Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4314: Grab directly


"A Sheng, you're finally here! I really had no other choice, so I called you. I know how busy everyone is at this time, but I have no information or clue about the person who robbed Qin Xiaobao. I also contacted the ancestors of the Feng family, but they didn’t know each other either…”

Feng Xi hugged Hua Sheng tightly, feeling panicked, she was too aware of the situation outside now, and it was because of this that she contacted Hua Sheng even more contradictoryly, but she really had no choice but to let Hua Sheng Sheng came to her first, Feng Xi was worried that Qin Xiaobao had been eaten by someone...

There are always things out there coveting Qin Xiaobao's soul, and that child is almost as good as the low-profile version of Tang Monk's flesh.

"It's all my fault. Knowing that someone has been staring at Qin Xiaobao, I dare not let go. How can I let him go out alone! Blame me!" Qin Wanyu blamed himself so much that he couldn't lift his head at this moment, Feng Xi handed over Give him a task, take care of the children at home, take care of their family, what happened to him

Jiang Liu glanced around and said, "It's not a question of who to blame now, calm down and explain the specific situation."

"Yeah, don't cry now. I know what you are worried about. The situation outside is indeed special, but it doesn't mean that the ancient beasts that appeared from the cracks in time and space want to eat Qin Xiaobao!"

"To put it bluntly, those ancient ferocious beasts can't directly hurt people. They need a medium and are very careful. They are worried about being discovered by us. How can they be hijacked blatantly? As for your ancestors, you don't know. The life and death of the six realms are related, otherwise they would not intervene, especially at this juncture..."

Hua Sheng comforted Feng Xi, how long had she not seen such a fragile Feng Xi

"That's right, Aunt Feng Xi, I have taken in quite a few of those fierce beasts, saying they are ancient beasts, but their power is greatly reduced. They dare not do this. What happened that day?"

Listening to the words of Hua Sheng's family, it may also be that seeing Hua Sheng, in Feng Xi's world, there is nothing Hua Sheng can't do, and the conclusions of the ancestors and the others felt unbelievable, and Feng Xi instantly gained strength.

Let Qin Wanyu tell the story of Qin Xiaobao being kidnapped.

In fact, the reason is that Qin Wanyu wanted to let Qin Xiaobao exercise and do his own things independently, because he couldn't speak, Qin Wanyu wanted to train Qin Xiaobao better, so he asked him to buy food alone, and he followed behind , but who would have thought that the Kung Fu people would disappear in the blink of an eye

It's really very simple, he has always taken Qin Xiaobao with him like this, and he has never made a mistake.

"Then you said you were kidnapped, didn't you see someone snatching the child?"

Jiang Xinrui asked the question anxiously.

"I couldn't find Qin Xiaobao at the time, so I immediately checked the surveillance cameras nearby. You can see the property downstairs in the community. I saw a man take Qin Xiaobao away from the surveillance surveillance. It was him!"

"The police have also checked, but there is no such person!"

As Qin Wanyu said, he took out the screenshots from his phone and asked Jiang Liu and others to take a good look.

He followed Fengxi and tried all the methods he could. He had no choice but to contact Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu at this juncture. He was so anxious that he had no direction at all.

When Jiang Liu and the others looked at the distant photo, their eyebrows and eyes moved. The main reason was that the other party didn't even cover their face, which was really obvious.

"Well, do you see anything? Ah Sheng, do you think it might really be Qin Xiaobao who was robbed by ordinary people? I recalled my memories of the past few decades, and I have never seen this man, but if ordinary people People, why don't they call to make demands, and for ordinary people, the database doesn't have him..."