Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 474: Poor and mean


"Mom, are you trying to force me to death?" Yu Ping had tears in her eyes and unprecedented resentment.

"What are you talking about? If you find a man yourself and don't let him talk about it, you will die if you talk about it? If you really have a sense of shame, you shouldn't do such a shameful thing behind our backs."

Yu Ping: ...

"Bring someone to meet us immediately, or I'll talk to your school leader and ask him whether this is a school or a brothel? Why has my daughter become so shameless after studying here for a few years?"

Yu Ping's mother is a typical village woman, illiterate and greedy.

Yu Ping felt that being born in such a family was her greatest sorrow.

Yu Ping didn't quarrel too much with her mother, but went out with a list to buy things.

She was wandering all the way, absent-minded, and didn't want to bring Yuan Shao to see them, but if she didn't, her mother's temper...

In the end, Yu Ping took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message.

Yu Ping: Are you there

Yuan Shao: Yes.

Yu Ping: That’s right, my family is here, and I accidentally talked about our affairs. My mother may want to see you. If you are free, if you are not free, it’s okay if you don’t come. Let me explain to them.

Yuan Shao: Is your family here? Then I want to see you, where are you now

Yu Ping: I'm here at Pingyao Commercial Building, shopping for some things.

Yuan Shao: Then wait for me, I'll go find you.

Yuan Shao was really kind to Ping, so as soon as he heard that her family was coming, he immediately drove over to pick her up.

Yuan Shao’s car was bought by his family. It used to be an Audi A5, and later he changed to a Jeep Wrangler. Maybe boys have a Jeep complex, right

After Yuan Shao came, she helped Yu Ping carry things, which made her feel a lot easier.

The clothes I bought later and the toys I gave to Yu Xiaobao were also Yuan Shaohua's, and Yu Ping couldn't stop them no matter what.

In the end, Yuan Shao bought a lot of nutritious food for the elderly as a meeting gift.

The two drove to the place where Yu Ping's parents lived. Yuan Shao found a good restaurant and opened a private room.

Yu Ping went back to pick up her family and came to the restaurant to meet Yuan Shao.

After some introductions, a group of people were seated.

Yu Ping's mother was very rude, picked up the menu and ordered sixteen dishes.

"Mom, order so much, do you want something to eat?" Yu Ping kept reminding.

"If you can't finish eating, you can take it away. If we get hungry at night, we can eat in the hotel."

Yu Ping was very embarrassed, she secretly glanced at Yuan Shao, but luckily he didn't show that look of contempt.

"Young man, who else is there in your family?" Yu Ping's grandmother looked Yuan Shao up and down, and found that he was well dressed, so she tentatively asked about the situation at home.

"Grandma, there are only me and my parents in my family, a family of three."

"Ah, so what do you guys do?"

"They do some small business."

"How was your income that year?" The old lady asked quite unskillfully.

"Grandma, it's impolite to directly ask about your income." Yu Ping gasped.

"We're going to be in-laws in the future, so ask what's wrong, it's not someone else." The old lady didn't think so.

Yuan Shao replied politely, "What grandma said is that my parents' business is doing well, and they can earn two to three million a year, but it is not fixed, sometimes it will be more, and sometimes it will be less."

"More than two million, that's a lot." After hearing this sentence, Yu Ping's family members were all dumbfounded. They had never seen so much money.

"Oh, it seems like a nice family, then you should be able to offer a bride price, our Xiaoping... is very popular with us, if you want to be with our Xiaoping, the bride price is unavoidable, Your family is so rich, it shouldn't be too much trouble to come up with three to five million yuan, right?"