Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 472: The whole family sucks blood


Hua Sheng was at home, playing with the ball of yarn with Xiao Hei, and was taken aback when he saw WeChat.

Hua Sheng: What's the matter

Yu Ping: Nothing, just a little hypocritical and in a bad mood.

Hua Sheng: Isn't today an exam? Did you fail the exam

Yu Ping: How is it possible? I'm a top student... ha, I just feel... hey, I just want to cry anyway.

Hua Sheng: Although crying doesn’t solve any problems, if you want to cry, just cry. At least you can have a vent. Everyone has their own worries. Once you cry, you’ll be fine. I found that everyone has their own unsatisfactory, life is not easy. All of us, destined to face it all alone, just get through it.

Yu Ping: Listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books. Sure enough, it is right to send you WeChat, ha.

Hua Sheng: Xiaoping, are you really okay

Yu Ping: Of course, it's very good. Okay, Xiaosheng, I'm going to do the exam papers. I have time to visit you and your Xiaohei.

Immediately, Yu Ping stopped replying to WeChat, and Hua Sheng didn't think much about it.

Because she knew that Yuan Shao was good to Ping, and no one would bully her now, so she would never expect her family to make a fuss.

After Yu Ping took the exam, she hurried out of school to find her family.

Sure enough, I found it in a snack bar, and the few of them really whetted their appetites. The four of them ate more than a dozen drawers of steamed buns and ordered several dishes.

It really seems that the money belongs to Yu Ping, not her own.

"Look, sister is here." Yu Xiaobao got up.

"Mom and Dad, how long do you plan to stay, shall I find you a hotel?" Yu Ping looked calm.

"It's not easy for us to come here once, and we don't want to go back so soon. When we came, everyone in the village knew that we were here for our daughter, so why not have fun? I heard that there are many interesting things in Jiangcheng. Your brother wants to go to the wild animal park and have fun. Farm. Your dad and I want to go to the Agricultural Expo Garden to see if there are any vegetables that can be grown at home. Your grandma has severe rheumatism. Please see if you can contact a good hospital and prescribe some medicine to treat the disease. By the way... our clothes are a bit thin and we can't keep out the cold, you'd better buy us a jacket and cotton shoes for each of us."

Yu Ping listened and kept silent, but she was already unhappy. It was not easy for her to make money, so Mom was a lion.

"Xiao Ping, I still want a pipe. Mine is broken. I heard that there are many styles of pipes in the city. I want a good-looking one." This is what Dad Yu said.

"I see, Dad." She was almost obliging.

Yu Xiaobao tugged on Yu Ping's sleeve and acted like a baby, "Sister, I also want a Transformers toy, the kind that can transform into a car or a robot. I've seen it many times on TV. The children in the city I have them all, only one student in our class has one, and his aunt in the city bought it for me, I'm so envious, can you buy me one?"

"Okay." Yu Ping was already a little desperate. In fact, it's really uncomfortable to be asked for it all the time.

"By the way, I heard that women in the city use skin care products and so on. Look at your mother and my face... It's all red when I work on the mountain and is blown by the wind. You can buy me some high-end cream, okay? I'll take care of it too, and when the time comes, tell your aunts to take a good look at it, I'm not a person without good things."

"Xiao Ping, I also want a silver bracelet, the one with a phoenix on it. I see that the old Mrs. Zhu in the east of our village is wearing one. It was bought by her granddaughter on her birthday. It's so pretty." The old lady asked for the bracelet again.

Yu Ping sighed slightly, "Xiao Bao, go get a pen and paper, and write down everything you need, and I'll buy it."