Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4259: Worthwhile trip


After Feng Qingcheng said this, let alone Luoshen, even Bai Ran's eyes changed accordingly, Feng Qingcheng should understand him, why did he suddenly say that Yan Zhuo is no longer there!

It's just that Feng Qingcheng's words made Bairan's heart jump wildly for a while.

From Bairan's point of view, this might be uneasiness! The friend who fought side by side, Bairan didn't even go to see him on the last journey.

Luoshen didn't know what Bairan was thinking. Hearing Feng Qingcheng's question, his expression was incomprehensible, and he asked in disbelief: "Why does the Empress Dowager have such thoughts? Emperor Fengdu is a nightmare! You don't know his characteristics. ?"

"It is true that the Nightmare Clan was destroyed back then, but this does not mean that the Nightmare Clan is very weak. Besides, the situation back then was that the descendants of the Nightmare Clan were struggling because they did not replenish their energy in time. Correspondingly, they had an invincible existence. As long as they absorbed the energy that belonged to them The source of strength, they themselves are invincible existences, because of this, in the past tens of thousands of years, the high status of the Nightmare tribe meant that they were appointed as death squads, and it was an honor obtained on the battlefield."

"I said this, does the Empress understand? If we say that in the past, the Three Realms and Six Paths were full of aura, few people knew what the Nightmare tribe needed, and there was no way to understand the Nightmare tribe. But later, no one in the world knew that the Nightmare tribe needed resentment. As a source of strength? Yan Zhuo became the Great Emperor of Fengdu, and in Fengdu Hell, where is there more resentment than hell?"

"Working with resentment day and night, Emperor Fengdu's power will be absorbed automatically even if he wants to dissipate. Let's put it this way, even if Emperor Fengdu is not standing on Fengdu's land, as long as he wants to, resentment arises at will, he can absorb it , living to his age, even if he dies, it is just a new reincarnation, others may not be able to, but Nightmare can!"

"This is the price that the Nightmare tribe left him with. His living habits made him a real loner."

Speaking of this, Luoshen's eyes are also a bit lonely. Even if he has been doing things casually in his life, he is actually avoiding loneliness. It's not that Luoshen is boasting. Sometimes, the stronger he is, the more lonely he is. For the person he likes, it doesn't matter even if they meet later. For him, Shen Mowan's appearance means that driftwood has found support.

Shen Mowan left, and Luoshen also had someone he missed, a little hope in life, but he was lonely like Yan Zhuo for tens of thousands of years, Luoshen understood his feelings very well.

Luoshen looked at Bairan and Feng Qingcheng with envy in his eyes. The two of them love and accompany each other, and they will never have any scruples. They have a bond.

"What kind of eyes are you two? I don't know what the Empress Dowager wants to say?"

Seeing that Bairan and Feng Qingcheng suddenly became at a loss, Luoshen also became a little at a loss, and couldn't help asking.

It has always been strange to think of Bairan and Feng Qingcheng since they appeared in this place.

In this way, Luoshen's eyes also became inquisitive.

"So it's impossible for Emperor Fengdu to die? Anyone can, but he can't? Is that so?"

"Does the Nightmare have other characteristics? According to Luoshen, the Nightmare can be said to be the invincible existence in this world, and they are the real eternal life?"

Feng Qingcheng couldn't help but continue to ask.

She and Bairan glanced at each other, exchanged information, and something seemed to jump out of their hearts. This trip to Luoshen Palace is really worthwhile!