Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 208: Demon again


Hua Sheng took out a history book and flipped through it calmly, and then said casually, "Girls, you still have to lose weight first, otherwise, when you are three meters away, whether you are wearing LV or Chanel, or wearing Hermes You still wear a Rolex, others can’t see clearly, but you can see your thick waist, short legs, big butt, and round face at a glance. So in fact, it doesn’t matter what you wear, but your figure is the most important.”

After Hua Sheng finished speaking, the girl's face turned green and pale, and she was ashamed, after all, she looked like she weighed more than one hundred and fifty catties.

Yu Ping cast all her eyes on Xiao Sheng's admiration at this moment, and felt that she was always very talented, and she killed people with one move.

In fact, Hua Sheng is already a mysterious existence in Minzu University, which makes many people unable to see his true face.

If you say that she is a fairy descending to the earth, she is not a fairy, she can kill people with her mouth open, and her poisonous tongue is first-rate.

But you want to say that she is a vulgar person with a superficial appearance? At the welcome party, she can also skillfully play Liszt's will-o'-the-wisps.

It is simply the combination of angels and devils, an indescribable contradiction.

But no matter what, I finally came to a conclusion, that is, this girl is not easy to mess with, and it is right not to mess with her.

Hua Zhi has been very anxious recently. Apart from work, there are fewer private parties, because most of the time is spent cursing Wang Junxian.

On this day, while scrolling through Weibo, she suddenly came up with an inspiration, and planned to scold that bastard veiledly to relieve her anger.

So, after thinking hard, she posted this Weibo—I wonder if there is such a person around you? Looking at the honesty and duty, in fact, the bad-hearted group only calculates and threatens others, hides in the dark and does some disgusting things like chickens and dogs, and dare not see the light, because they are a group of rats that everyone shouts and beats. . By the way, I have been very unlucky recently. There are rats in my house, and I am entangled by rats.

After sending it out, Hua Zhi read it a few more times and felt very satisfied. I believe that guy should know that he was the one who scolded him after seeing it.

After Hua Zhi finished posting, the fans immediately responded enthusiastically to the call, scolding the mouse as a creature.

Some mainstream media also took the opportunity to retweet Hua Zhi's Weibo, and interpreted that Hua Zhi was troubled by rats and asked fans for advice.

Another media outlet is even more amusing. The headline is—Goddess Huazhi's million-dollar mansion is actually infested with mice? Developer inaction or poor property supervision

On the same day, the property staff called to help Huazhi clean up the rats, which made her laugh and cry.

However, there has been no movement from Wang Junxian's side, and no WeChat has been sent.

Hua Zhi was quite curious, and would open his circle of friends from time to time to see if he was up to date. However, nothing.

Hua Zhi was still wondering, did this bastard not read her Weibo? It shouldn't be, every time she posts on Weibo, it will be on the headlines of the news, so it's unlikely that she won't see it.

But now that he saw it, why was he still so calm? Was he so stupid that he couldn't see that this was scolding him

Hua Zhi's heart is already on fire, but the other side is still calm.

In fact, just after Hua Zhi posted this Weibo, Wang Junxian saw it.

At that time, he was still in the conference room listening to several directors report the progress of the work. After he finished his work, he took a serious look at Huazhi's Weibo.

Does this refer to Sang scolding Huai, calling him a mouse? Good, very good, very good, Huazhi, you have grown up.

According to common sense, he should call or send WeChat to question, but if he did, it would not be Wang Junxian's style.

For a whole day, Hua Zhi waited for a whole day, but she didn't see any movement from the surname Wang, which made her very irritable.

In the end, she couldn't help but send WeChat to ask people, and she wanted to be a demon again.

Hua Zhi: I said, is your company disconnected from the Internet? Do you not read the news