Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 324: Blackmail chips


How did Liu Dekai know that he would meet Hua Qing here

He has already avoided the nightclubs that the rich often like to go to, this is just an inconspicuous small bar.

And Hua Qing came here, but he was actually chosen at random. How could he know that it would be such a coincidence

Hua Qing took out his mobile phone and secretly filmed Liu Dekai all the way...

Not only did he lustfully touch the woman, but he also kissed the back with tongue, hugged, and the whole process of opening the room with his arms around the woman in the end.

next morning

When Hua Qing went to the group headquarters for a morning meeting, he met Liu Dekai by chance.

"Brother-in-law, you haven't been sleeping well recently. It seems that your eye circles are dark?" Hua Qing asked intentionally.

"Ah, I've been working a lot lately, and I'm under a lot of pressure."

Seeing Liu Dekai trying his best to deal with Hua Qing, he just sneered and didn't say much.

It wasn't until after the morning meeting that Hua Feng and his assistant went out to meet clients that Hua Qing went to Liu Dekai's office.

"Second sister, what's the matter?" He was serious.

"Brother-in-law, don't you have a bad relationship with my elder sister recently?"


"Then are you X living in disharmony? Is it because my eldest sister is too busy with work to satisfy you?"

Hua Qing said so bluntly, Liu Dekai was very embarrassed, his face turned green and pale.

"Second sister, this joke is a bit too much..."

"Okay, don't pretend, I really didn't know that your city is so deep. I used to think that you were so honest and obedient to be an obedient dog by her side because you were afraid of the eldest sister. Looking at it now, I still underestimated you. You, the dog will not be able to change eating shit, did you have a good time last night? That woman with big breasts must have exhausted you, right?"

"Second sister, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Liu Dekai was already flustered at this time, but he still pretended to be calm on the surface.

"I really don't cry when I see the coffin..." Hua Qing sat on his desk with a smile.

The black stockings are exposed, nakedly seductive.

Liu Dekai didn't dare to look at it, so he turned his face away, pretending to be a gentleman.

"Look at this."

Hua Qing took out his mobile phone and found the video taken last night.

After Liu Dekai glanced at it, he was dumbfounded. This shot is too clear, the face is clearly seen, and those wretched movements are...not missing at all.

"You said what would happen if the elder sister saw this...?"

Hua Qing looked at the frightened Liu Dekai with a funny face.

"Second sister, listen to me and explain me. I was just confused for a while... Men make mistakes. I drank a lot of wine with my client last night, so... Oh, please don't tell your elder sister, I have been married to her for many years, and our relationship has always been very good. , and if the two of us really have conflicts, it's just the child who is poor, and my Xiaohan is only in elementary school... "

Now that the ironclad evidence is overwhelming, Liu Dekai suddenly softened, and started playing the card of warmth, asking Hua Qing to keep it a secret.


"It's okay to keep it secret, but..."

"What conditions do you have, tell me."

Liu Dekai was caught in a scandal, so he could only admit that he was unlucky, so he wanted to agree to everything Hua Qing had, but he just wanted to keep his wife from knowing. He went from being a dick with nothing to now being a senior executive of the group. It wasn't because of his wife. If he really divorced, he would be kicked out of the Fahrenheit Group without taking a penny away.

"Brother-in-law, I actually... want to try your kung fu?" Hua Qing teased in his ear.

Liu Dekai gasped, not mentally prepared at all.

Hua Qing stretched out his hand and took the initiative to stroke his Adam's apple.

"That wretch in my family can't hold on for a few seconds, but it's hard for me... This young body, brother-in-law, why not... Satisfy me?"

Liu Dekai never expected that Hua Qing would make such a request. To be honest, Hua Qing is not good-looking, even the most passer-by among the five sisters, even Hua Lin can't compare.

Liu Dekai didn't have the slightest desire for her, but right now, he has a handle in her hands, so he will do it even if he doesn't.

In the end, under Hua Qing's coercion and lure, Liu Dekai tremblingly had sex with Hua Qing in the office.

When Hua Qing walked out of Liu Dekai's office half an hour later, he was in high spirits...