Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 252: Sixty-four hexagrams


"Is something wrong at home?"

Hua Sheng cut to the point with the first sentence.

Xie Dongyang was also surprised, "Have you heard?"

Hua Sheng shook his head, "No, I just saw that your brows were tightly furrowed, and there was a dark gloomy look between your brows. It must be because of an accident at home. And your blue complexion and sunken eye sockets mean that you are a woman and have a close relationship with you. woman, it's not your mother who is sick, right?"

"Ha, amazing, you can actually tell a fortune teller?"

"I don't dare to do divination, but I have read a lot of divination books before, and I know a little bit about five elements and eight trigrams." Hua Sheng said lightly.

Xie Dongyang sighed slightly, "It's not my mother, it's my sister. You're right, my sister is missing."

"Missing?" Hua Sheng was a little surprised. After all, he hadn't heard any news about a wealthy daughter running away from home or being kidnapped recently.

Xie Dongyang then briefly told Hua Sheng about his younger sister, and also about what happened when he just came out of Qin Wanyu's house.

After a while, Hua Sheng looked at him.

"If you believe me, I can help you divination about your sister's fortune and see if she is still alive?"

Xie Dongyang was shocked again, and his scalp became numb.

Although he himself doesn't really believe in these superstitions, at this moment, he can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor. After all, there is no loss, and the fortune-teller is still Hua Sheng.

"Alright, I'll trouble you then, what do I need to do?"

"You need to give me one yuan. I can't do divination for free. It will hurt my vitality. If you give me the money, it means that I am helping you because of making money."

"Ha, there's another theory, yes." Xie Dongyang searched for a long time, but couldn't find a dollar, and finally asked the owner of the breakfast shop to change it, and asked the boss to change six one-yuan coins.

"You put the coin in the palm of your hand, put your hands together, and silently say what you asked for three times, and then throw the coin on the table."


A minute later, Xie Dongyang lined up the coins according to Hua Sheng's request.

Hua Sheng watched carefully for a few seconds...

"How is it?" Xie Dongyang was anxious, fearing that there would be bad news.

Hua Sheng then raised his head and glanced at him, "It's not bad. Your hexagram is Di Zelin, and there is land on the lake. A gentleman can teach and think endlessly, and protect the people without boundaries. The land is high and condescending, which symbolizes supervision. Inspired to teach his people with all his heart, and to bless his people with his boundless virtue."

"Hua Sheng, I don't understand, can you translate it directly into nonsense?" Xie Dongyang was dumbfounded.

Hua Sheng said slowly, "This is a more auspicious hexagram. Your sister is still alive, and soon, there will be news within three days."

"Really?" Xie Dongyang was overjoyed.

"However, you are too happy too early. Although there will be news, she will not come back so soon, and she will go through a lot of hardships. But don't worry, she is not in danger, she is just troubled by others. Go home and wait for the news. Qin Wanyu should bring you back soon."

"That's really great." Xie Dongyang's first fortune-telling, unexpectedly, it was Hua Sheng's fortune-telling.

How can I say it in my heart, I am still very happy, especially because the hexagram is auspicious, and my mood is much better.

"Hua Sheng, what kind of hexagram is this? I've never seen it before. It's amazing. Coins can be used for divination. I thought only tarot cards could do it, haha."

"This is the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes, which came from the hands of King Wen of Zhou. When he was imprisoned by King Zhou, he devoted himself to the research and development of Fuxi's gossip. Sincerity leads to wisdom."

"You are really a god." Xie Dongyang looked at this stunning face with some obsession, and cast his eyes on the ground in admiration.

Hua Sheng was a little embarrassed and turned his face away.

"If my sister comes back safely, I will take her to thank you in person and treat you to a big meal." Xie Dongyang looked at Hua Sheng gratefully.