Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 478: It seems to be in labor


Hua Zhi was stunned, obviously being asked, she said no, she seemed to have no feelings for her boyfriend, but she really couldn't do it yet.

"Sister, to be honest, I haven't thought about this issue yet."

"Then you can think about it now."

"This question can't be figured out all at once. I need time."

"I'll give you time, and you should think about it carefully to see if Junxian is worth so much. I know how important a career is to a woman, and I'm not forcing you to give up your career, but the Wang family really doesn't like women very much. If you want to work as a star, you can work with Jun Xianjin Group."

"Yes, I know that."

"If you can't let go, you two... I guess it will be difficult for you two to continue being together. Our royal family is thin, and there are only two direct descendants, Junxian and I. There are quite a few wolf ambitions in the collateral descendants who want to come in and divide up the family business. It's a pity that my father doesn't allow it, and neither does my grandma. The responsibility of our siblings is to protect the family business. If necessary, we will sacrifice our marriage. I believe that my brother is a sensible person like me. Of course, I am not talking about you Not good, but you have to make a trade-off.”

"I see."

"Well, let's stop here first, I still have something to do."

"Then I'll see you off, sister."

"No, it's not convenient for you to come out, go in quickly."

Wang Liurun was indeed a vigorous and resolute person. After saying a few words, he got up and left.

Afterwards, Hua Zhi collapsed on the sofa.

She sighed slightly...

She understood what Wang Liurun said.

If you are with Wang Junxian, you can't be a star.

If you are a star, you cannot enter the Wang family.

It's fine for now, but it won't be like this forever.

Wang Junxian is the future heir of the Wang family. He must get married, and his wife cannot always appear in public. The Wang family is low-key and obvious to all.

But Hua Zhi would be very reluctant to give up this career.

She is in the entertainment circle, not for money, but for high pay, because she is very rich.

She is doing it for her love and dedication to her work.

Even her agent, Sister Liu, customized her a development plan for the next five years.

Including cooperating with many foreign actors, starring in some series and so on.

But five years, can Wang Junxian wait for her for five years

Hua Zhi is 28, and Wang Junxian is one year older than Hua Zhi. Marriage and heirs, which are valued by wealthy families, are impossible to give her five years to squander.

But it is basically impossible to separate now, because the two are in love.

Especially after so many intimate actions, I can't wait to stick together.

Hua Zhi struggled for a long time, and finally sent a WeChat message to ask Wang Junxian.

"Will you not want me?"

Wang Junxian:

Hua Zhi: Will you not want me

Wang Junxian: No.

Hua Zhi: Then what if I don't want you anymore.

Wang Junxian: ...

Hua Zhi: Tell me, if I don't want you anymore, what will you do

Wang Junxian: If you don’t want it, then don’t, what else can I do.

After reading it, Hua Zhi felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

After Hua Sheng had dinner with Hua Lin, she was going back to Spring Breeze, but when Xie Dongyang called, she hurried to Xie Dongyang's villa.

He said, Hua Sheng, Xiaobai seems to be giving birth, and the nanny is not here yet, what should I do

When Hua Sheng heard that Xiaobai was going to give birth, he was also very nervous, so he got into a taxi and went.

Then the two looked at Xiaobai who was in labor in pain, and panicked a lot.

"Should I be sent to the hospital?" Xie Dongyang asked nervously.

"It seems too late. Look... the kitten's legs are almost coming out, but this is considered a dystocia. Isn't the head coming down first?" Hua Sheng pointed to Xiaobai's belly.

"Difficult childbirth, my god, will I die then?" Xie Dongyang was even more flustered.

Neither had any experience delivering cats and never knew where to start.

"Xie Dongyang, hurry up and find out how to deliver a cat online, and I'll help Xiaobai." Hua Sheng ran over to wash his hands and disinfected them, then put on disposable gloves, ready to show off.