Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 59: Throw a Hongmen banquet


"No need."

"Shengsheng, we are friends now, don't be polite to me, okay?"

"I'm not polite, Mr. Xie, please don't do this."

"Shengsheng, in fact, I still want to raise cats, and I want to ask you about your experience and experience in raising cats..."

Before he finished speaking, Hua Sheng's other end had already hung up.

In her opinion, Xie Dongyang is a very boring and childish person.

She really didn't want to waste her time talking to this idler.

But from Xie Dongyang's point of view, it was because Hua Sheng was angry, and he still cared about the escape from marriage.

That's why it's the attitude towards him.

After being shut down, he just received a call from his elder brother, saying he was going back to eat.

He drove directly back to Xie's house.

The Xie family has a family opportunity once a week, which is stipulated by Xie Yun, the head of the Xie family.

It is also because I am afraid that everyone will be alienated from the family relationship, so there is this family rule.

Xie Dongyao couldn't come back because he was still studying in Canada.

There are only the Xie family and his wife at home, as well as Xie Dongyang's elder brother, Xie Dongze.

And Xie Dongze's wife, Feng Yu.

Feng Yu is a classmate Xie Dongze met when he was studying abroad. He is of Chinese descent and his parents are both abroad.

Therefore, the relationship between family members is very simple, and it is also good for the two elders of the Xie family.

They have been married for several years, and their daughter Xie Ning is also five years old.

It is the heart of the second elder of the Xie family.

She is also Xie Dongyang's beloved little niece, who can be said to be the favorite of the Xie family.

As soon as Xie Dongyang walked in with the Ferrari key, his little niece rushed forward.

"Uncle, uncle hug."

The milky voice makes people's hearts melt when they hear it.

"Hey, my big treasure, it seems to be a little heavier." Xie Dongyang picked up his little niece with one hand.

"Mummy said that eating well can make you grow taller."

"Well, your mother is right, you should eat well and eat less snacks."

He was also very patient with this little niece.

"Dongyang is back." Feng Yu smiled.

"Sister-in-law." He nodded in greeting.

"Well, Mom just said that you don't know what you've been up to lately, and you can't see anyone."

"I'm just busy." He scratched his head.

"Uncle, are you still in love with that pretty aunt?"

"Shhh, don't lift any pot if it doesn't open, your grandpa will whip me if he hears about it."

"Are you also afraid?" Xie Dongze just walked over from behind, holding a tablet in his hand.

"You too, if you don't teach your children good words, what kind of nonsense are you teaching?" Xie Dongyang complained, and gave his elder brother a blank look.

Xie Dongyang smiled, "It's not my fault, it's not because you are always on lace news, Ning Ning often checks Weibo, reads the news, and saw your photos, you... If you want to keep a low profile, don't talk to celebrities in the entertainment circle Those who are in love are known to the whole world.”

"Don't worry, this time it's not in the circle." Xie Dongyang was a little proud.

"Is there a purpose?"

Xie Dongze and Feng Yu both looked over and looked at him.

"I'll talk to you later." He was mysterious.

Then the family began to eat, Xie Yun looked down on the second son because of the escape from marriage last time.

The two of them stayed away from each other for dinner.

Xie Ning likes the second uncle, and has been clinging to him, asking him to peel the shrimp for himself.

"Dongyang, while your father and I are still young, you should hurry up to start a family and have a baby, and we can help you take care of it... You see, Ning Ning is five years old in a flash." Mrs. Xie said of.

"Uncle, I want a younger brother to play with me." Xie Ning was able to say this, probably because of his grandma's indoctrination.

Xie Dongyang stretched out his hand and lightly flicked his niece's head.

"Oh, you little bastard, you've failed in school... dare to put pressure on your second uncle, you want a younger brother, let your parents give birth to you."

"Why are we involved again? You..." Xie Dongze was helpless, since he was a child, he really took the blame for his brother a lot.

And Xie Dongyang could also tell, what kind of family banquet is it today? It's clearly a Hongmen banquet.

Xie Yun stared at his son, and suddenly asked, "Have you been to the company recently?"