Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4183: crack changes


"Bairan, you have to be optimistic about what the main problem is now. Don't be distracted. I can do everything else and leave it to me. I know you are anxious about Mingyan. In fact, it's not just you. You have to know that I am also worried. The same anxiety, aren't we the same friends? Mingyan's current state is comparable to the state he was insane towards Hua Sheng back then. I was shocked to see this state... "

"I never thought that Mingyan would be like this one day. I couldn't even recognize him. Sometimes I even wondered if I should think about him... This time is gone. What if he doesn't want to? He doesn't. I didn't think so, it was worse than Hua Sheng's refusal at that time, I really didn't dare to think what Ming Yan would face, in fact, I still don't understand how it turned out like this, Ming Yan contacted him Not much, and the time we spend with him is not even as long as we spent with him, why did Ming Yan... get stuck in it."

"Forget it, it's useless to say more, no matter what, things have already happened, we just ignore the changes, as for the cracks in time and space, we have no other way, so now there is a way, the same is still despite the changes, always pay attention to the situation of the cracks in time and space , don’t let go of any clues, there is no situation in the human world, and other people will not find out, and we will pay less attention. By the way, there is also Ruier. I am worried that Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu have not returned for a long time. Ruier will definitely be anxious, I will tell those two boys to pay attention, and stop them when necessary. I think in this sensitive period, if one less person knows, one less person will worry, especially Ruier, Hua Sheng and others. Jiang Liu's child... she is very unstable, I am worried... "

Feng Qingcheng didn't finish what he said, but both Feng Qingcheng and Bairan understood what the unfinished words meant. After all, they knew about Jiang Xinrui from birth to now, and they have been watching. The child back then was her Brother, two children and one mother, and no one knew the existence of the two children at the time, plus what happened later...

Whether it is a brother or a sister, they are different, and it can be said that they will not be ordinary children. Feng Qingcheng is worried that if something unexpected happens, the child will show a different power. Now that Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu are not here, Feng Qingcheng will not Dare to bet, besides, you can't take advantage of the parents' absence to let the children have accidents? In that case, Bairan and Feng Qingcheng really don't have to feel guilty.

So Feng Qingcheng thought about it, the best way is to keep Jiang Xinrui from knowing this, of course, try not to let him know, if something happens in the middle, Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu still don't come out at the agreed time, Jiang Xinrui will still I found that at that time, they would not stop it.

"Follow what you said first. Now I don't know what will happen later. Too many things have happened recently, and my mind is a bit messed up."

After Bairan finished speaking, he didn't say anything else, he just looked at the purple vortex in front of him, and his brows never loosened. Of course, Bairan also tried to use spiritual power to detect it, but apart from getting this space-time crack, there was really a small change , without any other information.

I can't even feel any signs of life. You must know that before Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu didn't enter, Bairan could still feel it, but since Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu entered, it changed. Slowly what? I can't feel it anymore, it's really weird to say.