl, to be honest, I can't help it. The man in my family has gone out to work for a long time and hasn't come back. I have no income with my baby. Life is really hard, so I'm thinking about using the things left by my ancestors to make money." For some money, I'm a rural woman and I don't understand these things, but when my parents-in-law were alive, they all said that this thing is valuable, so I'm thinking about how you can give me 20,000."

The elder sister stretched out two fingers and made a gesture. In her eyes, twenty thousand is already a big number.

Hua Sheng remained silent. To be honest, this thing is real. It came from the Warring States period. According to the current market price, there is no problem between 80,000 and 100,000.

But she couldn't accept it.

"Sister, why don't you go to a regular pawn shop to sell it. My shop is small and I can't give you the price."

Seeing what Hua Sheng said, the elder sister hurriedly explained, "I heard that those people are very bad and will deceive us. People in the village have been deceived before. The bigger the appearance, the more unreliable it is, sister paper, since We have fate, I still want to sell it to you, if you don't like the money, you can give me 18,000."

Seeing that Hua Sheng had no intention of staying, the elder sister was a little anxious and dropped two thousand.

After Chuntao finished pouring the water, she kept looking at the child and listening to their conversation behind the young lady.

"Eldest sister, I can't take it even if it's even 18,000, why don't you ask someone else." Hua Sheng smiled and put the bronze vessel back in her hand.

"Big sister, you should take pity on us. We are also desperate. I am a rural woman and I don't know anyone. I finally found your shop here. I think it is destined for you. How about it? Can you give it to me?" How much money do I pay, you can give it, the family is still waiting to use the money to buy rice for the pot, I can't go back empty-handed."

The woman cried and said, begging so hard that Chuntao was about to cry.

But Hua Sheng was indifferent, "Let's go, elder sister, it's not about money, it's because I can't sell it if I collect it here, so I can't buy your things."

" can pity them." Chuntao couldn't help but begged for mercy.

Chuntao really felt strange. Although the young lady is usually cold-tempered, she is still kind-hearted. She can't be so unsympathetic. What happened today