Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 411: The rain is coming


Feng Xi thought for a while, "Not all of them. My grandfather said that the guardians of the Feng family are the sacred beasts of the ancestors of the past generations. They come from different skills according to the talents of the successors. Helping the Feng family to exorcise evil spirits is also considered to be for them. It is said that the thirty-ninth generation of my family is the most powerful. At that time, it was still in the Qing Dynasty. One of my grandparents was at the level. Her guardian is said to be a seven-color black bird. That bird is an immortal. It is very powerful. My The patriarch's grandma is famous all over the world. Later, it became more and more unbearable. My grandfather's guardian is a dragon pattern python. After my grandfather passed away, the python returned to its place. You can see the one I just had, it seems to be a wolf .”

Hua Sheng nodded, "It's a wolf, like a snow wolf, with the word wind on its forehead."

"Well, that's a contract with our Feng family. If I die, the contract will be terminated."

"You will not die, you will live a long life." Hua Sheng said seriously.

"I don't want to live to be a hundred years old. I'm enough to live now. I have nothing to worry about. I'm not like you. You have rivers and streams. I have nothing and am alone." Feng Xi was extremely free and easy.

"Sooner or later you will too."

"No, I don't want to touch any bullshit love. Is it because the phone is not fun, or is the wine bad?"

Hua Sheng just smiled and didn't answer.

After the two left the refrigeration plant, they went directly to a nearby temple and contacted the abbot to save these wronged souls. In fact, Hua Sheng had always felt guilty because she had intervened to save Xie Dongyao before, so another innocent woman died in vain. Confused, is he saving others or harming others

After returning from the temple, he went to Feng Xi's house. Feng Xi was injured, and it was quite heavy.

But she insisted not to go to the hospital, so Hua Sheng used a first aid kit to clean her wound and bandage it back and forth.

At this time, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

During the period, Hua Sheng sent a WeChat message, telling Jiang Liu that she had fallen asleep at Fengxi's house and had something to discuss.

"The matter has come to an end, you still seem uneasy." Feng Xi looked at Hua Sheng, feeling that she still had something on her mind.

"I'm worried."

"What are you worried about, that Liang Chun came back from the dead?" Feng Xi was joking.

Hua Sheng shook his head, "Your guardian is torn into pieces, how can you be resurrected? What I'm worried about is the person who manipulated him... There must be a very strong sorcerer behind such a profound puppet technique, and he doesn't know the purpose What is it? Maybe it has something to do with the wizards who cast a blood curse on Xie Dongyao."

"Oh, don't think about it. It's messed up my mind. What about us... The soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth, afraid of hair? You are a genius fortune-teller who is born with supernatural powers, and I am the most powerful Feng family. The heir of seniority, if we join forces, how can we still be afraid of a bird egg wizard?"

Hua Sheng smiled and said more.

But she knew in her heart that the rain was about to come and the building was full of wind, and this peaceful day probably wouldn't be too long.

From the appearance of Houliang Baiyu comb not long ago, to the cemetery fire, Xie Dongyao's blood curse, the murder of those women, and her discovery of natural weather, all of this is by no means accidental.

Maybe there is a bigger conspiracy behind this

And she no longer dared to offend like before to help break the blood curse and separate her soul. She suffered a loss, and she must definitely remember it.

Most importantly, she promised Jiang Liu that she would live a good life with him, be an ordinary person, and have children.

But in the dark, Hua Sheng felt that her duty in coming to this world was not to have children with Jiang Liu at all.

"Ah Sheng, I'm a little hungry, let's go to eat barbecue, I know a small stall is delicious." Fengxi made a move for the first time, feeling extremely excited, so excited that he couldn't sleep, he started acting like a monster.

"It's midnight, still eat?" Hua Sheng looked at his phone, thinking it was too late.

"Let's go, it's rare to be able to relax today. I want to have a few drinks to relieve my fatigue." Hua Sheng was dragged downstairs by Feng Xi like this, and went to a barbecue restaurant.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw an acquaintance, it was actually Qin Wanyu, he was alone, sitting there alone.

After seeing Hua Sheng, he was also taken aback, "Eh? Where's Jiang Liu?"