Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 406: The problem reappears


Chuntao drove Hua Sheng to the hospital, this time it was a hospital near Hua Lin's home, and it was also a top-three hospital.

When he arrived, Bai Hao stood at the door of the ward, walking around anxiously.

"How is fourth sister?" Hua Sheng was anxious.

Bai Hao was very flustered, and his voice was trembling, "I don't know yet, the doctor is still inside."

"What are her symptoms?"

"I just fainted suddenly, it was scary."

Hua Sheng was silent, and suddenly fainted. This is not a good sign. Could it be that... the cancer cells have metastasized? spread? She thought pessimistically.

Half an hour later, the doctor came out and took off his mask.

"Doctor, how is my wife?"

"It's nothing serious, it's just asthma caused by coughing for too long and too often. Oxygen deprivation, short shock, nothing serious."

"Doctor, has my fourth sister's cancer cells metastasized?" Hua Sheng was concerned about the time bomb.

The doctor looked at Bai Hao and Hua Sheng, "Are you two immediate family members?"

"Yes, I am her husband, and this is her biological sister."

"We took a film for her, and the cancer cells did not spread."

After the doctor finished speaking, Hua Sheng and Bai Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

But the doctor had another fatal sentence. He said, "Although it hasn't spread, the malignant tumor is bigger than before."

Hua Sheng and Bai Hao suddenly turned pale again.

"It's about one centimeter bigger than before, but you have to know that it's not a good sign for a malignant tumor to grow bigger, and one centimeter is also bad news, and it may cause some sequelae. Are you sure you really don't plan to have surgery? I see that the patient's current condition The indicators are good. If it is surgery, there is a great chance of successful resection. If combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the later stage, it will also have an ideal therapeutic effect. I don’t understand why your family members are willing to give up such a golden period of treatment? If it is true in the future If the transfer is too late, it will be too late, and we will not be able to do it if you want to do surgery."

Bai Hao was silent, and Hua Sheng was also silent.

This issue has been discussed many times in the hospital before, and they have discussed it for a long time. It was Hua Lin who voluntarily gave up the operation and took conservative medicine for treatment.

Now that I get sick again and again, do I really need surgery

"I'll discuss it with my wife, thank you doctor."

After Bai Hao sighed, he followed Hua Sheng into the ward.

Hua Lin was doing atomization. Lying there, she woke up and nodded when she saw Hua Sheng.

After Hua Lin finished atomizing, Bai Hao helped her take off the atomizer, and immediately handed her a glass of warm water.

"Xiaolin, how are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm fine." Hua Lin smiled, reached out and touched Bai Hao's face, signaling him to feel relieved.

Bai Hao felt even more sad, Hua Lin looked at Hua Sheng again, "Husband, you are making too much of a fuss, and such a small matter has brought Fifth Sister into trouble."

"No fuss, it should." Hua Sheng said quietly.

"I've been doing well recently, and I've taken my medicine on time, and occasionally sat on the balcony basking in the sun. It's just that I coughed badly at night. The doctor said just now that the coughing caused allergic asthma, so I went into shock. You really Don't get too nervous."

"Fourth Sister, what the doctor means is that we should ask you if you want an operation." Hua Sheng said it directly, without any intention of foreshadowing anything. Talking about the enlargement of the tumor, she was afraid to dispel Hua Lin's enthusiasm for treatment.

"Surgery? Didn't you say no surgery? We have decided on this before, and I will treat it conservatively."

"But the doctor said that now is the best time for treatment, in case you miss it..." Bai Hao was also a little shaken, he just wanted Hua Lin to live.

Hua Lin stretched out her hand and placed it on the back of Bai Hao's hand, "Husband, if you miss it, I admit it, you don't want to persuade me, I don't want surgery."

Bai Hao looked back at Hua Sheng, and didn't say anything more.

"By the way, A Sheng, you know how to do divination. Quickly help my husband to do divination. Where is that perverted killer hiding? The police haven't found any clues for so long, and he's about to collapse."

Hua Sheng was taken aback, "Have you caught that person yet?"

If Hua Lin didn't mention it, she would have almost forgotten that the man who almost killed Xie Dongyao, that pervert with multiple murders on his body, is still on the run