Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 29: We are married


After Jiang Liu had dinner with the client at night, he drove back to Shili Chunfeng directly.

When he came back, Hua Sheng had already gone upstairs to rest.

"Has uncle eaten?"

Gingko took the initiative to ask.

"Eat it, how about her?"

"Miss is upstairs with Xiao Hei."

Jiang Liu was taken aback, and was about to ask who Xiao Hei was, when he suddenly thought of the time when Gingko and Chuntao told him about Hua Sheng's habits.

It seems that Hua Sheng has a pet cat, which is black, so it is called Xiao Hei. ,

He smiled, took off his suit jacket and walked upstairs.

When passing by Hua Sheng's room, they happened to cover up.

There is also her very gentle voice...

"Xiao Hei, where have you been these few days? The weather is bad these days, it's always raining, don't get wet."

"Meow meow." The little black cat seemed to understand, and responded a few words.

Hua Sheng smiled and continued, "Do you also miss the days of Zhong Cuishan? But we can't live there anymore. I'm married now, and I'm going to dominate the city. There's also grandma. She's not in good health, and she's still living in the old house. It’s better, and it’s convenient to go to the hospital, when I’m free and the weather clears up, I’ll take you back to have a look, okay?”

"Meow meow."

Just like that, Jiang Liu listened at the door for three minutes.

Hua Sheng talked for five minutes inside.

It was Chuntao who came up to deliver the fruit, saw Jiang Liu, and asked him directly, "Master, what are you doing at the door, why don't you go in?"

Jiang Liu was a little embarrassed...

Push the door open and go in, Chuntao follows behind.

Hua Sheng also heard this sentence, and she was a little angry.

He glanced at him coldly, "The dignified prince of the Jiang family actually likes to listen to the corner, what's wrong with that?"

Chuntao laughed softly, she also knew her young lady's temper, she looked gentle and soft, but she was actually a difficult person to talk to and not easy to get along with.

Jiang Liu was very calm and sat directly on the sofa.

"I don't listen to outsiders' corners, but to my own wife. I can't listen anymore?"

"Who is your wife?" Hua Sheng blushed a little.

"I have a marriage certificate, and you still deny it?"

"I'm not..." I just wanted to say that I was married to you, it was just a fake, it was an agreement.

But seeing Chuntao was still in the room, it was inconvenient to talk about it, so I didn't finish.

Chuntao put the fruit plate on the tea table.

"Miss, Uncle, take your time."


Hua Sheng nodded, and Chuntao withdrew.

Hua Sheng was not in the mood to eat fruit either, so he glanced at Jiang Liu, "I think, there are some things I need to tell you."

"Say." He had a relaxed face.

Hua Sheng sat on the bed, she turned around and put down Xiao Hei in her arms.

Xiao Hei meowed, and obediently lay down beside her.

"Jiang Shao."

"It's too polite, you should call me husband."

"There are no outsiders here, and I don't need to pretend, Young Master Jiang, you have to make it clear that the two of us... are in a cooperative relationship."

"No problem." Jiang Liu nodded in agreement.

"So the two of us are not real couples, do you understand that we are married?"

In fact, physical marriage is now very common, most of which are seen between homosexuals.

In order to hide their sexual orientation at home, many homosexuals will find a opposite sex to marry, but after marriage, they will have different rooms and no physical contact.

It's just a formal marriage, so it's called physical marriage.

Jiang Liu nodded, "Go on."

"Since it's a physical marriage, don't take it too seriously. Anyway, we are only a temporary cooperation. I am very grateful that you can help my Hua family solve the urgent need. I am also willing to be your wife in name and help you block the rumors outside, but You have to respect yourself, for example, just now, you didn’t listen to the corner of the wall, but pushed the door directly into my room, don’t you think it’s impolite to do so, Mr. Jiang?” Hua Sheng said a lot of big things in one breath, and he was a little emotional Little excited, that rosy little face, extremely cute.