Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 372: Feng Shui Family



"How did you and my wife meet?" Jiang Liu's words were no longer suspicious, because Hua Sheng's network of contacts was very narrow, so it was difficult to meet strangers except at school.

"At a cancer charity night hosted by your mother."

"So that's the case, please come in." Jiang Liu nodded and brought Fengxi into the ward.

Feng Xi walked directly in front of Hua Sheng, rolled her eyelids, and felt her pulse, without paying any attention to the so-called physical examination data.

"How long has she been like this?"

"Almost ten days or so."

"Would you mind telling me about the process? In detail, without missing a word."

Jiang Liu hesitated slightly, but at this time, what else could he do besides treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor

In the end, Jiang Liu just told Feng Xi how Hua Sheng saved Xie Dongyao and how he broke the blood curse.

Feng Xi shook his head helplessly after hearing this, "Hua Sheng is capable, but she is too reckless, this is not a sign of catastrophe, she is trapped by the person who cast the blood curse, and there is more than one wizard behind the blood curse Yes, as far as I know, human sacrifice was prevalent in the generation in Nepal, and it was the branch of Satanism, that is, their branch. There are many capable people and strange people in those cults. According to the one in Miss Xie’s body according to your dictation Invisible tattoos are indeed a blood curse, but this is not an ordinary blood curse, it is a curse of the evil spirits of the ten directions, and their purpose is not to be a Miss Xie family, but to extradite her with the hostility after her tragic death, and then trigger an even more serious situation. The big bloody case, that is, the catastrophe of 300 people that Hua Sheng said, as for why it was done, I will not comment on it. But Miss Xie's ten-direction evil ghost curse is one of the most vicious curses of Western wizards. One, there must be seven wizards manipulating behind it, so it is no surprise that Hua Sheng played one against seven, she was too impulsive."

Jiang Liu was dumbfounded, didn't he say that this woman is a writer? But... why is he so professional and understanding when he speaks.

"Don't doubt it, I'm a female writer, but I'm also the eighty-fifth generation descendant of a Feng Shui family, and my grandfather is Feng Wuming."

"Your grandpa..." Jiang Liu was shocked. He knew the name, and everyone in his grandparents' generation knew it. He was a well-known Fengshui master in China. Someone in the capital asked for security, but the old man directly refused, and then retired with his family. As for where he went, no one knew. It is said that many wealthy people have been looking for news about the Feng family for many years, and they all want to invite them out of the mountain to look at the Fengshui cemetery for those rich people, so as to ensure the prosperity and wealth of future generations for hundreds of years.

And the woman in front of her is actually from the Feng family, no wonder she would...

"It turned out to be the Feng family, offended." Jiang Liu was in awe. Feng Shui metaphysics is no longer as simple as superstition. Not only has it been recognized by the contemporary society, many universities have also opened the courses of Feng Shui and Zhou Yi, which is really amazing.

Hearing that it was Feng's family, Jiang Liu was a little excited, and immediately asked Feng Xi, "Then can you invite your grandfather to come out of the mountain and help me cure my wife's illness? I can do it at any cost, as long as she can wake up, please, Feng Xi Miss."

Jiang Liu bowed deeply to the young Feng Xi, expressing his eagerness to save his wife.

Feng Xi said calmly, "My grandfather passed away three years ago."

With a bang sound and a heavy hammer strike again, Jiang Liu felt his body sway. Master Feng has gone west? That…

"Miss Feng, as a successor, you should have received many true biography from old people, and I ask you to help my wife."

"To be honest, I'm not capable enough to bring her back to life."

Fengxi's words made Jiang Liu's heart fall to the bottom... the feeling of being destroyed again after having hope.

"But don't be depressed, I know someone, maybe he can save Hua Sheng."

Jiang Liu raised his head again, hope ignited in his eyes, this mood is really like a roller coaster...