Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4276: The instrument is lost


Qin Xiaobao: Mom, you don't need to waste time looking for it. There is no such thing as you mentioned at home!

It may be hard to believe that no one is more familiar with the arrangement of household items, whether it is Feng Xi or Qin Wanyu, because Qin Xiaobao participates in the arrangement of all the large and small things in the Feng family.

This child has been very neat and tidy since he was a child, and he loves to keep it clean. The "toys" he has played with will be put back to the original place wherever they are taken out.

Absolute return to place.

In addition, Qin Xiaobao later came into contact with the metaphysics and secret arts of the Feng family, whether it was the book knowledge on Feng Shui or the magic tools for subjugating demons and demons, even if Qin Xiaobao didn't know it and couldn't use it, he still remembered every book and every magic tool .

This may also be a talent that others cannot understand.

So after hearing Feng Xi's description, Qin Xiaobao told Feng Xi with certainty that she should not waste time, the Feng family did not have such a thing.

But Feng Xi couldn't accept such words, how could the Feng family not have this thing? It was a magic weapon that had been with her for many years, and there were demons and ghosts that she sent in with her own hands, all of which were her spoils of war over the years!

The important thing is that the contents inside must not escape, otherwise what is she trying to seal in

"How is it possible? Son, did you remember it wrong? It was worn by my mother for a long time, and it was not kept for a long time. It was only three or five years? Besides, I put it under the altar, and the ancestors of the Feng family pressed it , there is a breeze guarding below, how could it not be there?"

Even though she said this, Feng Xi still felt a little bit in her heart, because she knew Qin Xiaobao's memory too well. It was the first time she saw the child's confident appearance in putting every book in place. She felt that her mother was pulling her down. Qin Xiaobao's total IQ!

If it were a smarter person, like Hua Sheng, Qin Xiaobao should be a genius, right? And at that time, Fengxi also understood why Grandpa must choose Qin Xiaobao as the heir to train.

He is indeed stronger than himself. When she was six years old, she couldn't remember what those books looked like at all, but Qin Xiaobao could file them according to cats and tigers, and even draw simple Fengshui symbols. Little one, this is a gift for a child who is new to metaphysics.

Feng Xi remembered that when talking about this with his grandfather, his grandfather subconsciously said, "Feng Wumian is nothing more than that..."

Feng Wumian is the most special existence in the history of the Feng family.

Qin Xiaobao: I haven't seen that thing since I can remember! Mom... You didn't lose it, did you? I look at these things every day.

The toys Feng Xi mentioned were those magic weapons in her family.

Looking at the meaning of Qin Xiaobao's gestures, Feng Xi's face turned slightly pale, and she began to think about when did she put the Demon Town Tower at home? Probably when Qin Xiaobao was more than two years old, she and Qin Wanyu took Qin Xiaobao to seek medical advice after confirming that Qin Xiaobao was really not late.

It was said that he couldn't control the Demon Town Tower, but it was actually because Feng Xi didn't have the energy to use these magic weapons, so he naturally put them away!

Later, Qin Xiaobao's safety also began to be threatened, and he became more determined to keep the Demon Suppressing Tower. After all, it is considered a top magic weapon and has a deterrent effect.

If it wasn't for the recent turmoil in various places, Feng Xi had to go out again, realizing that the Town Demon Tower needs to be re-activated, maybe it hasn't been discovered that it is lost