Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4283: Faith collapsed


This made Fengxi dare not even think about it! Fit with your own guardian animal? Doesn't that mean that people are not human beings, and divine beasts are no longer pure divine beasts!

And because of the fusion of the two of them, there will never be freedom.

Because of the obsession in his heart, even his guardian beast was obsessed with it, which made Fengxi silent for a long time, not knowing what to say to answer.

Feng Xi thought of the White Wolf King, no matter what, she would not choose to merge with the White Wolf King, so that there would be no possibility of their two lives starting over again!

Maybe everyone has different obsessions. In fact, there is no need for Feng Qingcheng to explain in detail. Feng Xi also thought of it. If there is no sacrifice of Xuanwu God, and the combination of the two of them, Feng Wumian should have died long ago.

"The relationship between the Feng family and the demon world has existed for a long time. This may be fate, but I really can't figure it out. Wanfeng came to the human world because of Chifeng. They hid in the human world for several years. At that time, Feng Wumian Didn't show up, now that Wanfeng is practicing in Zhaojue Temple, he...he really doesn't want to break away from sister and take Wanfeng away, right?"

"I heard from Asheng that Wanfeng couldn't leave Zhaojue Temple. She didn't tell me the specifics. Later, we were both busy like wheels, and I didn't pay attention to any changes in Zhaojue Temple! As a result, now that Feng Wumian is following her, these two people who will never meet at all, do they really have entanglements from past lives?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't have the trust in divination now... I don't understand, why would he tell you? If he really wanted to do something, wouldn't it be very troublesome ?”

"Isn't this equivalent to directly telling you to be careful with him?"

Feng Xi looked at Feng Qingcheng suspiciously.

This is what Feng Xi couldn't figure out the most. Could it be that Feng Wumian knew that he would ask such a question? Expose his location directly, lest she go looking for it

If it is calculated in this way, he really took the Demon Town Tower

It's all speculation.

"In my opinion, he has the same ambivalence as you. If divination gives the result he wants, he will admit it, but if he doesn't want it, he also chooses not to believe it. He came to me, just like begging The last one is peace of mind. After all, the birth and death ages of Wanfeng and Le Yu are not the same. It may be true as you said. He may be sending me some information, something he can't keep his heart to say, no matter what happens What, I believe his nature is still good, a person who was born with auspiciousness and meritorious deeds in several lifetimes, he still has a bottom line."

"Don't forget, the current Feng Wumian is not the previous Feng Wumian, and the Xuanwu God is no longer the Xuanwu God. After they merged into one, the feelings and perceptions of the two are empathetic, so I didn't I sent someone to stare at him, but chose to go by myself, but something unexpected happened later, I saw him repeating his previous actions, observing Zhaojue Temple, and with the enchantment of Huasheng and Jiangliu, I relaxed my vigilance... "

Speaking of this, Feng Qingcheng is a little ashamed. For a person who does things and strives for perfection, she cannot forgive such mistakes. But again, although she cannot prove that Feng Wumian did not take the Demon Town Tower, she cannot say that it is because of Feng Wumian. Wumian had no witnesses, so he said that Feng Wumian took it.

From Feng Qingcheng's point of view, Feng Xi just wanted to take this opportunity to ask about Feng Wumian. When he didn't allow her to intervene in this matter, Feng Xi was unwilling.

Because of Feng Wumian, Feng Xi's faith collapsed.