Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 667: Turn against each other


She said - a woman is weak, but a mother is strong.

At that moment, Jiang Liu was in tears. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you wouldn't feel how strong a willpower such a girl in her 20s possessed.

Along the way, how difficult the days of cancer treatment were, Hua Lin kept silent, never complained about the pain, and did not let her family worry.

Now, for the sake of the child, and for the sake of the child's chance of survival, she chooses to bear this great pain by herself, which is really heartbreaking.

But this is Hua Lin's own decision, no matter how everyone thinks it's inappropriate, I can't object.

In the end, Hua Lin stayed directly in the hospital. Hua Lin had a lot of money, enough to support her.

Bai Hao had to go to work, so Hua Sheng asked Hua Zhi to find two reliable nurses and aunts to take care of him in turn. After all, this was a protracted battle.

Bai Hao's parents are getting old and can't take care of their daughter-in-law. As for the Hua family couple, they can't even count on it.

Hua Lin's hospitalization alarmed the Hua family, and almost all of them came to visit except Hua Qing.

Without Hua Qing's instigation, Hua Feng's relationship with everyone has eased a lot. When he came to visit Hua Lin, he brought a lot of expensive health care products.

The Hua family couple also came to see their daughter, and their hearts were heavy.

On the way back, Hua Zhenyue took the initiative to say, "It doesn't matter how much money we both have at this age, whether we live or die, I don't think we should take our financial management, stocks and some retail properties. Give Xiaolin some, her husband's income is meager, she is sick, and there are too many things that need money."

Mrs. Hua was a little surprised, she didn't expect her husband to say that.

"If you agree, of course I have no problem. These children are the meat that fell from my stomach. I am in pain. I can't see Xiaolin's current state. I feel uncomfortable. You can think of this, it is not in vain. This father."

After the two couples discussed it, they secretly found a lawyer to transfer the property, and transferred things worth about 30 million yuan to Hua Lin and Bai Hao's husband and wife.

Mrs. Hua's attitude towards Bai Hao has completely changed since New Year's Eve.

Naturally, this matter must be kept from others, otherwise it will easily cause family conflicts.

When Bai Hao held these property transfer documents, he was a little confused, so he showed them to Hua Lin.

"Xiaolin, we still have money, how can I be embarrassed if my parents do this..."

"It's okay, just keep it, it's rare that my parents love me." Hua Lin smiled and didn't say much.

Huajia old house

In the deserted villa, Mrs. Hua and Hua Zhenyue sat at the dining table and had dinner. There were more than 20 dishes, each of which was delicious.

But both of them have no appetite, and too many things have happened recently.

Mrs. Hua glanced at the man across from her, thinking vaguely of when she was newly married.

The man's love and care for her.

At that time, when she was pregnant for the first time, that is, when she was pregnant with Huafeng, Hua Zhenyue was very nervous about her, and didn't even let her walk on the ground, but asked her to lie down.

At that time, she still thought that she was lucky to have found such a good husband.

Those who knew that decades later, they were about to be buried in the soil, but because of some mundane things, they turned against each other.

She gave birth to five children in her life, until Hua Sheng was born, Hua Zhenyue finally became impatient and became more and more indifferent to her.

In a wealthy family, a woman without a son has no status, no matter how powerful your mother clan is.

As long as there is no heir, he is a sinner, so Mrs. Hua is also very flattering to her husband.

Hua Zhenyue is not bad, he didn't make any troubles, but when his daughters grew up, he started to let himself go.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hua cried...

Hua Zhenyue was upset seeing her crying, so he got up to leave.

"Old Hua, you have been married for so many years, you tell me the truth today, otherwise I will die with regret. Tell me, have you ever really loved me in these years?" Mrs. Hua was very sad. At this time, she was not a wealthy lady. It's not a mother, it's not a grandmother, it's not the mistress of the Hua family, it's just a poor woman who has lost her love.