Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 359: Bad luck


"Amulet, you wear it, it will help you get rid of bad luck, and if there is a large-scale disaster with many people, you will not be there."

"Ah? It's so powerful, then I must wear it properly."

Although Jiang Liu didn't believe this, it was Hua Sheng's concern for him after all, so he accepted it happily, and immediately put it around his neck and put it under his shirt.

Chuntao and Ginkgo knew what the lady was capable of, so they put it on immediately without further ado.

"Miss, what about yourself?" Chuntao asked Hua Sheng.

"I'm fine, don't worry, by the way, Ginkgo, when you go to deliver vegetables to Yu Ping tomorrow, tell her not to go downstairs, especially in the last half month."

"Yes, miss, I will tell her."

After explaining, Hua Sheng went upstairs to rest a little tired.

Both Chuntao and Ginkgo knew that after each divination, the young lady would consume a lot of energy and energy, so she had to go to replenish sleep and take it easy.

In fact, it was only at this time that Hua Sheng realized that there were already so many entanglements unconsciously. If she had the temperament before, she would definitely not care about other people's lives.

Before going upstairs to sleep, Hua Sheng sent Hua Zhi another WeChat message and explained something.

Hua Zhi is actually fine, she always has many bodyguards, assistants, managers and so on.

So strangers are not easy to get close to, and Hua Sheng has seen Hua Zhi's face, he is a very blessed person, able to suppress these demons and heretics.

Another four days passed like this. On the afternoon of the weekend, Hua Lin sent her a WeChat message saying that another person died, a young woman, this time a female civil servant who worked at the post office, and she seemed to be only 22 years old. The way of death is the same as the previous one, killing first and then rape, and then throwing the corpse into the wilderness. The police did not allow the family members of the deceased to speak out, so they had to put the whole city under martial law and continue to arrest the murderer.

"Miss, you are so powerful, can you predict the murderer? Let's find the police and arrest him, shall we?" Ginkgo was whimsical when it was being ground by Hua Sheng.

Hua Sheng was writing the Great Compassion Mantra, and then shook his head helplessly, "No, everything in the world has its own laws. I am not the savior, and it is impossible to prevent all tragedies from happening. That murderer, his mission was to kill , to live the predestined life, if I intervene, it will destroy the destiny, and I will be punished by heaven."

"That's right, hey, this is already the third one. I don't know which girl is unlucky and will be killed by that person. It's so pitiful." Ginkgo muttered in a low voice.

After Jiang Liu got off work, he took Hua Sheng to dinner, and said that it was Qin Wanyu's treat. As for why Qin Wanyu treated him, it was actually because he wanted to make Wang Junxian and Hua Zhi reconcile.

Because those two people have been in a cold war, it is really worrying, so Qin Wanyu invited Jiangliu Huasheng and his wife, Hua Zhi and Wang Junxian, Gao He was also in Yanguilou that night, and the other one was Xie Dongyao. As for why it was Xie Dongyao, the reason was because Qin Wanyu accepted the diamond cuffs from Xie Dongyao, and wanted to treat her to a meal as a thank you, but it's not good to invite them alone, so they can only do it together. Xie Dongyao was naturally very happy, and even showed off to Xie Dongyang that she could see the fairy sister.

It's just that the moment Hua Zhi saw Xie Dongyao that night, her eyelids twitched wildly...

"Sister Fairy, we meet again." Xie Dongyao was wearing a light red dress and a white fur coat, looking like a celebrity.

"A Sheng, what's the matter with you?" Jiang Liu found that something was wrong with her, and asked softly.

Hua Sheng didn't speak, but she clearly saw a thick cloud of black air between Xie Dongyao's forehead, which was a sign of bad luck. Hua Sheng thought of this, and his palms began to sweat slightly.