Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 271: The truth in adversity


Hua Qing quickly said, "Doctor, I have high blood pressure, can I donate?"

"No high blood pressure, no menstrual period, no high blood sugar and anemia." The doctor added.

Hua Feng also looked regretful, "Then I can't do it either, I just had my period yesterday."

"Let me do it." Hua Zhenyue said proactively.

"Dad, you have high blood pressure, did you forget? Didn't you still take antihypertensive medicine this morning? Hua Feng is indeed thinking about his father.

"High blood pressure is not acceptable." The doctor emphasized again.

"Then I'll do it." Hua Zhi raised her hand. She didn't really care. After all, it was just blood donation, not bone marrow donation, so there was no psychological barrier.

Unexpectedly, Hua Zhi's female assistant reminded in a low voice, "Sister Hua Zhi, you have been filming for three consecutive nights with less than four hours of sleep recently, will donating blood be unbearable?"

Before Hua Zhi could answer, the doctor denied it.

"It's not good to contact those who stay up late, it will hurt a lot, is there any suitable one?"

Hua Sheng walked up to the doctor silently, "I'll do it."

"You are so thin... Is it anemia? Anemia is not allowed to donate blood?"

"No anemia, meet the requirements, let me come." Hua Sheng actually wanted to tell her to come, but she couldn't make a fuss first, after all, the eldest sister and the second sister would think that she deliberately stole the limelight to show off.

She only said it after seeing everyone finished talking, and it was also after careful consideration.

"That's good, but there is still a shortage of 400, and another person must be paid." The doctor emphasized.

Jiang Liu, Chuntao Ginkgo, and Hua Zhi's female assistant are not type AB, which is a bit embarrassing.

After being silent for a long time, Hua Sheng finally said, "It's not going to be used right away, isn't this prepared in advance? I'll donate 400 first, and then I'll stay on standby in the lounge. If there's really a risk and I need to donate blood, I'll continue donating later."

"Then how?" Jiang Liu hurriedly stopped him.

400 is already a lot, which is the limit of normal people's tolerance. If it is added to 400, it is estimated that Hua Sheng's small body will faint directly.

"It's okay. It's not that it will definitely be used. It's just in case. Let's make it so. Doctor, get ready."

Hua Sheng's voice was not loud, but he was full of aura. After saying this, the others were embarrassed to say anything.

In contrast, except for Hua Zhiwai and Hua Zhenyue, those two are a bit evasive.

Jiang Liu also sighed in his heart, no wonder Hua Sheng always envied the harmony of his family.

It turns out that the Hua family is really so cold-blooded, between sisters and sisters, it is a matter of life and death, but they even repeatedly shirk blood donation, which is really rare.

He suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Hua Sheng. She was sent away at such a young age, and she didn't get any warmth from her family.

The only grandmother also passed away, no wonder she was so thin-tempered.

It is said that people are inherently good, no one is born cold-blooded and ruthless, only after experiencing some things, will they become like that.

It is said that a friend in need is a friend, Hua Sheng looks the coldest on the surface, but when she really needs it, her actions are the warmest.

After Hua Sheng donated blood, he felt a little weak, Chun Tao took care of him, and Ginkgo hurried out to buy blood supplements.

Jiang Liu took off his coat and put it on Hua Sheng's body.

"Just squint for a while when you're tired, I'll watch over you."

"Not tired, I'll wait for the result." Hua Sheng's voice was also full of exhaustion, she was indeed a little sleepy.

Jiang Liu knew that she was worried about Hua Lin and was waiting to see the result of the puncture.

One hour later, Hua Lin's operation was over, and the operation went smoothly, so there was no need for additional blood donation.

When the doctor came out with the report, everyone held their breath and dared not say anything.

It's like waiting for the verdict of life and death at this moment...

"Doctor, how is my daughter?" Mrs. Hua was tearful, and she couldn't even speak.